Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 172


Chapter 172 Coveted in the Shadows

Then I heard a tingling sound that made my scalp numb, and the fox demon tried to As soon as the idea of struggling came into his mind, his neck was snapped off neatly.


The woman threw the fox demon on the ground at will, and the whole process was as easy and natural as pinching an ant to death.

The corpse of the fox demon lay there crookedly, its eyes widened, even if it were to die, it would not be able to rest.

The woman glanced down at him, and a hint of mockery flashed in those cold vertical pupils.

"I don't even look at what I am."

She has been around this world for more than ten years, and she has tasted how many men and all kinds of things. All of them, how could they look at a vixen whose body has already been broken?

Suddenly, the woman seemed to notice something, her eyes slightly narrowed, she squatted down, and observed the fox demon's body up close.

Her eyes fell on the wound in front of his chest, and suddenly she leaned down completely, her mouth opened wide, and a slender, strangely long tongue stretched out from it, and licked and licked his wound. The blood flowing out.

This scene is too disgusting, but the woman has a look of indifference on her face, and she also rolled the blood into her mouth, swallowed it, and closed her eyes, as if she was carefully feeling something.

The next moment, the woman suddenly opened her eyes, and there was a touch of excitement in those vertical pupils.

"The smell of luck. Luck, who's luck?!"

Over the years, Fang Yi has not only been enjoying pure pleasure, but has been looking for this world Child of Destiny's trail.

Daughter of luck, of course, cannot be touched at will, even if it is a simple gesture of goodwill. It may be that he was punished by Heavenly Dao, or even obliterated, because he changed the growth trajectory of the daughter of destiny invisibly.

Originally, Child of Destiny should be like this.

Because they are innately compatible with Child of Destiny, even if she is a community of destiny, if she takes action against Child of Destiny, she will also involve the daughter of luck, and thus suffer the consequences.

Of course, there is not no way, that is destiny bearer gram destiny bearer.

She couldn't take action on Child of Destiny, which was the most fundamental reason in the final analysis, she had no luck, and Child of Destiny had luck.

If neither side has luck, they are all ordinary people, and Heavenly Dao ignores them. But what if both parties...have luck?

Heavenly Dao may want to shelter them, but doesn't know who to help.

For this reason, Fang Yi even made a special attempt.

It's really that the Child of Destiny in that world is too attractive, with a beautiful face, not to mention the beauty, and his identity is even more exaggerated. He is the only male emperor of all ages!

Even if such a man just takes a look, he will no longer have feelings for other men, and it will be difficult for him to feel blasphemous, and only acknowledge allegiance.

Fang Yi, who is a transmigrator, is the most special. She has no respect for Child of Destiny in her heart, and just wants to conquer this male emperor!

And the daughter of luck in that world also gave her this opportunity. As long as they have the luck of peach blossoms, they are bound to be surrounded by husbands and servants in groups, no matter how powerful those men are, they will always be brought into the harem by the women of luck.

Naturally, every one of those men is a Child of Destiny.

Fang Yi found a Child of Destiny who had the most shallow relationship with the daughter of luck. The so-called 'shallow' means that she did not have the same relationship with the daughter of luck as the other Child of Destiny. , We have lived and died together. Even if you are in the harem, your feelings will not be too deep.

She took advantage of the Child of Destiny's emptiness and took the opportunity to control him, but did nothing blasphemous to him. Worrying accidentally, will take him out of control.

Although his relationship with the Girl of Fortune is shallow, it does not mean that he is a soft persimmon, and his mind and strength will not be much different from other Child of Destiny. It is only because of the daughter of luck that a weak spot is created in his heart.

Fang Yi controlled him and asked him to adjust the relationship between the daughter of luck and the male emperor. At that time, the Child of Destiny had not yet been admitted to the harem. The only male emperor of all ages, even if he was admitted by the daughter of luck, he would most likely be the palace, and it was not that simple to get a strategy.

The existence of Fangyi makes the strategy even more difficult. Until she found a chance, the male emperor fell in love with assassin. The daughter of luck was about to break into the Imperial Palace to save her, so she let the controlled Child of Destiny stop her.

She walked into the bedroom in a grand manner, looking at the blushing male emperor lying on the dragon couch. .

No matter how reluctant and unwilling Fang Yi was, she did not dare to disobey any orders of the Lord God, so she had to leave the palace immediately.

It was only later that she realized that this male emperor is not just a simple Child of Destiny, he is also the ultimate BOSS that the daughter of luck will face in the end, no wonder the Lord God will stop her, because if there is no luck The daughter took away the male emperor Qing Bai, so many things after that were impossible.

Although she was stopped, Fang Yi was not thirsty and still did not give up her coveting Child of Destiny. She almost succeeded, doesn't it mean that there is no problem with her approach?

But the villain she played in each world later no longer had the identity and strength to play against Child of Destiny, so she had to bury this idea deep in her heart.

And now, the special task assigned to her by the Lord God made her covet Child of Destiny again.

Fang Yi looked at the direction where the fox demon ran all the way, the excitement and greed in the sharp snake eyes became more and more intense, as if watching a prey that was bound to be won.

The Child of Destiny in this world must belong to her, and the daughter of luck can't stop it!

'A new task has been generated. ' A cold and ruthless system sound resounded in Fang Yi's mind.

She skillfully opened the task panel.

[Task: Sixth, stop Li Muxian from falling in love with Hu Jiu. (Special Note: Regardless of the cost)]

Fang Yi stared blankly at the panel in front of him. After a while, he suddenly raised his head to the sky and let out a mad laughter, causing all the birds to fly away.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that even the Lord God would agree with what I did. Child of Destiny, I see where you are running away!" Fang Yi's eyes flashed with a frantic look.



In the village, Mo Jiu sneezed and touched his nose with some doubts: 'Why do you always It felt like someone was secretly thinking about me. '

'No. 'The system' hehe smiled, 'Luo Qingwu and Qu Xiaoxiao are thinking about you now, especially want to know your identity. '

Mo Jiu suppressed the unspeakable strange feeling in his heart: 'Then let them think about it. '

The system suddenly said: 'They are back! '

Mo Jiu hurried out of the house and saw two figures walking slowly towards him. He subconsciously reached out and touched his coccyx. After realizing that he had changed his clothes, he quickly greeted him. Go up: "What happened to you?"

(end of this chapter)

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