Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 377: Something went wrong

   Chapter 377 Something went wrong

  Wang Jinxue was cowardly, but he still wanted to save face.

  Especially as a man, the most unbearable thing is that the woman you like is taken away by another man! It happened that Ruan Tang said it!

   Wang Jinxue's face turned blue with anger: "Sorry, I don't know you, please go out!"

   Ruan Tang still sat on the chair like a boss, without moving his butt, obviously he didn't take his words seriously.

   She continued: "You owe a lot of foreign debts for that thousand yuan, don't you plan to ask He Xiuqing to get it back?"

  Wang Jinxue's face changed, hesitation flashed in his heart for a moment, but he was quickly suppressed by him.

   He couldn't ask He Xiuqing for this money.

   That would be too embarrassing.

   So he said coldly: "This is my own business, and it has nothing to do with you. Please go out immediately, or I will call someone."

   "Then you shout, see if your voice breaks, will someone come to save you."

   Ruan Tang said this, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. Looking at Wang Jinxue's face again, it turned out to be extremely strange, and she looked like she was looking at a female hooligan.

   She hurriedly said, "I advise you to ask He Xiuqing for the thousand dollars back, or you will regret it for the rest of your life."

   When she was checking with her sky eyes just now, she just saw a picture.

  Wang Jinxue received a telegram from his hometown. His father was seriously ill and needed money for treatment.

   He has already borrowed so much money from people, and if he asks someone to borrow it, who would dare to lend him that much money?

   Ruan Tang gave Wang Jinxue a sympathetic look, stood up, and said slowly, "He Xiuqing and Ruan Yuting moved to the county seat, you can find them when you go to the county health center."

   After saying this, she ignored Wang Jinxue, turned around and left the dormitory.

   As soon as she walked out the door, she heard a "bang", something like glass shattered.

   Immediately after, there was a shrill cry.

   Listening to the voice is a child, and the direction the voice came from…

   It was the child she met earlier who was crying!

   Ruan Tang hurried over.

  Other people who heard the voice also came out of the dormitory.

   At this time, people are still more enthusiastic. Although they usually gossip a little and like to gossip, the relationship between the neighbors is also relatively good, and they are willing to help when things go wrong.

   is not as indifferent as later generations.

   Ruan Tang walked a few steps, and heard the old lady before calling for help in a panic.

   She subconsciously quickened her pace and walked over to take a look, only then did she understand what was going on.

  The hot water bottle fell to the ground, and the hot water splashed on the child, scalding him.

  Especially the feet are very hot.

   The weather is hot now, and the child is wearing a pair of sandals and slippers, with their toes and insteps exposed.

  The hot water splashed on it, and it burned immediately.

   He was too young and his skin was too tender, and the burns became particularly serious, and they were already red hot now.

   The child was crying so hard at the moment, and his grandmother was so panicked that she didn't know what to do.

   Ruan Tang couldn't see it, so he walked over and filled a basin with cold water, soaking the child's feet in it.

   When she received it, she deliberately added spiritual spring water to it, so that the effect would be better.

   Then she checked the other scalded areas on the child's body, rinsed it with cold water mixed with spiritual spring water, and treated him with spiritual power at the same time.

   The child found that the pain was gone, and gradually stopped crying, and looked at Ruan Tang with wet eyes.

   After watching for a while, he probably felt curious, and suddenly stretched out his small paw and touched Ruan Tang's mask.

   finally finished~

   (end of this chapter)

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