The Yeshan Park in the rain has an indescribable depth.

Perhaps it is because this semi-enclosed park was built on the hillside. Looking from the central axis of the main gate, you can see the misty mountains and forests behind the entire park.

Due to this sudden pouring rain, tourists who had been relaxing in the park sought shelter from buildings, but most of those who came by car chose to go straight home.

The hustle and bustle of human voices is missing.

The whole park has a sense of tranquility.

The sound of rain pattered between the increasingly vacant rockery and trees, and then gradually infiltrated into the cracks along the stone road.

Tan Qing leaped lightly on the fence, kept her balance with her tail, and glanced back subconsciously.

This is the fence on the very edge of the entire Yeshan Park, separating the forest area and the park according to the topography.

The big raindrops are like a huge rain curtain for everything you can see, except that you can vaguely see a few nearby squirrels that have been soaked by the rain and hit several trees in a panic. The trunk of the tree looks blurry no matter how far away.

Tan Qing turned around, retracted her gaze without looking back, and got into the woods behind Yeshan Park in a flash.

In the process of advancing the incomparable efforts to modernize the economy in J City, many of the original ecological jungles around the city have been converted into resorts.

In the end, it was calculated that only a large area of ​​mountain forest in this area was left undeveloped.

One is that this place is really far away from J City.

The second is that this location is actually a coherent mountain chain, starting from the Yeshan Park, followed by the planned national protected wild forest.

Going deeper, you will reach a dense forest area with almost no people except for the occasional monitoring of ecological research.

A flexible and slender white figure dangled through the bushes like a ghost.

Haven't waited to fall from the treetops.

A blast of thunder slashed from the sky, severing the branch that had just been stepped on.

The innocent branch fell on the ground, and the rain quickly knocked off two leaves.

And floated down with the branches.

There are also a few shiny silver tail hairs.

Tan Qing ate too much at Liao Xian's at noon, and added two more chicken drumsticks while sitting in the car.

In addition, he had not been chased in such an embarrassing manner for a long time, and he hadn't noticed it for a while, and was almost smashed into a scorched tail by lightning.


Tan Qing raised his paw and changed a branch, and found a tree trunk that looked big and could keep out the rain.

Jump down and return to human form.

Then I looked around and gave myself a piece of stone that looked flat.

Sit down under the tree in a big way.

He raised his head and glanced at the gloomy sky through the gap between the branches.

Then he adjusted a dead fox's posture that he was not afraid of boiling water, and opened his mouth, "Okay, let's split it."


I don't know if he was stunned by Tan Qing's face.

Suddenly, the thunder in the sky stopped for a few seconds, and even the crackling rainstorm was a bit lighter.

But after a while.

The waves of thunder fell again.

A faint muffled sound came from a far and unreachable place along with rolling thunder.

"The demon fox talks about Qing, does not follow the etiquette, turns into a human body, and murders the world, can you convict?"

Tan Qing sat steadily on the stone moved from the side and touched her ears.

After a long while.

Suddenly smiled: "I don't know guilt."


The voice choked again for a long time, and said again: "Injury with demon power, you should be punished by heaven."

Tan Qing sat under the tree with her feet up.

While waiting for the lightning strike, he listened to Tiancai's rants about his crimes.



Isn't it murder?

Tan Qing raised his **** to the dark sky between the leaves: "If I don't kill him, he will kill me. Either he will die or I will die. I will be blamed for this?!"

The more I said this, the more reasonable it became.

Tan Qing can't wait to stand up and akimbo: "I haven't seen you for so long, why are you so irreconcilable? No, you are older and dizzy than before! There is no help."


With the sound of thunder, there was a sudden halt, and finally brought on the scent of anger and frustration: "The demon fox talks about Qing, flattering and cunning. Jian Ru seduce the **** Phoenix, and get the ancient power of the Phoenix to escape the thunder. This time. Because of both crimes, thunder fell to the sky..."

Tan Qing, who often buys family buckets, counts this number very well: "One hundred and sixty-two?"

Tianchao immediately said: "One hundred and sixty-two ways of falling sky thunder!"

Tan Qing: "..."

Tan Qing tried again to insult Tian Dao with the real-name system: "The math is so bad, why don't you always use lightning to strike others?"

This time there was no answer from the voice.

After a while.

A muffled thunder mingled with the stern wind, passing through the thick clouds and lush treetops.

It was like a pale, barbed whip.

Rerolled on Tan Qing's body.

Tan Qing did not say a word.

In addition to the light rain in the main city within the Fourth Ring Road, the blue sky and white clouds in the afternoon have gradually recovered.

Only in the outskirts of the west, the thick dark clouds not only did not disperse, on the contrary, they gathered more and more like they were going to the market.

The strong wind and showers in the Yeshan Park were pouring in, and several trees in the park were directly knocked down.

The howling of the wind engulfed the dark clouds, like a harsh rebuke from the sky, and fell down mercilessly.

As the core city of the whole country, J City affects countless people's discussions with every move.


The heavy rain on the West Sixth Ring Road made the top search on Weibo.

The residents living in this area and the vast number of netizens who happened to come to the Wild Mountain Park for an outing have successfully raised the enthusiasm.

In less than half an hour, this hot search has quickly climbed into the top ten hot search list on Weibo.

XXX: It's so scary. Let me go! The wind blows, feels like it can blow me away in minutes orz

XX: Row by row, the whole family just drove back from the wild mountain park #大哭# The rainstorm is so terrible, and it's thundering! It feels like Lei wants to eat what he smashed in the park! Scared die!

XXXX: Really? ! Tell me a Jebao without a picture?

XXX: [Picture][Picture] don't believe it. Come to play with the male ticket, just get in the car, the tree in the park fell down, you can believe it is safe?

XX: It’s so scary this day... I also saw the little white fox qaq taken by others in Yeshan Park this afternoon. Don’t strike my little fox when thundering. I want to see him, so cute qaaaq

XXXX: Xiaofu is greasy 10086! ! Baby, you must hide it so you don’t get hurt. Wait until the rain stops and see you bring you roast chicken and rabbit to eat!

XXX: Let’s talk about a brain hole. According to the logic of the novel, there must be an expert in this extreme weather. #眉眉#眉眉##眉眉#

XX: Cross the robbery 1, I guess eighty-one thunders will be smashed.

XXXX: Cross the robbery! #星星眼# Is the soaring kind?

XX: Wake up upstairs, the weather officer V of J City just issued a weather report, and the air masses are gathering cold and warm fronts. It will be fine in a few hours.


The topics on Weibo always alternate.

But a few hours later.

The discussion of this hot search was soon suppressed by other celebrities’ gossip news.

The sky over Yeshan Park was even more gloomy.

As time progressed towards dusk, the darker sky merged with the surrounding dark colors.

The heavy rain and strong wind knocked the leaves of the tree to the ground.

Only there is some open space beside Tan Qing.

It's not because there are no leaves falling.

It was because the leaves that fell beside him had all been scorched by lightning.

The water is lost and the leaves are curled.

It looks exceptionally miserable.

Tan Qing sat lazily among the pile of dead leaves, leaning against the tree trunk behind him, breathing slightly, raised his head and said, "Hey, it's ninety-three."


There was another dull stalemate.

A few seconds passed.

A new big thunder tore through the lonely sky, shiningly engulfed huge strength, and the Chao Tanqing was suppressed violently.

This place is unavoidable, but it is naturally inevitable.

It was falling on Tan Qing's previously injured right shoulder.

The thin layer of light-colored shirt on Tan Qing's body had already been beaten into shreds by thunder, faintly oozing a few strands of blood that could not be covered.

It was not obvious at first.

Only a little bit.

It's just that this new thunder robbery continues.

There were only a few dots of blood that suddenly spread out, and in an instant it soaked most of the shoulder from the position of the right shoulder.

Tan Qing shook her whole figure slightly, and sat firmly leaning on the tree again.

The deep voice in the distance finally had a sort of exasperated meaning: "Demon fox talks about Qing, can you confess your guilt?"

Tan Qing propped herself up and sat up with her left hand, put one leg on the other, and slowly said, "What sin do I confess?"

"You slaughtered the villagers, you should have been punished by thunder. But you seduce the ancient **** Phoenix, so that the Phoenix suffered for you because of personal affection, and could not return to the immortal column. Today you are hurting people at will, and your crime is serious!"

Tan Qing: "..."

Tan Qing stretched out her hand and pressed the wound on her shoulder.

Maybe they were all irritated by this stupid god.

Tan Qing could only put his hand down again: "Yes, I can tell. Did you come here to hack me because I killed someone, or because the Phoenix was unhappy because I was hacked to death?"


God's punishment: "Ru Xiu must talk nonsense!"

Bah baah baah.

There is no nonsense in him.

Tan Qing barked his teeth, and the chilly rain slid down from the injured area on his body, causing him to tremble twice in pain.

So Tan Qing could only tremble while insulting her head: "What's wrong with you? You didn't let me go when the Phoenix died. Why didn't you still chop me to death? Why, dissatisfied. Want to hack me again? hack!"


"The demon fox has no education! Falling thunder!"

Fall on.

Tan Qing snorted dully, and the hand that was originally lying on the soil accidentally grabbed the handle, and pulled off a few grass blades that had been scorched.


A mouthful of blood splashed on the withered blade of grass in his hand.

The hot and red blood was quickly washed away by the heavy rain.

Tan Qing's shirt was dyed scarlet, and was reprocessed into dark red by rain.

He wiped the corners of his mouth, adjusted his posture, and hummed and counted: "It's a hundred and six."


"One hundred, eight..."


"Zero Nine."


one hundred and thirteen.

Tan Qing opened her mouth and failed to shout.

But much better than before...

To know the last time.

He didn't even hold the Eighty-One Dao.

I was hacked to this place.

In order to attract He Mingyu.

He Mingyu **** so much...

It's as good as the Phoenix of a long, long time ago.

It's a pity that Phoenix is ​​already dead.

Tan Qing recovered from the pain of a new wound, and took a breath, suddenly feeling that He Mingyu is an ordinary person and there is nothing wrong with it.

Ordinary humans will not come to such a ghost place when it rains.

Ordinary humans will not be able to find out exactly where he is.

Ordinary humans will not be punished for him and suffer for him.

Will not die.

It's just a pity that after one hundred and sixty-two lightning strikes, I guess I can't go back.

Tan Qing sighed droopingly, staggered by lightning, and slid down the tree trunk crookedly, leaning on the moist dirt ground.

The rain-drenched land was damp and muddy. When she was a little fox, Tan Qing didn't like to lie down like this.

But there is no other way.

Tan Qing glanced at the sky still thunderous.

I thought about it carefully again.

One hundred twenty-three.

One hundred twenty four.


I heard that humans can find another partner if they are widowed.

I don't know if He Mingyu will find other foxes in the future.

Is it possible not to find a fox?

I don't know if He Mingyu will educate the little fat cubs.

It’s best to keep the little fat cub from becoming a fox in the future.

Tan Qing shrugged her nose.

A bead of water rolled down from the tip of his nose that was quite upright.

He happened to be a little thirsty, so he stretched out his tongue and licked it.


It is the smell of blood.

Tan Qing smashed his mouth.

After being empty for a while, I felt a little worried.

If you die, don't leave the last bones.

If it's not too ugly.

There is a fox shell left.

No, there is a fox skeleton left.

It wouldn't be great if He Mingyu was scared.

never mind…

Maybe He Mingyu couldn't find this place in his life.

After all, human beings can only live for just a few decades.

Maybe he will be forgotten soon.


Smelly man.

I hope the boy will never study like a smelly man in the future!

To grow into a good cub.

It's best to be as good-looking as his little dad, with nine tails.

Tan Qing sighed for a while, then counted for a while.

One hundred and thirty-two.

It's a little sleepy.

Qingqing wanted to sleep for a while.

One hundred and forty-one.

The sound of rain gradually became louder again.

It is often the hardest moment to reach the last time of Thunder Tribulation.

It is also the most painful time.

Tan Qing didn't plan to survive this thunderstorm at all, so her mentality was quite stable, she had already spread out into a fox skin in advance, squinting her eyes and waiting to die.

Finally entered the last ten thunders.

The night sky was completely dark.

There are no cicadas, nor have I heard of birds.

The rumbling thunders seemed to be humming from the horizon, advancing fearlessly toward the depths of the dense forest all the way.

Maybe it's already close to the muddy ground.

Tan Qing felt that her ears were a little numb, like tinnitus disturbing his few thoughts.

Pale lightning poked his head between the branches.

Tan Qing sighed with a toothache.

I couldn't bear to see myself being chopped into coke, so I closed my eyes with great experience.


do you died?


Why doesn't it hurt?

The falling thunder has already sounded.


Stupid god!

Tan Qing angrily insulted Heaven's Punishment again, and was hesitating whether to switch to the open-eye mode and wait for death, and was suddenly taken aback.

A very soft breath came from in front of him.

The heavy rain that had originally poured on him seemed to be isolated by something, and it suddenly seemed too gentle.

Tan Qing opened her eyes suddenly.


In the dark night.

He saw He Mingyu's protruding face.

And blood stains on the lips.

The rain slid down He Mingyu's cheek.

An umbrella bone was inserted fiercely into the soil beside Tan Qing.

The large black umbrella covered the wound on Tan Qing's shoulder and the hair and cheeks that had been soaked by the rain.

He Mingyu took Tan Qing into his arms.

He lowered his head and kissed his trembling forehead: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

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