Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 526: The secret of the red rope

   Chapter 526 The Secret of the Red Rope

   Ruan Tang has never been to Li Chunlan's house.

   But it couldn't stop her.

  There are only a few rooms in the Wang family. She opened her eyes and found Li Chunlan's room.

   And after opening her eyes, she clearly saw that the atmosphere in Li Chunlan's room was very wrong.

   So she quickly opened the latch and went in.

  There are no candles in the room, and the light is quite dim.

   But this is still difficult for Ruan Tang. After practicing, her eyesight has improved a lot, especially at night.

   Ruan Tang quietly came to the bed.

  The simple wooden bed was covered with a cool mat, and Li Chunlan and her man Wang Deshun slept alone.

   Probably because the weather was too hot, the two of them were not next to each other, but were separated from each other.

   That is, Wang Deshun only wears a pair of big pants, and has some hot eyes.

   Ruan Tang stared at Li Chunlan.

   She was wearing a cotton vest and shorts, covering all the places that should be covered.

   is the red rope on the wrist, which is particularly eye-catching.

   Li Chunlan's appearance is not bad, although she is not as good as He Xiuqing, but she has fair skin, plump figure and delicate appearance. She is definitely a beautiful woman in the village.

   Otherwise, Wang Deshun could not be fascinated.

   It is precisely because of the white skin that the red rope is particularly conspicuous.

   Ruan Tang looked at the red rope and saw that it was bright red with a white bead on it.

   However, after opening the eyes of the sky, the bright red string immediately turned dark red.

   And the flawless white bead, also turned gray.

   Ruan Tang even smelled a disgusting stench!

   She frowned in disgust, looking at the red rope that had changed color, something came to her mind instantly.

   The red rope was clearly dyed with blood, or it was rotten blood.

  There are also beads on the top that look like clam shells, but they are actually human bones.

   It's just that some people have used means to cover up their true appearance, so ordinary people will only see bright red strings and white beads, and even think they are very beautiful.

   Li Chunlan would grab the red rope, apparently bewitched by it.

   Moreover, this red rope has been absorbing her life force and transferring it to the caster.

   Those villagers said that Li Chunlan stole Wang Zhaodi's red rope, and that the red rope was specially requested by Sun Ximei to keep Wang Zhaodi safe.

   Now it seems that this red rope is not only not safe, but it is still fatal.

   The question is, do Sun Ximei and Wang Zhaodi know?

   Ruan Tang looked at the red rope with disgust, and quickly pinched the Dao Lingjue.

   That spiritual art fell on the red rope and instantly turned into a flame the size of a bean, igniting the red rope.

   It seemed to be stimulated, and suddenly burst out with a lot of Yin evil energy, turned into a distorted face, opened its mouth and rushed towards Ruan Tang.

   Ruan Tang smiled coldly, raised his hand to grab it, grabbed the face in his hand, quickly rubbed it into a ball, and absorbed and refined it.

   Without the protection of those evil spirits, the remaining red rope and white beads quickly burned into black ashes.

   At the same time, in an ordinary-looking hut, a woman was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.

   This thatched hut is exactly where Sun Ximei met her fifth aunt.

   Strangely, there was no old woman from that day in the room, only a woman who looked to be in her fifties.

  If Sun Ximei was here, she would be very surprised to see this woman.

   Because when she came to see Aunt Wu more than ten years ago, Aunt Wu looked like this.

   But the fifth aunt whom Sun Ximei saw not long ago, is clearly an old woman with a wrinkled face!

  Suddenly, the woman who was sleeping in the room sat up suddenly, clutching her heart in pain, and vomited a large mouthful of blood with a "poof".

   (end of this chapter)

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