Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 558: She might really be a big girl

   Chapter 558 She may really be a big lady

   When Ruan Tang returned to Shanhe Village, it was still early.

  When she was on the road, she changed her clothes very carefully, and even changed her hat.

   In case someone in Heishan Village remembers her, accidentally missed the stuffing and caused trouble.

   After arriving at Shanhe Village, 008, who had been hiding in the system space, ran out immediately.

   It is used to staying outside now, and it gets suffocated after a while in the system space.

   It seems to be venting its dissatisfaction with being locked in the system space, and after it came out, it ran wildly for several laps.

   Then it suddenly realized that Ruan Tang's mood seemed not quite right.

  008 hesitated for a while, then ran to Ruan Tang with a flick of his tail, and asked her through sound transmission: [What's wrong with you? Doesn't look like you're too happy? Didn't I give you all the points and gold coins? 】

   Ruan Tang frowned and glanced at it.

She didn't want to say it at first, but looking at 008's silly look and her blue eyes, she still said it: "I just think it's a little strange, there are some things I obviously shouldn't know, But it seems like it was born."

   Ruan Tang said here, suddenly narrowed his eyes and stared at 008: "Did you do something to me when you brought me here?"

  008 Instantly had a strong desire to survive, and directly denied Sanlian: [I didn't, it wasn't me, I didn't do anything! 】

   After he finished speaking, he remembered how Ruan Tang had crushed the fifth aunt in Heishan Village before, and he was a little cowardly: [This kind of thing is definitely not what I did, why don't you think about it again? Maybe you really will? 】

   Ruan Tang rubbed his smooth chin suspiciously: "I really can? How is it possible? I don't have these memories at all."

  [This...] 008 quickly considered his words and said in a professional tone, [If you are sure that your memories are all right, then these may be memories of your previous life.

  According to our research, memory will be stored in genes and soul. When reincarnated, the memory of the previous life will be sealed, but if you are strong enough, you may awaken the memory of the previous life and awaken the genetic memory in the gene.

   Well, some worlds call this genetic memory in genes, also known as blood inheritance. Have you read fantasy novels? Then you should have heard of it. 】

   Ruan Tang listened to it more and more, and it became more and more mysterious. It was all about novels. How could he dare to believe it?

   It's just that she recalled a few times that she was wrong, and she felt faintly that there might be some special memory hidden in her.

   The question is, is this memory really hers?

   If yes, when is the memory?

  008 and Xie Ci once said that she was the original owner.

   If this is true, then after her death, she was reincarnated into the twenty-first century.

   No, in that spicy chicken novel, the vicious female partner [Ruan Tang] probably died when Ruan Yuting was twenty-five years old.

   Ruan Yuting was twenty-five years old in 1985.

   She was born in 1990, five years later.

   Where has she been in the past five years?

   Is it waiting in line for reincarnation?

   Also, if those memories were really hers, when did they happen?

Is    the vicious female partner [Ruan Tang], or did she have another life besides that?

   If so, what was her identity in that lifetime? Why so many things?

   And it seems to be very powerful.

   Could it be that she was once really a big lady?

   Ruan Tang felt more and more strange the more she thought about it, so she simply stopped thinking about it.

   That’s all, let’s take a step by step.

   One day, she'll figure out what's going on!

   (end of this chapter)

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