Chapter 519 Birthmark

  Wang Zhaodi looked at Sun Ximei, but she still didn't say what she said in her heart.

   She could see that Sun Ximei was returning to the light.

   So instead of saying those useless ones, it's better to ask Erya more!

  Perhaps his heart had died long ago, but Wang Zhaodi was extraordinarily calm at this time.

She looked at Sun Ximei, her tone even a little indifferent: "What else do you want to say, let's talk about it together. You asked me to find Erya, but where am I going to find her? Even if I find it, why should she believe me? Is it her sister? She was born to you, do you remember, does she have any birthmarks on her?"

  Sun Ximei is indeed returning to the light, she is actually a little awake at this time.

   There is no way to think carefully.

   So when Wang Zhaodi asked, she said directly: "Yes, there is a black birthmark on the inner side of her right thigh!"

  Wang Zhaodi hurriedly asked, "What shape?"

   " seems to be in the shape of a leaf, I can't remember exactly."

   After Sun Ximei said this sentence, the whole person's energy suddenly weakened.

She widened her eyes, as if using her last strength to say, "Zhao Di, must find...two...ya...protect...protect...she...sue...tell her. . . . Mom didn't mean to... deliberately wanted to..."

   When she said this, the last bit of strength was exhausted, and the rest of the words could not be said.

   Even if he tried his best to open his mouth, no sound came out of his mouth.

   In the end, she grabbed Wang Zhaodi and swallowed her last breath with her eyes wide open.

   His hands also drooped down softly.

  Wang Zhaodi looked at her dead state, her eyes flashed.

  Speaking of which, Sun Ximei's current appearance is really scary.

   Her complexion was so bad that it turned into the blue and white that only dead people have.

   After the round eyes, which were not good-looking at all, gave people a ferocious feeling.

   Especially, she is still very embarrassed.

   There was blood all over the lower part of the waist, as if the blood all over the body was drained clean.

   is scary to look at.

  Because of the live broadcast of 008, Ruan Tang clearly saw Sun Ximei's death and couldn't help frowning.

   Of course she doesn't like Sun Ximei, but Sun Ximei's way of dying really scared her a bit.

   So she forcibly turned off the screen and put away the system panel.

   Then he turned around, looked straight at Xie Ci, and washed his eyes with all his might.

  Thank you: "…"

   He raised his eyebrows, and suddenly asked with a wicked smile: "You look at me like that, could it be possible... what are your thoughts on me?"

   Ruan Tang was so frightened that he quickly turned his eyes away, looked at the green leaves, and exhaled a long breath: "Go back, don't look at it, the smell here is too stinky."

  Xieci nodded, didn't tease her anymore, but hooked his lips sarcastically: "She is seeking her own death."

   It was no wonder that it smelled so bad.

   Ruan Tang didn't say anything, she actually noticed something was wrong with Sun Ximei.

   The stench from the house is very unusual, in addition to death, there is also the smell of magic.

   She didn't know how she knew, anyway, something popped up in her mind after smelling the stench earlier.

   Now that Sun Ximei is dead, there is really no need to stay here and suffer.

   However, Sun Ximei has fallen into sorcery, so this matter has to be checked carefully.

   The two were about to leave when they saw Ruan Aihua coming in a pickup truck.

  The village chief Chen Xianjin was also in the car.

   (end of this chapter)

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