Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 599: Zhang Yunwen's face was instantly pale.

   Chapter 599 Zhang Yunwen's face was instantly pale

   Chen Xianjin also doesn't want to make things bigger, especially this time it involves a major criminal case like homicide.

   So he said with a serious face: "I hope you can really recognize your mistakes and stop talking nonsense. Ruan Tang is not older than you, you can't bully her like this anymore."

   Zhou Xiaoxue was so aggrieved that she wanted to vomit blood, she bullied Ruan Tang?

   When did she bully Ruan Tang!

   She is telling the truth, but these people don't believe her!

   Sure enough, poor mountains and bad waters make troublesome people. People in this kind of place are too xenophobic!

   But she felt aggrieved, but she didn't dare to say it.

At this time, Ruan Tang said again: "Comrade Zhou Xiaoxue, I can forgive you this time, but I really hope that this kind of thing will not happen again. It doesn't matter if you target me, but you slander me for killing people with red lips and white teeth. unacceptable."

   Zhou Xiaoxue was so angry that she wanted to refute, but looking at Chen Xianjin and the villagers' eyes, she could only bear it.

  Chen Jinjin saw that she didn't say anything, so he said with a sullen face: "Okay, it's alright, everyone should leave."

After that, he called a few more men to watch the body, and then said, "You guys are watching here, don't move anything, you can't damage the scene, you know? I'll go to the town police station and bring someone here. "

   He had heard from Dr. Song before that he could not destroy the scene. There was an accident in the village at that time. This is what Dr. Song told people, and he remembered it very clearly.

   Ruan Tang saw that Zhou Xiaoxue had stopped, so she ignored her and Zhang Yunwen and went back with her family.

   On the contrary, Jiang Chunshui and Tang Hongxiu gave Zhou Xiaoxue and Zhang Yunwen a deep look, as if they hated them.

The eyes of the two made Zhou Xiaoxue and Zhang Yunwen feel uneasy for a while, Zhang Yunwen felt flustered for no reason, and couldn't help saying: "Ruan Tang, believe it or not, today's matter is Zhou Xiaoxue's intention, and it has nothing to do with me. I said, You didn't hit us."

   Ruan Tang glanced back at him and said mockingly, "I don't care what's between you, I just hope that you won't pester me again in the future."

   Zhang Yunwen's face instantly turned pale.

   He couldn't understand why, he obviously didn't like Ruan Tang, but when he heard her heartless words, he felt very uncomfortable.

   At this time, Jiang Chunshui snorted coldly: "Tangtang, let's go, ignore these lunatics in the future! And the educated youth in the city, bah!"

  Tang Hongxiu also ridiculed: "The young intellectuals are really becoming less and less watchable."

   She is also an educated youth from the city, much stronger than Zhou Xiaoxue and Zhang Yunwen.

   As a visitor, she could see Zhou Xiaoxue's thoughts at a glance.

   This girl has taken a fancy to Zhang Yunwen and dislikes her family Tangtang.

   If it's just jealousy, everyone will be jealous.

   Even she is sometimes jealous.

   But jealousy is not a big mistake, it is not right to run out and slander people.

   Zhou Xiaoxue is not an ordinary slander, she is slandering Ruan Tang for killing!

   This is too bad.

   Such a character, who would like it?

   No wonder even Zhang Yunwen, who is blind, can't see her.

   This kid only had Ruan Yuting in his eyes before, but now he can see her family is good. It's a pity that her family Tangtang is not blind, how could she fall in love with someone like him repeatedly?

   Tang Hongxiu's face was cold: "Tangtang, let's go back, don't pay attention to those irrelevant people in the future."

   Ruan Tang smiled cleverly: "Okay, I listen to my grandma and my mother, and I will definitely ignore them in the future."

  Chapter 6~Good night, little cuties~

   (end of this chapter)

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