Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 104


Chapter 104 is like a hook bar

hearing this, Luo Qingwan actually stopped obediently and honestly and stood still out there.

Mo Jiu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a sense of loss in his heart. Deep down, he actually wanted Luo Qingwan to be close to him?

He shook his head slightly, gritted his teeth, and said hoarsely: "What are you going to do, what are you doing?"

Mo Jiu now just wants Luo Qingwan to leave here quickly.

The strong feminine scent lingers in his nose, and if he continues, he will really be unable to hold on...

Luo Qingwan said: "The Disciple cultivation base is stable and can be continued. Pill concocting."

"Then you... go." Mo Jiu said four words with difficulty, quickly closed his eyes, and silently recited Clear Heart Art, suppressing the heat in his body.

However, since a month ago, this dry heat has existed, and it has not been eradicated until now. It is said that the fire has been integrated into the bone marrow. How can the feeling of 'restlessness' be suppressed like this?

It is not an exaggeration to say that his entire body is a pill furnace. The fire is burning inside, but there is no pill concocting, but the furnace wall is constantly burning. No matter how strong the pill furnace is, if it continues to 'dry' like this, it will burst open one day.

Luo Qingwan's eyes were slightly narrowed, and she felt that Mo Jiu was infinitely close to the 'fryer'.

She made her right hand slowly.

The next moment, Mo Jiu opened his eyes suddenly, only to feel as if he was on fire, the temperature of his entire body was so hot that it was indescribable, his face was burning red, and the sweat was from white. Big drops fell on his cheeks and landed on the bed covered with thin ice, smashing a pure white freezing point.

He stood up suddenly and came to Luo Qingwan in the blink of an eye. The latter had a smile in his eyes, but said in a panic, "Master, what are you doing?"


As soon as these words came out, Mo Jiu's eyes filled with water mist showed a trace and soberness and calm, he turned his head with difficulty, and slapped Luo Qingwan: "Quick... go."

However, his hand was weak and weak, only wrinkling Luo Qingwan's clothes, without even pushing her body.

Luo Qingwan's eyes drooped slightly, at this point, can the Master persist?

Then why did she so easily lose her reason on that day and fall on her bed, losing her innocence?

Do you already have feelings for Long'e, or do you face her, in front of such a master-disciple relationship, can't let go of the so-called dignity and ethics?

Then I want to see the Master's dignity being trampled all the more.

It must be beautiful...

Luo Qingwan smiled and stepped forward suddenly, Mo Jiu's still struggling body fell into her embrace. , she put her arms around his water-like waist, and through the daoist robe, she could feel the scalding and hotness of the skin underneath. It was no longer a icy Snow Mountain, but more like a volcano that seemed to erupt at any time. It's a little more comfortable to hold in this World of Ice and Snow.

And it was this moment of falling into his arms that Mo Jiu completely lost his last sense of reason, the string in his mind broke, and he almost kept rubbing against Luo Qingwan's arms, as if someone on fire touched him. A piece of ice, even if it will frostbite the skin, will not stick to it desperately.

It's just that Luo Qingwan is not an ice cube, but a living person.

She was constantly rubbed against by Mo Jiu and let out a light hum. He endured it for a full month, so why not she?

The tip of Luo Qingwan's nose twitched slightly, smelling the scent of Mo Jiu's body, the distant cold smell finally dissipated, replaced by a charming fragrance, just like those Disciples of He. Huan Dao .

It should be Mo Jiu's sweat, but dao cultivator is clean, even the sweat is fragrant.

Moreover, she also smelled her breath from Mo Jiu...

As she thought, the Master was really infected with her scent.

"This is more 'integrated' than eating you, Master..." Luo Qingwan smiled lightly beside Mo Jiu's ear, and a stream of heat hit her crimson ear. On the beads, like an electric shock, she clearly felt the trembling of the person in her arms.

She could have asked for Mo Jiu directly now, after all, he took the initiative to come to her first, for fear that he would not recognize it later.

In this case, let the Master stay awake and take the initiative.

Luo Qingwan concentrated her energy and slightly suppressed the Monster Qi in Mo Jiu's body. He woke up again, blinking with misty eyes, and it took a moment to realize what was going on at the moment.

His heart trembled, and he wanted to get up immediately, but his body was limp, and he had no strength to speak of. He put his hands on Luo Qingwan's chest and pushed back, without pushing, let alone say more. Like refusing and welcoming, deliberately seducing people.

Mo Jiu's eyes were full of shame and anger, and he fell into the arms of the opposite sex, making him wish he could slash this person with his sword on the spot.

But Luo Qingwan is his discipline and can't do it.

Or, because she was his disciple, the relationship between the two made him even more ashamed and indignant, and Dao Heart was shaking.

" took me to the bedside." Mo Jiu was like a mosquito.

Luo Qingwan's hands around his waist had long since been withdrawn, and her tone trembled in fear: "Disciple is afraid of offending Master."

Mo Jiu hearing this was annoyed for a while, and his anger was surging, and his reason for finally returning almost disappeared again. He took a deep breath: "It's just to help, it's not...offensive."

" Good."

Luo Qingwan got the order, so she dared to stretch out her hands, gently put Mo Jiu's shoulders and arms, and walked with him moved towards the bed.

But in secret, he canceled the suppression of Monster Qi, making Monster Qi agitated again.

This restlessness, coupled with a touch, finally made Mo Jiu collapse. She turned around suddenly and put her arms around Luo Qingwan's neck. She said in a panic, "Master, wake up!" With a playful smile.

The next moment, Mo Jiu hugged Luo Qingwan tightly and kissed her on the lips.

The aloof and remote, the spotless white clothed man finally completely fell off the edge of the cliff and fell into the ten thousand zhang abyss!

Luo Qingwan couldn't bear it anymore, hugged Mo Jiu in both hands, and rolled directly onto the bed. There was longing in her eyes, but also ruthlessness and indifference. She looked extraordinarily bewitching.

"Beauty is so active, let me take a good look at the technique." Luo Qingwan said lightly with a smile, knowing that Mo Jiu was unconscious and could not hear her words at the moment. He took it as a hooker for Israel's servants.

Mo Jiu didn't respond, his eyes were half-open, his eyes were like water, his lips were always on Luo Qingwan's mouth, he didn't want to let go, and his hands were rubbing randomly on her body, As if trying to untie her clothes, but there is no way. The more charming you are, the more watery your eyes are, as if you want to cry in the next moment.

Luo Qingwan looked at Mo Jiu like this, she couldn't restrain herself any longer, her eyes flashed, she rolled over and pressed him down, the thin ice "ka-cha" on the bed shattered.

In the cold wind and snow, there is warmth...

(end of this chapter)

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