Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 487: The person Sun Ximei is looking for

   Chapter 487 The person Sun Ximei is looking for

  Wang Zhaodi was already dizzy with hunger.

   She looked at the thatched hut not far ahead and couldn't help but be full of suspicion.

  This thatched hut is not imposing at all. It is inferior to the Wang family's house. What kind of powerful people can live in it?

Can someone like    really help them?

  Wang Zhaodi couldn't believe it at all, and even suspected that Sun Ximei was deceived!

  Unexpectedly, at this moment, someone suddenly came out of the house.

   The man was wearing a straw hat and couldn't see his face, but he could only tell that it was a woman, and looking at his clothes, he seemed to be a female educated youth.

   Strangely, the man kept his head down when he came out, and pulled down the brim of his hat to cover his face.

   And as soon as she came out, she turned around and went the other way.

   walked in a hurry, and soon walked away, as if running for his life, looking a little sneaky.

  Wang Zhaodi couldn't help but wonder, who is this woman? Did she also come here to ask for help?

   That doesn't need to be sneaky, isn't it shameful?

  Wang Zhaodi looked suspiciously at the back of the man leaving, but heard Sun Ximei say: "Don't look, help me in."

  Wang Zhaodi looked at the thatched hut not far away with some vigilance, and couldn't help asking: "Mom, if you let me help you in, you have to tell me who lives in it?"

  Sun Ximei pursed her lips, as if she had some concerns, and refused to say: "Don't ask more, in short, you will know when you go in. If you ask again, don't go in, just stay outside and wait for me."

  Wang Zhaodi couldn't help tangled when she heard this.

   She was very curious about who lived in the house, but she didn't know why, when she looked at the thatched hut, she always felt that it was very gloomy.

   So she hesitated for a while and then said, "Then I'll wait for you outside."

   After she said that, she thought for a while, and then asked hastily, "How long will it take you to come out?"

  Sun Ximei seemed to be relieved: "Then I'll go in alone, you wait outside, don't run around. It's hard to say how long it will take to get out, but I'll do it as soon as possible."

   After she finished speaking, she strode towards the thatched hut in front of her. After only two steps, she felt a stomach ache, and her eyes turned black, so she had to stop, holding her stomach and moving forward step by step.

   After walking for a while, we finally reached the door of the thatched hut.

  Sun Ximei looked at the closed door, and suddenly became nervous, took a deep breath before walking forward, raised her hand and knocked on the door: "Aunt Wu, I have something to do with you, can you let me in?"

   After waiting for a while, an old hoarse voice came from the room: "Go away, I can't help you."

Sun Ximei suddenly panicked, crying and shouting: "Aunt Wu, I beg you, just do it and help me, I'm really desperate! I understand the rules, as long as you are willing to help me with this. , let me do anything!"

   She cried miserably, and the people inside didn't know whether they felt sorry for her or despised her for being noisy. After she cried for a while, the people inside finally sighed, "Forget it, come in first."

   As soon as the voice fell, the sound of the wooden bolt opening came from the room.

   Then there was a creak, and the old wooden door opened a crack.

  Sun Ximei immediately pushed open the door and walked in.

   But strangely, there was no one behind the door.

  Sun Ximei walked in and saw an old woman sitting in a dark corner.

   Her hair was gray and her face was wrinkled, looking a bit like an old witch in a fairy tale.

  Sun Ximei was also startled when she saw her, but when she remembered the purpose of this place, she quickly calmed down again.

   (end of this chapter)

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