Chapter 561 Ji Wanying 2

  Ji Wanying also loves beauty. She has been holding back and kept the scars on her body. She just wants to wait until the day when the scars completely fade away.

   Her scars are so scary that you can never forget them just by looking at them.

  If people see her scars, even if her scars disappear completely in the future, no one will forget her ugly appearance with scars all over her body.

   It's just that today is the day she and Ruan Aizhou "married", so she must go out to meet people.

   The scars on the body can be covered by wearing long clothes and trousers.

   But scars on the face and neck are a bit more difficult to deal with.

   Although the scars on her face and neck have subsided a lot, they are still very obvious, and it is impossible to see people without covering them.

   Because of this, Ji Wanying was always in a dilemma.

   But she was very grateful to Jiang Chunshui for taking care of him over the years, so when Jiang Chunshui proposed to set the wine, she did not object.

   She didn't want Jiang Chunshui to be embarrassed.

   So all day she was hiding in the room trying to cover up the scar.

   Ruan Tang saw her entanglement early in the morning, so she was ready early in the morning.

   Ruan's family didn't let her help in the kitchen that day, so she took the prepared things and knocked on Ji Wanying's room.

  Ji Wanying kept the door locked and struggled for a long time without completely hiding the scars on her face and neck.

   But when she heard that Ruan Tang was about to come in, she still opened the door for her.

   When she opened the door, she also wore a mask, for fear of being seen by outsiders.

   As soon as Ruan Tang walked in, Ji Wanying carefully locked the door again, and asked her curiously, "Tangtang, what's the matter with you coming to me?"

   "Well, I'll help you." Ruan Tang said casually, looking at the mask on her face, "You take off the mask, let me see."

   When Ji Wanying heard this, she just hesitated for a moment, then took off her mask very simply.

   The scars on her body were improved only by using the scar cream given by Ruan Tang, and there was nothing that Ruan Tang dared to see.

   "Well, it seems that the effect is not bad, you can continue to use it."

   After Ruan Tang finished speaking, he opened the small box in his hand, revealing the cosmetics inside: "I'll help you with makeup and cover the scar on your face."

   Ji Wanying actually had makeup on her face. She had been tossing about this before, just to try to cover those scars as much as possible.

   It’s just that the cosmetics in her hands are very limited, and she asked Ruan Aizhou to help her buy them.

   In a small place like them, there are too few types of cosmetics, and a big man in Ruan Aizhou does not understand these things, and the things he buys are not very useful.

   Ji Wanying tossed it for a long time, but the effect was still very mediocre.

   She was stunned when she saw what Ruan Tang brought, because there were so many types of cosmetics in it!

   She used to be the young lady of the landowner's house and had seen many cosmetics.

   But even so, she still felt that there were many cosmetics in this box that she did not know.

   She was surprised when she heard Ruan Tang say, "Sit down first, close your eyes, I'll remove the makeup on your face for you, and I'll paint it again for you."

   Ji Wanying hurriedly sat down and couldn't help but thank you: "Tangtang, thank you so much."

   She now trusts Ruan Tang very much, and even thinks that Ruan Tang's personal shot might actually cover the scars on her face!

   "It's okay, you don't have to be so polite to me."

   Ruan Tang said, pouring the makeup remover on the cotton pad to help Ji Wanying remove her makeup.

   Ji Wanying doesn't have much makeup in her hands, so it's very easy to remove makeup, just wipe it off.

   Ruan Tang looked at her trembling eyes and decided to surprise her.

   (end of this chapter)

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