Chapter 199

   Ruan Tang tried to check the extra content in his mind.

   The more I look at it, the more strange it becomes.

   She has been an ordinary person for more than 20 years, and she has only heard about the exercises and so on in novels and film and television dramas.

   has never seen it before.

   Who would have known that she was able to see the so-called cultivation technique after she traveled once!

   Isn't it just made up to fool people?

   Ruan Tang was suspicious and checked carefully.

The exercise book that   008 helped her draw was called "Medicine is the Way". Just looking at the name, it didn't look like a exercise, but more like a fantasy novel that Ruan Tang had read when she was bored.

   But after reading the content, she found that this thing does look a lot like a practice method, but it's too fantastical.

  According to the introduction, this so-called "Medicine is the Way" is actually a medical practice, or inheritance.

   What makes Ruan Tang feel mysterious is that this exercise is actually practiced by treating people's illnesses.

   It is said that there are all kinds of heaven and earth vitality in this world, there is spiritual energy, there is evil energy, there is yin energy, there is disease energy, and so on.

   Among them, spiritual qi is good for most people, but evil qi, yin qi, sick qi, etc., will damage the body of most people and be harmful to people.

   For example, sickness can make people sick.

   And when a person is sick, there will be more sickness.

  Medical cultivators are a very special kind of cultivator. They have powerful medical skills and can also remove sickness from patients.

  Many medical practitioners like to treat patients because they can obtain the power of merit, and this so-called power of merit is very useful.

   can not only be used for cultivation, but also can be used to offset the sins of the body, and even to survive the catastrophe.

  Most of the medical practice methods are to absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth to practice.

  However, the book "Medicine is the Tao" that Ruan Tang selected was different. According to its own records, it was an excellent medical practice method that could be called heaven defying.

   can not only absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth to cultivate, but also refine all the vitality between heaven and earth.

   Even harmful things like suffocating qi, yin qi, and sick qi can be absorbed and refined, and transformed into spiritual qi.

   Such a powerful technique is naturally not something that everyone can learn.

  According to the introduction in the book, this set of exercises is very defying and very picky.

  To practice it, the first thing you need is a strong comprehension.

   Because there is a lot of content to learn in the whole set of exercises, and the practice of the whole set of exercises is also very difficult.

   Anyway, a little carelessness may result in disability or even loss of life, and if you are not savvy enough, you may get stuck on the bottleneck and have no further progress.

   In a word, it is a set of exercises that looks like a smashing sky, but it is actually very fatal to practice.

   So Ruan Tang instinctively did not believe it.

   The introduction in this book is also too powerful, it looks like a lie.

   And this exercise is very dangerous to practice, she doesn't want to risk her own life at all.

   This set of exercises is said to be able to absorb sick energy and convert it into spiritual energy.

   But in fact, how much disease energy can be absorbed and transformed depends on the talent and level of the cultivator.

   At the beginning, I could only transform a little bit, and I could lose my life at any time during the cultivation process.

   You can only practice it if you have a hole in your brain!

   Ruan Tang read the introduction at the front, and after watching the introduction to the practice for a while, she felt that her brain was hurting so badly, she quickly backed out and did not dare to continue reading.

   But 008 said enviously: [How is it? I didn't lie to you, did I? Your luck this time is too good to be envied. 】

   made Ruan Tang so depressed.

   (end of this chapter)

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