Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 151


Chapter 151 Mission Complete

Because the familiar pain strikes again, it is a system-specific punishment, not an electric shock, But all the flesh and blood in the body suddenly twitched at the same time, and the pain at that moment made people wish to die immediately, but it would be easier.

Mo Jiu almost let out a scream, but he forcibly endured it.

He couldn't let Li Muxian find out that she was different at the moment, otherwise she would be worried, maybe he would be punished more severely.

Immediately, he stimulated his Qi, circulating in his mind, cutting his consciousness from his body, and the pain dissipated in an instant, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

The Lord God...

Mo Jiu's soul body slowly clenched his fists, his eyes gloomy like mysterious ice.

He will be punished, it must not be because he can write, he knows the bottom line of the rule of 'violating the character' In the future, 'writing' has also become a reasonable behavior.

The reason why he will be punished is that he 'disclosed the existence of the system'.

But in fact, he only wrote two words, and he did not reveal the existence and information about the system.

And what he was going to write was 'I'm going to leave for a while, and come back when I'm human'.

In this way, it not only solved Li Muxian's worries perfectly, but also made her look forward to it. During the waiting process, her feelings for him gradually deepened, and it may also gradually 'deteriorate', changing her feelings for him from To an animal, become to a person.

As a result, the Lord God seemed to see through his thoughts and directly prevented this behavior.

How can I write a complete sentence even if I am punished for writing the word 'I want'?

This should be the main god's use of the loopholes in the rules, 'early' judgment that he may reveal the existence of the system and punish him.

Whether it really violates the rules is all in the mind of the Lord.

Of course, he could use his luck to shield the pain and forcefully write a paragraph, but in that case, his body would probably be useless.

This is not to offset the pain, but to ignore the pain, but the body will still be hurt and it is irreversible. It is estimated that when the time comes, he can't even move, so how can he leave Li Muxian's side?

Mo Jiu thinks that the main god may have anticipated all this long ago. Even a stupid and cute system can predict the future simply by calculation. As the main system, how can it not be able to do it?

This is a means of using his feelings for Li Muxian as a threat, putting him in a dilemma. If he chooses to leave quietly, Li Muxian will be worried and painful, and if he chooses to explain the reason for leaving clearly, he will encounter the possibility of dying.

In the end, he seemed to have the only option not to tell Li Muxian any reason, and to leave her side.

"Xiao Bai, what's the matter?" Li Muxian sat cross-legged, clutching her two little feet in white socks with both hands, her face a little puzzled.

Mo Jiu took a deep look at her and re-written three words.

Can't say.

Li Muxian's expression changed instantly, and she stared blankly with her mouth slightly open.

Why can't you say it? Is it because I can't tell her, or...I don't want to tell her?

What is she in Xiaobai's heart?

Li Muxian's mind was flooded with complicated questions for a while, and her heart was a mess. Suddenly, she felt a slight tingling in her hand, which was warm and moist. She saw Mo Jiu licking her hand again. His eyes seemed to be softly filled with water.

She calmed down slowly. If Xiaobai really hated her, how could she express such reluctance?

It must have a reason to say it.

Li Muxian took a deep breath and said softly, "Xiao Bai, I just want to ask you one question, will you come back after you leave?"

Mo Jiu didn't hesitate. The just nodded.

"Okay." Li Muxian seemed to get a little comfort, and slowly stroked Mo Jiu's hair, as if to say the last goodbye, "Then you can't break your promise this time, when you come back, just say goodbye. must come back, okay?"

"gu gu." Mo Jiu nodded again.

"I'll take you off."

Li Muxian got out of bed and put on her little white boots, picked up Mo Jiu and walked out of the room.

Arriving outside the Taoist temple, Mo Jiu hurriedly called out a few times, motioning her to put herself down.

But Li Muxian insisted on sending him down the mountain. Even if it was dark at night and the way down the mountain was not safe, she also did not hesitate.

Going all the way down the mountain, Li Muxian put Mo Jiu on the ground and said softly: "You go, be careful, pay attention to the injury on your leg."

Mo Jiu stepped away The steps gradually went away, and there was no turning back.

"Little Bai!" Li Muxian shouted, breaking through the quiet night and disturbing the quiet night.

Mo Jiu turned back and let out a cry of reluctance.

"must be back!"

Mo Jiu called out again, seemingly responding again, then no longer hesitated, ran, and the silhouette disappeared into the dark night.

Li Muxian just looked away like this, reluctant to take back her gaze, like a husband who watched his wife leave home in some love stories.

"Let's go."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind Li Muxian, but she was not surprised at all, she turned her head, and her face was full of despair: "Master."

Seeing this, the female Taoist priest was also a little surprised. She watched Li Muxian leave the Taoist temple, worried that she would have an accident, so she followed him all the way.

At first, she thought that the fox was really a demon, charmed Li Muxian and wanted to harm her, but she sent the fox away, and the fox seemed to be full of reluctance.

If that's the case, why leave?

The female Taoist thought so, and she also asked.

Li Muxian whispered: "It said it must leave."

The female Taoist strangely said: "But don't you like it very much? Why would you agree to let it go?"

"It's just because I like it..." Li Muxian slowly squatted down, hugged her bare calf under her skirt, and looked at the place where Mo Jiu left, "It said , it will come back."

The female Taoist didn't know how to comfort her for a while, but nodded and said: "en."

"Let's go, go back."

Li Muxian stood up and stretched out her small hand.

The female Taoist glanced at her, reached out and held her, one big and one small also disappeared into the night.


Mo Jiu ran all the way despite the severe pain in his hind legs. He didn't know the so-called 'Leaving Li Muxian' in the mission. .

He always felt that the Lord God would also do some tricks here, so he had to keep running until the countdown was over.

Fortunately, luck can shield the pain, but it's not too difficult.

Finally, at some point.

'Host, the task is complete. '

Mo Jiu stopped immediately, and then lost his luck, his whole body staggered, and he fell to the ground, and his four feet couldn't move at all.

'A new task has also been posted. '

"What..." Mo Jiu gasped.

The system said: 'Three, Human Transformation within ten years.

Fourth, goodbye Li Muxian in human form. '

(end of this chapter)

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