Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 133


Chapter 133 Yes, I would...

Mo Jiu's recent days can be described as nourishing.

I soaked in Xianquan every day, and my body was nourished by the continuous soft warmth. Not to mention, there are all kinds of medicine pills that I can eat. The taste is completely in line with his taste. When the warm elixir flowed through his limbs, it was so refreshing that he almost wanted to spit bubbles.

apart from this, for the rest of the time, as long as Luo Qingxuan comes back, he will always be tired of her, constantly brushing her favor.

Originally, his only targets for obtaining luck were Luo Qingwan and Long'e. Luo Qingxuan was really a buy two get one free.

It is indeed his good recipe.

"Master, I'm leaving again, so you can stay in the fairy spring and wait for me to come back, okay?" Luo Qingxuan whispered to Mo Jiu in her arms.

She and Long'e have been looking for Heaven and Earth Treasure near Xiaoyao Sword Sect, because they are all worried about Mo Jiu, and they are also worried that Luo Qingwan will do something to him when Mo Jiu and Luo Qingwan are alone what. The closer the distance, the faster they can come back.

After coming back, Luo Qingxuan will take advantage of the rest to seize every minute and every second to get along with Mo Jiu. Fortunately, the Master has a deep attachment to her, and every time he will happily open his hands and let her hug him.

Luo Qingxuan would be heartbroken by Mo Jiu's appearance every time, while Luo Qingwan and Long E would be heartbroken by their relationship.

Mo Jiu's fear of Luo Qingwan was clearly visible, even in Luo Qingxuan's arms, he didn't dare to look at her at all, just looking at her would give rise to instinctive fear and panic.

Long'e is not much better, because she took away Mo Jiu's innocence, and therefore made Mo Jiu cut off from her. It seems that this matter has passed, but in fact his Subconsciously, he is still brooding about this matter, the fear is a little weak, and the disgust is extremely strong.

At that time, Long E saw that Luo Qingxuan could hug Mo Jiu, and naturally wanted to be close to his skin. Luo Qingxuan was very reluctant, and was about to refuse coldly, when Mo Jiu turned around and saw Long'e, and hurriedly shrank into her arms a little tighter, all her actions were resistance to Long'e.

In this way, Luo Qingwan and Long E would not dare to try to contact Mo Jiu again without Luo Qingxuan saying anything, lest they irritate him. Luo Qingxuan has a just and honorable reason to monopolize the Master. This is something she could never have dreamed of. It's so beautiful and fake, it's like a dream.

Mo Jiu was sitting on Luo Qingxuan's lap, swaying with her long, white, round legs, like a little child. After hearing her words, she turned her head and glanced at her. Nodded: "en."

It's true that he relies on Luo Qingxuan, but he won't stick to her all the time, nor can he be considered obedient, but because he no longer has an accurate concept of time , In his feeling, after taking a medicine pill, he would fall asleep directly, and then when he was woken up, he opened his eyes and immersed himself in the fairy spring, with Luo Qingxuan's pretty face in front of him.

It's just a matter of closing your eyes and opening your eyes.

Luo Qingxuan put down Mo Jiu in her arms reluctantly, without hesitation this time, under Luo Qingwan's deadly gaze, she lowered her head and gently kissed Mo Jiu's lips.

Mo Jiu's face showed two faint blushes, and there was a hint of seductive charm in his eyebrows.

He likes her.

But Luo Qingxuan just kissed and then parted her lips, not unsatisfied.

Not only is Luo Qingwan still here, but Mo Jiu has experienced too many of those things. She is afraid that if she goes too far, she will irritate him.

Luo Qingxuan gave Mo Jiu a medicine pill, then put him in Xianquan, turned her head to look at Luo Qingwan, her eyes were no longer cold, and she calmly said: "Now these are all gone. How long can the refined medicine pill and the refined medicine pill be added to the Master's life?"

Luo Qingwan was silent for a moment, then said, "Two months."


Two months sounds like a lot, but for dao cultivator, it is almost just a period of cultivation time. Sometimes it takes months to get out of a Secret Realm.

Luo Qingxuan's complexion changed slightly. She and Long E provided and searched for such Heaven and Earth Treasure. The refined medicine pill can only last Mo Jiu's life for two months?

If Mo Jiu's body is in normal condition, no pill concocting is needed at all, just a fairy grass that can prolong his life can at least prolong his life by one or two years.

But if other people are hourglasses whose grains of sand are leaking down, then Mo Jiu is a piece of sand that is constantly flowing and disappearing, and it must be filled with sand all the time.

Luo Qingxuan is not discouraged, they are just looking for Heaven and Earth Treasure in the mountain range of Happy Sword Sect, even if they are almost exhausted, there are other places to look for.

And the world is so big, there will always be something that can detoxify or restore the cultivation base.

"Okay." Luo Qingxuan nodded lightly and took a deep look at Luo Qingwan, "I will find you some more materials you need."

"It's hard work elder sister." Luo Qingwan whispered.

The relationship between the two sisters has eased a lot recently, because Luo Qingwan's hard work can be seen in Luo Qingxuan's eyes.

Although all these are the sins she committed, and she should pay it back like this, Luo Qingxuan can't treat her as coldly as before.

Luo Qingxuan left Cave Mansion. After Luo Qingwan sensed that she was flying far away, she came to Mo Jiu, who was soaking in the fairy spring and had already fallen asleep. Her eyes were full of pain. The palms of both hands had four bloodstains at some point in time, all of which were caused by her nails piercing the palms.

Who could have known the pain of watching the Master being held in her arms by others? Seeing the Master showing a happy smile in front of others, even kissing and kissing wouldn't feel any disgust...

But she knew that she deserved it all, she was the one who gave the Master a hand. It was pushed into Luo Qingxuan's arms, so that it became an extravagant hope to look at the Master.

He is afraid of her...

Only at this time, Luo Qingxuan and Long E have both left Cave Mansion, and Mo Jiu has also fallen asleep, can she approach cautiously, Steal a hug, a kiss.

Luo Qingwan hugged Mo Jiu tightly, the white clothed on her body was soaked by the spring water.

It's not that she hadn't thought about taking Mo Jiu to secretly leave again, but she knew that by herself, she couldn't find so many pill concocting materials, and she had to help Luo Qingxuan and Long E. .

For this reason, even if the price is to watch the Master in someone else's arms, it doesn't matter.

As long as this can save you, even if I lose the Master, I am willing.

Because I don't want to lose you in a real sense...

"Qingxuan..." Mo Jiu murmured softly in his sleep.

hearing this, Luo Qingwan's body trembled suddenly, and then she hurriedly lifts the head to prevent tears from falling from her eyes.

Even if you become someone else's stand-in, you can...

Luo Qingwan gritted her teeth, her eyes were red.

(end of this chapter)

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