Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 536: I want to exchange her for a dowry

   Chapter 536 I want to exchange her for the bride price

After    Ruan Tang asked 008 to stare at Wang Zhaodi, he was busy again.

   She has only been cultivating for a long time, so she has to continue cultivating.

  The strength of the sorcerer behind Sun Ximei is unknown. Now that she has taken over the task of getting rid of the sorcerer, she must face him.

  If that person is stronger than her, she will definitely suffer at that time.

   Ruan Tang is not a person who likes to suffer losses, so she decided to make a decision and then move, practise first, and improve her strength.

  Wang Zhaodi soon made a move.

  The incident happened three days after the Sun's family trouble.

   008, who had been hiding from Ruan Tang, suddenly appeared in front of her: [I heard a piece of news. 】

   Ruan Tang glanced at it and ignored it.

  008 went on to say: [Wang Debao wants to marry Widow Liu. 】

   Ruan Tang heard this and looked at 008 again: "Are you sure?"

  008 nodded and said solemnly: [I installed a monitor at Wang's house, and I captured it. 】

   Ruan Tang was taken aback for a moment.

   She thought that 008 had asked her younger brother to monitor, but who knew it was actually using a monitor!

   "What have you photographed?"

  【Do you want to see it? The Wang family has been very lively recently. 】

   Ruan Tang shook his head decisively: "Forget it, just tell me directly."

  She has already seen the liveliness of the Wang family once, and really doesn't want to see it a second time.

   It is nothing more than that the best family is bullying Wang Zhaodi again, and then Wang Zhaodi has become more and more black.

   What's so good about this liveliness?

   Even if she doesn't like Wang Zhaodi, she's not perverted enough to like watching Wang Zhaodi being abused by the top gang of the Wang family.

   So just listen to the main points.

  008 said quickly: [Then I said it. Wang Debao wanted to marry Widow Liu, but he couldn't come up with a betrothal gift, so he planned to marry Wang Zhaodi. 】

   Ruan Tang understood in seconds: "So, Wang Debao wants to sell Wang Zhaodi for a betrothal gift?"

  008 nodded his head: [That's right. 】

   "He figured it out." Ruan Tang sneered disdainfully, and then said, "Wang Zhaodi will definitely not sit still, perhaps, she will soon find the sorcerer."

   That way, she just needs to watch.

   "Keep watching, if she goes looking for that person, notify me immediately!"

  008 agreed very well: [Okay, this is all up to me! 】

  Wang Zhaodi really didn't want to sit still, and she quickly moved.

   Ruan Tang kept 008 staring at Wang Zhaodi, so when Wang Zhaodi moved, she immediately got the news.

   As soon as he got the news, Ruan Tang rushed over without hesitation.

   In order not to let Wang Zhaodi find out, she also used an invisibility charm.

   This invisibility charm was drawn by a lottery recently. She felt that it could play a big role at a critical time, so she kept it and was reluctant to use it.

   This time, in order to follow Wang Zhaodi, he had to use it.

   However, when Ruan Tang drew the Invisibility Talisman, he took a picture of the rune on it with his mobile phone.

   also secretly practiced several times.

  Unfortunately, just having runes is useless, because this kind of magic talisman needs to be drawn with special talisman paper, stylus pen and talisman ink, and it is drawn with ordinary strokes, but it has only its shape and has no practical use.

  Because you want to turn it into a magic rune, you have to arouse the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and seal it in the rune.

   Ordinary paper and pen can't carry the spiritual energy of heaven and earth at all, and even if it is activated, it will directly self-destruct.

   It is impossible to form a magic talisman.

   So even if Ruan Tang can draw runes, she can't make invisibility charms now.

  Because she had no talisman paper, pens and talismans in her hands.

   (end of this chapter)

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