Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 578: Do you want to marry Ruan Tang?

   Chapter 578 Do you want to marry Ruan Tang?

  Wang Zhaodi lay on the bed and hated Ruan Tang again.

   She always felt that if Ruan Tang hadn't stopped Ruan Mingcheng that day, Ruan Mingcheng would have followed him back to Wang's house to propose a marriage.

  The conditions of the Ruan family are better than those of the Wang family. Not to mention that Ruan Tang has a particularly beautiful bicycle, Ruan Aihua has already driven a small truck!

   With the conditions of the Ruan family, he would definitely be able to afford the betrothal gift.

   As long as it doesn't take long, she will be able to marry Ruan Mingcheng.

   But, all this was ruined by that **** Ruan Tang!

   Ruan Tang must have done it on purpose, she just didn't want Ruan Mingcheng to marry her, so she stopped Ruan Mingcheng and prevented him from coming to propose.

   Surely so!

   No, she has to think of something, she can't sit still.

   That's right, Wang Fugui!

   She can ask Wang Fugui to help!

   Speaking of which, she remembered that Wang Fugui seemed to have a crush on Ruan Tang, and told her that Ruan Tang was getting better and better.

   As long as she uses Ruan Tang as bait and promises Wang Fugui that she will marry Ruan Tang to him in the future, he will definitely help.

  Wang Zhaodi gets more and more beautiful the more she thinks about it.

   After thinking about the whole plan, she began to wait.

   However, a day passed, and Wang Fugui did not come to see her.

   Two days passed, and Wang Fugui still did not come.

  Wang Zhaodi waited left and right, and soon became impatient.

   Finally, on the fourth day, Wang Fugui came again.

   Like a little devil, he walked over to Wang Zhaodi triumphantly, intending to tell her that Wang Debao had already found someone for her and was negotiating terms with that person.

   As long as the negotiation is done, Wang Zhaodi will be married.

  Wan Fugui looked down at Wang Zhaodi and asked triumphantly, "Wang Zhaodi, do you know what I'm here for?"

  Wang Zhaodi did not know of course.

   As soon as she saw Wang Fugui, it was like seeing a life-saving straw, and she quickly said, "Wang Fugui, do you like Ruan Tang?"

  Wang Fugui blushed instantly when he heard this, and was a little shy: "You... how do you know? Who told you?"

   "I guess." Wang Zhaodi said casually, and asked him again, "Do you want to marry her?"

   Wang Fugui's face turned even redder: "What if I want to marry? The Ruan family won't marry her to me."

  Wang Zhaodi saw his unpromising reaction, and couldn't help but hate that iron was not steel.

  What's so good about Ruan Tang?

   Isn't it just a face like a fox?

Is    worth his attention?

  Wang Zhaodi was unhappy, but she said coldly: "I didn't ask you this, I just asked if you want to marry her. If you want, I can help you."

"You help me? How can you help me?" Wang Fugui instantly calmed down and looked suspiciously at Wang Zhaodi, who was covered in waste, "Look at the way you are now, dirty and smelly, just rely on your ghostly appearance, What do you mean you can help me?"

  Wang Zhaodi clenched her fists in anger.

   She doesn't want to be this dirty and smelly, but what can she do?

   Moreover, the most important thing right now is to contact Ruan Mingcheng and ask him to come to the house to propose a marriage.

   As long as he proposes a kiss, she can go out.

   "Ruan Mingcheng and I have already made a private life-long relationship, and he has already promised to marry me, but recently he was trapped at home and couldn't come to the Wang family to propose marriage, so it was delayed."

  Wang Zhaodi spoke boldly, but her tone was extremely serious, as if what she said was true.

  Wang Fugui looked at her in shock, with a strong distrust in his tone: "Why should I trust you?"

   "But if you don't believe me, who can you trust?" Wang Zhaodi smiled smugly, "As long as you are willing to help me and let me marry Ruan Mingcheng smoothly, I will marry Ruan Tang to you."

   (end of this chapter)

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