Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 107


Chapter 107 is at your fingertips

After doing so much preparation, Mo Jiu finally came to 'sober'.

As soon as he opened his eyes, there was still a trace of daze in his eyes, but he saw a moving pretty face, those bright eyes were staring at him deeply, her eyes collided with his, already facing See.

But this was not what shocked Mo Jiu the most, but when he caught a glimpse of a large piece of snow-white and delicate skin from the corner of his eye, he could also clearly feel that he was completely naked, as small as Luo Qingwan. thread.

Mo Jiu's mind exploded directly like a "hong" sound, the kind of soundness and comfort that originally wanted to be vented was also disappeared without a trace, and only felt a chill slowly from the tail of the spine. Climb up, freeze the entire spine, and then move towards the limbs and bones scattered.

He seemed to have lost his cultivation base. He was in a cold room and really felt a biting chill.

His head was hot, his blood was on top, and the cold and the heat were mixed together. It really made him lose the ability to think, and the whole person was stiff there.

How could he...

This fact made Mo Jiu hard to accept, but the fact was in front of him, and he couldn't bear to believe it.

Actually, the desire to burn his body, be dazzled by desire, and control to do this with others again, he has lost his original intention, which is another big damage to his Dao Heart. . As early as the time of Long'e, Mo Jiu was already extremely disgusted and hated by him, so he had to comfort himself that he was the same sect contemporaries, a male and a female together alone, no one else saw it, it was just a romantic affair, it was fate afterwards It's over, grace is over.

But what about this time?

It was with Luo Qingwan, his Disciple, and he took the initiative...

Mo Jiu couldn't help but recall the last scene before he lost his mind, and it seemed that he kissed him. Luo Qingwan.

He experienced an affair. After the incident, there was an aftertaste on his face, a thin red light, embellished on both sides of his cheeks, as if smeared with rouge, his complexion became better, and his appearance became more beautiful. Peerless, but suddenly subsided at this moment, showing a cold and white face again, it seems to be white and white, as if the whole person is about to collapse.

He even has the idea of escaping in his heart now, it's better to turn it into a wisp of cloud and mist to escape, cultivation for thousands of years, until the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, the world changes, what I know It's good that people are turned into bones.

"Master." Luo Qingwan called out softly, finally awakening Mo Jiu from the rigid state she wanted to escape, but the next moment a long sword suddenly touched her neck, The cold light flickers, the coldness is threatening, and the sharp sword qi seems to pierce into the mind.

Luo Qingwan was stunned, Master wants to kill her?

She didn't panic at all, but laughed out loud in her heart. There was a coldness in her laughter, and there was a hint of purple red in the depths of her pupils.

She has already been killed by Mo Jiu once, and she is no longer afraid of being killed by him a second time.

However, if you really want to take her life, you must make an unforgettable awareness.

She will definitely give the Master an unforgettable parting gift...

Luo Qingwan thought so, and she was expecting Mo Jiu to kill her, which perfectly fits the word 'sick'.

But of course she wouldn't just obediently lead her to death, Mo Jiu would attack her, and she expected it.

Luo Qingwan had anticipation in her heart, panic appeared on her face, she looked at Mo Jiu with some fear, and hissed, "Is the Master going to kill me?"

She While speaking, his neck slid slightly, and there was a slight blood mark, but Mo Jiu was dumbfounded. He just thought of 'the person he was referring to turned into bones', so he subconsciously thought of killing Luo Qingwan, and all the problems were solved.

How can this be so?

She is his disciple, the master and disciple friendship for many years is here, and it is also his Pill Dao's Inheritor, how could he kill her?

Mo Jiu threw away the long sword as if it was hot to the touch. His previously cold face was full of helplessness, and his heart was completely at a loss.

To put it simply, any man will be in a hurry when he encounters such a situation, and he does not know how to deal with it.

More deeply, Mo Jiu didn't know how to deal with the world, and he didn't get complete education and guidance since he was a child, so he became the indifferent and indifferent temperament now, and he didn't give birth all the year round. In addition to looking for Pill Recipe, he has basically been nesting in his Cave Mansion, and looking for Pill Recipe is also basically not in contact with people. He is amazing by his appearance, and the women who came to talk to him have killed not a hundred or at least a dozen people. . There is only one Long E who can barely be regarded as a friend, and now she is too kind.

How is it possible to deal with the current situation by acting like this?

Luo Qingwan looked at Mo Jiu's flustered appearance and thought it was very rare. How could she ever see Master's flustered appearance? He has always been dressed in white clothed or white robes, unattainable, like a galaxy in the sky, seemingly bright, one hand shrouding the heavens, can also take advantage of the trend to include the stars in the sky, but in fact it is so far away that even the real appearance cannot be spied on. A tiny bit, the distance between them is despairing.

However, at this moment, it seems like a star has fallen into the world, and it is close to the eyes. Although it is not as brilliant as it used to be, it is just a meteorite when seen up close, but it is within reach. The desire in my heart has not weakened because of this, but it has become more intense.

It can be said that until now, Luo Qingwan has a real sense of reality. As long as she reaches out her hand, she can really get the Master, not only her body, but also his whole heart...

Even if A morbid person like Luo Qingwan can't help but feel heartbroken at this moment. What else is a stunning ice-beauty indifferent to her people, but the only thing that is more tempting to be tender and sweet to you?

She thought so, and the mere imagining gave rise to a strong sense of joy that surpassed all other emotions.

Therefore, Luo Qingwan pointed to the Universe Ring with a flash, and an azure daoist robe fell into her palm, and she directly covered Mo Jiu's naked body.

Mo Jiu stared at her blankly, without responding for a long time, the powerful cultivation base and perception seemed to be useless.

The corners of Luo Qingwan's mouth curled involuntarily, as if she felt that she shouldn't laugh at this time, she quickly restrained herself, then took out a robe and draped it over herself, got up, got out of bed, Kow down to Mo Jiu, like a teacher again.

"Disciple offends Master so much, and asks Master to punish! Disciple has no complaints if it wants to be killed or slashed." Luo Qingwan said, seeming to feel that the strength was not enough, and added, "I want Disciple to punish itself. In this regard, I will not hesitate at all."

The voice fell, and I caught a glimpse of the long sword placed on the wooden table. I actually stood up and took it out directly. It's going to be cut directly to the neck of your own!

Mo Jiu finally reacted: "Don't!"

The powerful mana urge directly smashed the sword in Luo Qingwan's hand, and the long sword came out of Cave Mansion, I do not know where it fell.

"Master..." Luo Qingwan looked at him in surprise, Mo Jiu could faintly see the joy in her eyes.

He bit his lower lip lightly, his inner emotions were extremely complicated, and he couldn't tell the truth. In the end, he only said one sentence: "You don't have to do this, it's all the teacher's fault..."

(end of chapter)

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