Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 387: dig a hole for her

   Chapter 387 Dig a hole for her

   "He Xiuqing, do you want me to tell the origin of that jade pendant?"

   Ruan Tang knew that He Xiuqing would definitely not admit it, so she deliberately frightened her.

   Then she deliberately said, "One thousand dollars is a lot, don't be too greedy. Didn't you just say you wanted to help him? Then sell me the piece of jade in your hand."

  He Xiuqing naturally refused.

   But when she heard Ruan Tang's threat, she dared not continue to refute.

  For fear that Ruan Tang really knew her details, she said it all at once.

   So she struggled for a while and said, "Sorry, I used to have a piece of jade, but I lost it long ago, and it's not in my hands now."

   Ruan Tang glanced at Zhao Guangyuan, but did not really tell the details of He Xiuqing.

   Zhao Guangyuan is not a good person, and He Xiuqing is also not a good person.

   She was looking forward to the two of them hurting each other, not to harm others.

  So although she knew that He Xiuqing was lying, she did not expose her, but said, "Is it lost?

   That's not so good. I think you have a good figure and look good. I just need to take some pictures. Why don't you come and be me as a model? "

   He Xiuqing was shocked when she heard the words, and couldn't help but feel a little moved: "Ah? Take... take a photo? I don't know, what kind of photo was taken?"

   Ruan Tang said casually: "It's just like the one in the pictorial. It's very simple to wear some beautiful dresses to take pictures and show some arms and legs."

  008: […] It sounds like the truth.

  He Xiuqing hesitated a bit: "Also... I still have to show my arms and legs..."

   She wanted to take pictures, and she didn't mind showing her arms and legs.

   But now the times are special, she has Zhao Guangyuan beside her, so she has to be more reserved.

  Otherwise, what if someone puts on a slutty high hat?

   Just when He Xiuqing was hesitating, Zhao Guangyuan suddenly refused coldly: "You don't need to take pictures, she doesn't need it."

   Ruan Tang dressed up too much like a social sister, and even covered her face tightly, no matter how she looked, she didn't look like a serious person.

   Zhao Guangyuan had heard a lot of things, but he always felt that she was eyeing He Xiuqing and deliberately deceived her.

   So I refused directly.

   A piece of jade dares to charge a thousand yuan for a piece of jade, what kind of jade is so expensive?

  What is jade, not just a stone, this thing is worthless now!

   Ruan Tang guessed that he would refuse, and she deliberately said, "Who are you? Why help her refuse? Isn't she short of money? As long as you promise to take pictures for me, I'm willing to pay a dollar for a photo."

   He Xiuqing couldn't help but feel a little moved when he heard the price.

  She is a teacher, and her monthly salary is only ten yuan.

   Take a photo, and there is a dollar for one!

   Then if she took 100 pictures, wouldn't she earn 100 yuan?

   However, when Zhao Guangyuan heard Ruan Tang's high price, he thought she was a liar.

   So he said, "Who said she was short of money? I'll help her out this thousand dollars! She doesn't take pictures, so let's go!"

   Ruan Tang relented: "When you say helping her, you're helping her? How do I know if you're lying? Do you know how difficult it is for me to find a model? She looks so good, what's wrong with taking some pictures?"

   When Zhao Guangyuan heard this, he looked at Ruan Tang like a hooligan.

   He quickly said: "I'll take her back to get the money now, you better hurry up and find someone else, she won't shoot!"

After   , Zhao Guangyuan quickly dragged He Xiuqing and ran away.

   As soon as they left, Wang Jinxue looked at Ruan Tang in shock: ""

   Ruan Tang interrupted him: "You are here to guard, her daughter is still wishing, she will come back sooner or later!"

After   , she planned to visit the cheap brother.

   (end of this chapter)

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