Chapter 384 Three Days

   Ruan Tang looked at the two white rabbits, his eyes lit up.

   These two rabbits are one male and one female, which means they can have cubs in the future!

   Rabbits can have a lot of babies in one litter, as long as they are raised, there will be a steady stream of rabbits to eat in the future!

   They are next to the mountain, and there are not many other mountains on the mountain, but there are many wild grasses.

   There is still a lot of food in her space.

   is not afraid of not being able to raise rabbits.

   Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian were also very excited when they saw the two rabbits.

   The two brothers were big boys, so they went directly with Ruan Tangxiang.

   "Sister Tangtang, let's raise rabbits!"

   "Yes, Sister Tangtang, raise the rabbits and let them have cubs!"

   "When Dad comes back, I'll make him a cage!"

   "Yes, yes, Dad can make a cage, and we will feed the rabbits every day in the future!"

   Ruan Tang agreed with a smile when she saw that they were so attentive.

   It happened that she was going to practice and had no time to feed the rabbits.

   Not long after, Ruan Aihua came back in a pickup truck.

   As Xie Ci expected, he really brought the bike back.

   The mint green bicycle is too small and fresh. After seeing it, Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian were excited again.

  Xu Zhizhi liked it even more after seeing it.

  Girls are always helpless when it comes to pretty things.

   The bicycle was specially bought by Ruan Aihua for Ruan Tang and Tang Hongxiu, so that they could use it when they went out.

   He asked Ruan Tang expectantly, "Tang Tang, do you like this car?"

   Ruan Tang smiled particularly sweetly: "Well, I like it very much, thank you Dad."

  's expression was very sincere, as if the car was not drawn by her lottery.

   Ruan Aihua was immediately excited when she heard that she liked it: "As soon as I saw this car, I thought it was very suitable for you, so I bought it."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but sigh: "It's mainly because of luck, Mr. Luo got this car from a big city. Someone wanted it, and he took the time to get it. Who knows that person won't want it again. I saw that the car was very good-looking, so I bought it, otherwise I wouldn't be able to buy it outside."

   Ruan Tang couldn't help but glance at Xie Ci when he heard this.

   Finally, Jiang Chunshui said: "Okay, don't patronize the car, let's have dinner!"

   The family had to eat first.

   Ruan Aihua and the others came back after they had eaten, and they were not hungry.

   But the stewed duck soup was so fragrant, Tang Hongxiu specially distributed a bowl to each of them.

   A few people thought it was a bit of a waste, but they couldn't help but eat it.

   As a result, I squinted my eyes after just one bite. The taste is so good!

   Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

   In the past three days, Ruan Tang did not go anywhere except to hand over some supplies to Xie Ci.

   Just stay at home and practice honestly.

   She borrowed medical books from Dr. Zhou and took them home to read. Dr. Zhou thought she was a good seedling, and he did not refuse for fear of delaying her.

   If it was someone else, he would not agree. Those medical books are all his lifeblood, and he is reluctant to touch them even if others touch them.

   Ruan Tang was able to borrow medical books from Dr. Zhou and take them home to read.

   After cultivating for three days in a row, Ruan Tang failed to save much spiritual power.

  Because every time she cultivates spiritual power, she uses spiritual power to temper her body.

   This kind of tempering is lossy, so after three days, the spiritual power in Ruan Tang's dantian is still pitiful.

   But she is not without gain.

   After three days of tempering, she finally reached the first level of Body Refinement and completed the previous main quest.

   100 more points in hand.

   Not only that, she found that after reaching the first level of body training, her strength has improved a lot.

   She plans to go to the county.

   (end of this chapter)

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