Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 375: Social I, Sister Ruan

  Chapter 375 Social I, Sister Ruan

   Ruan Tang rode a motorcycle and quickly came to the town.

  Because it took some time to braid the little dreadlocks, she didn't encounter any thank you words on the way.

  Thinking about it, he has already arrived in the town first, looking for Luo Xiangtian.

   Ruan Tang was inexplicably relieved, and then went to Wang Jinxue.

   She knew where Wang Jinxue worked and where he was in the dormitory, so she went straight to it.

   This time she went to find He Xiuqing, so she went directly to Wang Jinxue's dormitory.

   Just when she came to the door of the dormitory, she suddenly had a premonition that she could not find He Xiuqing here.

   But it won't be for nothing.

   So after a moment of hesitation, she went up.

  The motorcycle is parked under the dormitory building. After it is locked, there is no fear that someone will dare to steal it.

  At this time, all kinds of illegal and criminal actions are especially strict, and once caught, they will be severely punished.

  Although there are still people who dare to steal, but this is a dormitory building and it is broad daylight, so no one dares to be so arrogant.

   The motorcycle was very loud. When Ruan Tang came, many people heard the sound.

   Her dress is very strange, and she doesn't look like a serious person at first glance. When those people saw her, they were obviously a little afraid of her.

   Ruan Tang was arrogant and walked upstairs quickly.

  Wang Jinxue's dormitory is on the third floor. Her legs are long and she will arrive in no time.

  People on the third floor heard the movement, quietly opened the door, and peeked through the crack of the door.

   After seeing her dress, she immediately closed the door in fright, as if a devil had entered the village.

   Ruan Tang twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly, and continued to go to the dormitory where Chao Wang went to school.

   Who knows, just halfway, a child suddenly opened the door and came out, standing at the door looking at her curiously.

   Ruan Tang glanced at him and found that the child was very young, probably only three or four years old.

   He was too young and didn't understand many things. After seeing Ruan Tang, he wasn't as scared as adults, he was just curious.

   Ruan Tang glanced at him and thought that the child was quite cute, and then planned to leave.

   But at this moment, she suddenly saw a faint mildew around the child's head.

  Though the mildew was not much, it was almost sticking to his scalp.

  This means that he will soon be unlucky.

   But there is no death energy in the child, so this misfortune should not kill him.

   It was probably just a little injury.

   Ruan Tang thought of this, so she didn't plan to meddle in her own business.

   But looking at the child's cute appearance, she couldn't help but remind her: "Little brother, be careful recently, you know?"

  The child looked at her with a bewildered expression, obviously not knowing what she was talking about.

   At this moment, an old lady suddenly came out from behind the child. The man glared at her vigilantly, as if seeing a trafficker, and quickly pushed the child behind him to hide.

   Ruan Tang: "…"

   She was speechless, but thinking that the child is innocent after all, and that it is so small, even if it breaks a little, she will suffer, so she directly said to the old lady, "I have been optimistic about your grandson recently."

   As a result, when the old lady heard this, her face instantly became more ugly. She glared at Ruan Tang and asked dissatisfiedly, "Who are you? What nonsense are you talking about here!"

Ruan Tang frowned, glanced at the child hiding behind her, saw him sticking out his head, looked at him eagerly, but kindly reminded: "I'm here to find a man named Wang Jinxue, it has nothing to do with you, you remember When you see your grandson, don't let him have an accident."

   In order to maintain the character, Ruan Tang deliberately used spiritual power to change her voice, and her tone was particularly domineering.

   The next two chapters are still being written, and the update will be delayed.

   (end of this chapter)

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