Chapter 586 Scary girl

  No, that weird girl didn't die at all!

   He still can't move!

   This shows that she is still alive!

   What did that brother just split open?

   The tall man glared at the "Ruan Tang" who had just been split open, but saw that "Ruan Tang" suddenly smiled at him, and then instantly disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

   That weird smile made his eyes split with fright, and he almost suffered a myocardial infarction.


   What the **** is that girl? She is definitely not human!

   After being split by a knife, you can still smile, and even disappear into smoke. Is this something a human can do?

  Impossible, she is a ghost...

   No, the sun is still hanging in the sky!

  So, she is actually a monster?

   The tall man kept guessing all kinds of possibilities, only to find that his younger brother's expression suddenly became extremely frightened when he looked at him.

   He instantly had a very bad feeling.

   Sure enough, at the same time, he heard his brother exclaim: "Brother, she's behind you!"

   The tall man didn't have time to react, he felt a huge force suddenly coming from behind him, knocking him out.

   But after the crash, he suddenly found himself moving again.

   He turned his head subconsciously and saw Ruan Tang's feet that he had not had time to retract.

  So, he was kicked away by that girl just now?

   At this moment, he heard his brother shouting: "Brother, I'll catch you!"

  The tall man suddenly felt very uneasy after hearing this for some reason.

   He subconsciously opened his mouth: "No..."

   However, he just uttered a word, and his brother has already held him.

   His heart rose to his throat instantly.

   Sure enough, his unease soon came true.

   The younger brother just pulled him, when a shrill scream suddenly came out of his mouth, as if he had suddenly suffered some kind of terrifying attack.

   Immediately afterwards, he saw his younger brother fall to the ground, and because his younger brother pulled a hand just now, he also smashed his younger brother uncontrollably.




The    crash and the screams of the brothers sounded almost simultaneously.

   The tall man looked at his younger brother in pain, and suddenly understood what happened to his younger brother just now.

   His bones were broken.

   When the girl kicked him just now, a strange power was left on him.

   When his younger brother pulled him, he was shaken by that strange force and broke his bones.

   And when he smashed down, he was also shaken by that strange force and broke his bones!

   What the **** is that girl?

   How can she be so strong?

this is too scary!

   She is definitely not human!

   The tall man turned his neck with difficulty, trying to find Ruan Tang's whereabouts.

  Suddenly, he saw it.

   Ruan Tang walked towards them.

   When she was three steps away from them, she suddenly smiled: "You have a good journey. Since you are brothers, you can be a companion on the road."

What does it mean?

   This thought popped into the head of the tall man subconsciously.

   But then, he found a sudden pain in his heart!

  The sharp pain was not caused by a knife blade, but more like a broken rib piercing the heart.

   When she said that just now, did she foresee all this, or did she do it all?

   If so, how terrible should she be?

  They shouldn't be here.

When    came, he shouldn't listen to that ugly bewitchment and come to trouble her.

  Unfortunately, he knew it too late.

   The tall man stared at his younger brother, who had lost consciousness under him, and his eyes gradually lost their vigour.

   (end of this chapter)

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