Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 319: The expression suddenly became extremely frightened

   Chapter 319 The expression instantly became extremely frightened

   The old man widened his eyes in horror and struggled, but his body could not move.

   could only watch helplessly as the wooden door slammed on him.

   With a loud bang, the old wooden door cracked and turned into pieces of slag.

   Ruan Tang stood at the door, watching this scene with some surprise.

   After a while, he said with emotion: "You surprised me."

   He didn't even know how to hide when he saw the wooden door slamming over. Is this person mentally ill or just too weak?

   She kicked the door just now, and although there was an element of venting her anger, she also wanted to take the opportunity to test this person's skills.

   She thought that the old thing would escape.

  Who knows, this man was sitting there smashing the wooden door.

   No, this person clearly stood up just now.

   He should have been trying to escape.

   But why, he suddenly sat back?

   What is the reason?

   Ruan Tang watched the thin and thin old man vigilantly and found that he was staring.

   His eyes were angry, accompanied by panic.

   This is interesting.

   He was actually scared.


   Ruan Tang looked at Xie Ci subconsciously.

   She is still very self-aware.

   She kicked the door just now and did nothing else.

   This old thing can't be afraid of her.

  So, what did Xie Ci do just now?

   So the old thing stands up and then sits down suddenly?

   But she didn't feel anything just now, and didn't notice that something was wrong.

  Is this the strength of a thank you speech?

   Or, is his real strength even stronger?

   Ruan Tang was suddenly eager to try again after a brief shock.

   As it turns out, the thank you speech is really strong.

   But she won't give up just like that. Sooner or later, she will beat him to the ground and let him kneel on the ground and call him Dad!

  When the time comes, if he dares to say, she is coveting his beauty!

   Thinking of this, Ruan Tang took a very honest look at Xie Ci's peerless face.

  Xie Ci seemed to notice it, and suddenly turned his head to look at her and smiled.

   Ruan Tang's face turned cold, and he instantly switched to a ruthless female boss.

   The words "I don't have feelings for my mother" are written all over her face.

   Who knows, Xie Ci laughed directly.

   Ruan Tang: "!!"

   She was so angry that she ignored the thank you and looked at the old thing in the room.

   With a flash of light in her eyes, she saw the causal thread wrapped around the old man's body.

   and countless lives died at his hands.

  Segments of pictures quickly passed in front of her eyes.

  Those pictures flashed quickly, but Ruan Tang saw them all.

   In the end, what she saw was a man who was shot in the head and fell to the ground.

   That man's face was very familiar, and it was the rascal who bullied Xu Zhizhi last time.

  After he fell, the picture disappeared.

   Ruan Tang suddenly realized that this person is not dead yet, but he is not far from death.

   Soon he will be shot.

   It's just how fast this is, she doesn't know yet.

   At this moment, the old thing in the room suddenly shouted: "Who the **** are you? I have no grievances with you, why did you come to me!"

   He said this, but his eyes kept flickering, which meant that his mood was not calm at this time.

   Ruan Tang thought of the pictures he saw just now, and deliberately said: "What have you done yourself, shouldn't you have forgotten it? There is a grievance and a debt. Since you have done it, you must pay the price!"

   As soon as these words came out, the old man seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and his expression instantly became extremely frightened: " are from Tianmen?"

   (end of this chapter)

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