Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 341: The fate of the old

   Chapter 341 The End of the Old Thing

   The old woman opened the door in a panic and ran out, not even daring to look back at the monster.

   So she didn't recognize it at all, the monster that terrified her was the husband she always thought was very powerful.

  The alley outside is full of debris.

  The old woman couldn't care less.

   She just wants to escape as fast as she can!

   That monster just now was so terrifying, if she didn’t escape, she would definitely be eaten by it!

  The old woman stepped on the debris on the ground and ran out in a panic, but suddenly felt flustered and short of breath, and she was very uncomfortable.

   Suddenly, her clothes were hooked by a bamboo pole.

The sudden pull of    made the old woman lose her balance instantly, and she fell to the ground with a bang.

   Coincidentally, there was a brick where she fell.


   The old woman's temple just hit the brick. She only felt darkness in front of her eyes, she lost all strength, and could only fall softly to the ground.

   Soon, blood gushed out from the wound.

  The weird thing is that the blood turned out to be a weird purple-red color, and it also gave off a faint stench, as if it had rotted.

   The old woman widened her eyes and was extremely panicked.

   She opened her mouth and wanted to shout "help", but no sound came out of her mouth.

   She desperately tried to ask for help, but blood suddenly gushed from her throat.

   Strangely, the blood tasted so strange, it was not only fishy, ​​but also had a disgusting sour smell, even bitter.

  The old woman is getting weaker and weaker, but she can't understand why her blood smells like this.

   Even if she has no culture, she knows that something is wrong.

   Her blood is not right.

  But why?

   What about the old man? Where has he gone? Why don't you come and save her?

   That's right, the monster that fell to the ground just now wore clothes that looked familiar, a bit like what the old man wore when she went out today.

  Thinking of this, the old woman instantly realized that something was wrong.

   She thought of a very terrifying possibility. The monster that fell to the ground was probably her husband!

   But it shouldn't be like this, the old man is so powerful, how could he become a monster?

   No, the old man was originally a monster. He had a lot of strange things in his hand, and if he accidentally touched it, he would be poisoned.

   But his blood can detoxify.

  In the past, every time she was accidentally poisoned, the old man would let her drink his blood.

   That blood tasted very strange, very different from ordinary blood.

  The old woman suddenly recalled something, and then she suddenly realized that she drank the blood of the old man, so her blood changed too.

   That monster must be an old man, but why did he become like this?

   Could it be... Is there really such a thing in this world?

  Are they doing ghosts?

   They are here for revenge?


   The old woman stared at her and wanted to ask for help, but she quickly fell into darkness.

   At that moment, her expression was terrified, her eyes were wide open, and one of her eyes seemed to fall out at any moment.

   This expression was completely fixed on her face.

   Not long after she died, the lingering old man swallowed his last breath.

   At the same time, Ruan Tang, who was far away in Shanhe Village, suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Qinghe Town.

   She faintly felt something, raised her eyebrows, and raised the corners of her mouth mockingly.

  Ahhhh, I made a typo, I corrected it. Guess why Ruan Tang laughed so much?

   (end of this chapter)

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