Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 517: she's dying

   Chapter 517 She is dying

   Ruan Tang and Xie Ci soon came to Wang's house.

   However, before they got close, they could smell the stench coming from the Wang's house.

   Ruan Tang almost vomited, the smell was really disgusting.

   Corruption is also mixed with the smell of death.

   Ruan Tang couldn't help narrowing his eyes and stopped outside Wang's house.

   She doesn't plan to go in.

  Because she smelled the smell inside, she knew that Sun Ximei would not survive this time.

   At this time, there is no need to go in and see.

   But Ruan Tang thought about it, secretly released 008, and commanded by voice transmission: "Xiaohua, go in and see what's going on in the Wang family?"

   Today is busy with farming and there are many people. If 008 is running around in the fields, it will be very noticeable.

   Ruan Tang let it enter the system space, preventing it from continuing to wave outside.

  008 I've gotten used to the waves recently, and I'm a little wild.

   is now suddenly locked in the system space, it is very uncomfortable.

   So as soon as it came out, it took a deep breath.

   Then he was smoked into mosquito coil eyes and almost crashed.

   It didn't feel alive again until after turning off its sense of smell.

   As soon as he recovered, 008 complained dissatisfiedly to Ruan Tang: [You didn't remind me just now, I almost crashed! 】

   Ruan Tang couldn't help feeling a little guilty, and she immediately said, "Can you blame me? How did I know you were so useless!"

   After a pause, she urged again: "Come in quickly and help me find out what's going on!"

  【Humph, you wait for me! 】

  008 glared at Ruan Tang angrily, and then ran into the Wang's house.

   Ruan Tang waited for 008 to return the news.

  Unexpectedly, at this moment, the system panel suddenly opened automatically, and a picture was played on the panel.

   Ruan Tang was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that this was the live broadcast from 008!

   She instantly realized that 008 was doing something.

   Just now she asked 008 to go to Wang's house to help her watch it, but she didn't let it broadcast live!

  008 is clearly taking revenge!

   Ruan Tang gritted his teeth angrily, and simply walked over by himself.

   But not in the past.

   She didn't forget that this kind of live broadcast is charged according to the time!

  008 deliberately took revenge this time, and knew that he would not be polite to her.

   So Ruan Tang went in decisively.

   As soon as she entered the Wang family's courtyard, she saw the Wang family standing in the courtyard with their noses covered, their eyes fixed on a room.

   Come to think of it, Sun Ximei should be inside.

   Ruan Tang also found that even Wang Zhaodi was not in the yard.

   Is it accompanying Sun Ximei inside?

   I don't know how Sun Ximei is now.

   Ruan Tang was curious when she saw Sun Ximei and Wang Zhaodi appear on the screen.

  I want to know that 008 did it.

   Ruan Tang couldn't help feeling a little complicated.

  008 Although he deliberately tricked her, he actually remembered to go to Sun Ximei, which shows that he still remembers the business.

   Ruan Tang watched the live broadcast on the screen and soon found that Sun Ximei and Wang Zhaodi were talking.

   She looked at Sun Ximei's blue-grey face and knew that she really didn't live long.

  Sun Ximei was already covered with a strong sense of death, so it's no wonder she survived.

  What is she saying to Wang Zhaodi?

   As soon as Ruan Tang thought of this, he heard Sun Ximei's voice.

   Her voice was very hoarse and weak, and it sounded like she had been ill for a long time and had not drank water for several days.

I saw that Sun Ximei was holding Wang Zhaodi tightly and said with difficulty: " listen...your sister she...she is still must find must find her...don't...don't... Let her be know?"

   (end of this chapter)

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