Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 121


Chapter 121 Is this immortal fate?

Long E knew that Luo Qingwan had escaped, but she was unable to catch up.

Luo Qingwan's Monster Qi is not that strong. Under normal circumstances, she can't even get close to her body, let alone break her defenses. She can only distract her by relying on Mo Jiu. Palm sent Monster Qi into her body.

This is bad. Monster Qi and mana are mutually exclusive. Just a little bit of Monster Qi as an introduction is enough to make her mana violent. It's not so much that Luo Qingwan's Monster Qi hurt her, Rather, it was her vast mana that hurt her.


Long E felt the inexplicable heat and boiling blood in her body, her posture was crooked, and her hands were slightly clamped. leg.

It's exactly the same as Mo Jiu's weird symptoms that day, even the breath in his body is exactly the same.

Mo Jiu will become like that, it's Luo Qingwan who is making trouble.

Her purpose may be to let Mo Jiu break up with her, so that she can better control Mo Jiu.

Luo Qingwan is the culprit of everything!

Long E suddenly felt a sense of relief from grievances, but then thought, did Mo Jiu know that Luo Qingwan was secretly shooting?

Luo Qingwan should have had a showdown with Mo Jiu. With his mind, it was impossible to think of this.

In other words, even if Mo Jiu hasn't forgiven her, he won't hold such a strong hatred for her, but will hate Luo Qingwan to the point of being in the bones.

Thinking of this, Long E felt that the injuries in her body were not that serious, and the pain was much lessened.

In the final analysis, she would have a killing intent for Luo Qingwan, not because she was a demon, but because she possessed Mo Jiu, Long E would be so angry.

But it doesn't matter, she left a trace of sword intent in Luo Qingwan's body, she can find her by following this sword intent, she can't escape.

Long E closed her eyes, suppressed the faint desire, and began to recover with all her strength.

Back to Luo Qingwan, she forcibly carried the two swords of Long'e, and still used the power of Qiankun to leave the pill room, and even left Danfeng, and also released the Happy Sword Sect.

But in reality, she was just holding on.

Don't say she just took a monster core, it's considered half-human and half-monster, even if a real monster beast comes over, I'm afraid she won't be able to withstand the two swords under Long'e's full strength. Being able to withstand it doesn't mean how strong she is, but Long'e didn't use all her strength. One time she thought she was going to use Mo Jiu to block the sword, and she restrained all sword intent. The other time was her sneak attack her, and Long'e only had time to stab her with her backhand. A sword also did not release the sword intent.

As long as there is a real sword qi with sword intent, it is estimated that she must die there, where can she escape?

Damn Long'e, one day, she must kill her!

Luo Qingwan gritted her teeth and swore, then took a deep breath and moved towards flying in one direction.

She planned to go to the ruins recorded on the treasure map Mo Jiu gave her, so that no one could find it, and even if they did, they would not be able to enter without knowing the entrance.

It's a natural place to hide from enemies and heal.

And Luo Qingwan didn't use the power of Qiankun anymore.

As a result, she was flying, and she gradually moved towards the bottom and fell down. Before hitting the ground, she turned around abruptly, turned her back down, and protected Mo Jiu in her arms. Knowing how many branches were broken, and finally fell to the ground, the whole person passed out directly.

The fallen leaves are falling among the trees, covering the heavens, shielding the sun, like green rain pouring down.

After a long time it takes to burn a stick of incense, suddenly there was a rustling sound from a distance.

It was a woman who had discovered Luo Qingwan's trace long ago, and only moved to take a look when she found her falling from the sky.

"It really is here!" The man was overjoyed and felt that he was too excited, so he hurriedly closed his mouth, stepping on the dead leaves without a sound, moved towards the position where Luo Qingwan had fallen approached .

The distance was close, and there were no trees blocking the line of sight. The man finally saw it clearly, and it was this one look, his eyes suddenly widened.

She saw a red silhouette.

Afraid you're not having fun?

The woman was hesitant. She was really afraid that this was a trap. She was deliberately leading her forward, but looking at the woman below, complexion pale, it didn't seem like she was pretending.

The most important thing is that the body is too pure, the skin is creamy, and the white is red. Judging from the luster of the skin, this must be a man.

The woman swallowed a small mouthful of saliva. It's not that she has never seen a man before, and she has been in the spring building a few times a night, but even the top brand of the spring building, Mingqin, is not so white. skin!

And she is a loose cultivator, and the resources of cultivation are not enough, how many times can she indulge? She only remembered that it should have been a year since the last romance, and she was panicking!

The combination of various factors made a woman extremely lustful, she approached the past completely, then picked up a thick and long branch, and turned Mo Jiu over from Luo Qingwan, that face appeared in front of her.

The woman's eyes straightened in an instant, this Heavenly Immortal?

Don't say that I have never seen such a stunning man, even in my dreams. But now it is not an inch. Everything is presented calmly in front of her eyes, making her blood boil instantly.

Is this immortal fate?

It must be!

At this moment, Mo said that Mo Jiu and Luo Qingwan were both in a coma, even if Mo Jiu was awake, the woman's desire would be hard to suppress.

And then... in this woman's mind, this man actually opened his eyes.

The eyes opened, and the light was like electricity, which made the woman's body tremble, and she felt fear in her heart.

But she soon discovered that there was no magic power in the man's body, just sharp eyes, maybe this was his usual temperament.

But in the absence of self-protection, this unparalleled power and aura like a woman has become the best Cui Qing medicine, making the corner of this person's mouth show a hint of . smile.

Which Immortal Sect fairy man is this?

I didn't expect that one day, she would be able to taste such beauty!

The woman's undisguised gaze fell on him, why didn't Hun Junya understand her thoughts?

Yes, it is not Mo Jiu who wakes up at this moment, but Hun Junya, and now is the best chance she has caught.

Soul Junya raised her right hand and was about to launch an offensive, but there was not a trace of mana left in her body, which made her face change slightly.

Also, if the mana remains, Mo Jiu's strength is still strong, where will she be able to occupy this body?

Seeing the woman of the same gender as her dropped the branch and approached, her mouth was slightly open, and her saliva was drooling, but just looking at it gave her a chill.

is it possible that really let a woman fuck her?

Don't say Mo Jiu can't accept it, neither can Hun Junya.

She calmed down and waited for the woman to approach, ready to give her a fatal blow.

But the woman looked anxious, and actually took out a rope from her pocket, intending to bind her with Magical Artifact first, and then enjoy it slowly.

Hun Junya's complexion changed again, if she really let her restrain herself, she would be a mermaid.

Under her thoughts, Hun Junya controlled Mo Jiu's body, with a charming smile on her face, she stretched out a finger and gently touched the woman: "Want. I Come on..."

It was the expression on his face that looked extremely stiff.

(end of this chapter)

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