Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 180


Chapter 180 Blue Silk Turns White Hair

Mo Jiu's breath was like a blue orchid, and it was clearly blowing into Li Muxian's ears, but it seemed It floated into her Qiong's nose. At this moment, the tip of her nose was full of an intoxicating fragrance, which made her mind a little dizzy.

Li Muxian screamed in her heart that she was wrong. She didn't forget that Mo Jiu was a vixen, but his talent and previous performance. She felt that he was pure after all, charming and charming. With the thought of teasing, who knew that he was suddenly turned against the army.

Mo Jiu sticks to Li Muxian, as always, a skillful move that has been done thousands of times.

But Li Muxian couldn't take it this time, her breathing was heavy and her words were low: "Xiaobai, come down..."

"hehe." Mo Jiu smiled in Li Muxian's ear , a slender and fair finger was still gently poking at her crimson earlobe, with a lazy tone in her tone, "I can't hold on anymore? It seems that you are still inexperienced, I have to train you well. Just for a moment, otherwise how will I stick to you in the future?"

Li Muxian almost squeezed this sentence out of his teeth: "Only you stick to me like this, where will my experience come from? Hurry up and go. !"

Mo Jiu let go of Li Muxian suddenly, got off her body, and looked at her with a look of surprise, his eyes seemed to be flashing rays of light: "What are you doing with Qu Xiaoxiao? Haven't done it?"

Okay, so he was testing her too.

Li Muxian was both happy and angry. The happy thing was that Mo Jiu cared about Qu Xiaoxiao's relationship with her, which meant that she was very important to him. Mo Jiu was worried that Li Muxian would abandon and bore him, so why wasn't she the same?

The interaction between him and Luo Qingwu makes her feel a little uncomfortable now.

The anger is that he is testing her, which means he doesn't trust her very much. Of course, since they haven't seen each other for a long time, it's normal to have some doubts about each other. She can feel that the tacit understanding between them after getting along for a year and a half still exists. It's just that she can't take it anymore... This is also what makes her angry. main reason. Small Fox dares to tease her like this now, but will it be okay later?

Li Muxian decided to 'reinvigorate the women's gang', and said coldly: "Are you testing me?"

Mo Jiu looked flustered, looked at Li Muxian's expression, and found that she did not really angry, sighed in relief. After hesitating for a moment, there was a hint of apology in his eyes, he lowered his head slightly, raised his eyes and glanced at her lightly, with a pitiful look, and whispered: "I'm sorry, I don't know what is the relationship between you and him. , so I wanted to try it out."

"I don't know how to ask me directly?" Li Muxian's tone was still cold.

Suddenly, a hand gently grabbed her clothes, Mo Jiu grabbed the corners of her clothes, his arms and even his body swayed slightly from side to side, and his words were softer: "I'm sorry, Don't be angry, okay?"

Li Muxian sucked in a breath of cold air, where did he learn this method?

Apologizing so coquettishly, I'm afraid any woman can't resist it, right?

Has he shown this appearance in front of others?

Thinking of this, Li Muxian's eyes really turned cold.


Mo Jiu has been observing Li Muxian's expression all the time, thinking that she will calm down soon, but why does it seem to be even more angry?

Mo Jiu didn't get carried away, and after a little thought, he figured out the reason, and a smile flashed in those fox eyes.

Are you jealous?

"I haven't used this trick on other women."

The cold look on Li Muxian's face instantly dissipated, and there was still a hint of embarrassment in his eyes that his inner thoughts were seen through. , wanted to pretend to be calm, but couldn't stop caring about Mo Jiu, and asked, "Really?"

"en." Mo Jiu narrowed his eyes with a smile, "I'm a vixen. , do these things still need to be learned? Naturally, self-taught."

There is also a strong smugness in the words, as if self-taught are so proud.

"Then what have you been through all these years?"

The two finally returned to the topic and began to talk about their experiences over the years.

When Li Muxian heard Mo Jiu said that he was changing people, so he left, browses slightly wrinkle: "Transformation?"

Mo Jiu nodded: "That's me In the end, I choose whether or not to have the opportunity to transform people. If I miss that time, I will no longer be able to transform people, so I will be so anxious."

"Why do you want to transform people?" Li Muxian asked. .

Mo Jiu said: "Because I think I can talk to you after I transform into a human, so..."

"Is it that simple?"

"That's what I thought at the time..." Mo Jiu sat on the bed, turned to look at Li Muxian who was beside him, the emotion in his eyes suddenly became clear and firm, "Now that I have experienced such people and events, I think I finally understand what I want."

"I want to be with you all the time, always by your side."

Li Muxian stared blankly in front of her. Mo Jiu, is this a confession?

Obviously Mo Jiu is doing the same thing as Qu Xiaoxiao, but her inner feelings are completely different, the heartbeat is like a drum, so violent that it seems to pop out of her chest.

However, Mo Jiu's eyes did not reveal the deep affection and infatuation that he should have. His clear and firm look was more like making an oath.

But in Li Muxian's ears, this is the most touching love story in the world.

At this moment, the remaining grudge against Mo Jiu, which she may not even be aware of, completely dissipated in her deep in one's heart.

Li Muxian wanted to hear more of these words from Mo Jiu's mouth, so she deliberately said: "But you don't change shape, you are still a fox, can you stay by my side forever? "

Mo Jiu's eyes widened, and he said angrily: "Are you stupid, I want to be a fox all the time, will you still like me?"

"Yes Ah."

"Not that kind of liking!" Mo Jiu gritted his teeth and stared at Li Muxian, looking like he was about to fry.

"Okay, okay." Li Muxian quickly soothed, stroking Mo Jiu's head, "I prefer you to always accompany me as a human being."

Mo Jiu was obeyed Mao, the anger dissipated quickly, but she still turned her head away from her, coldly said: "hmph!"

Li Muxian was so cute that her heart trembled. stop it? Even if you don't seduce women with a sexy and charming appearance, the cuteness and naturalness revealed by some small actions can also capture a woman's heart.

"By the way, isn't your hair white? Why is it black now?" Li Muxian held Mo Jiu's long hair in both hands.

Mo Jiu turned his head: "This is our fox demon's innate talent skill. If you want, you can become another person."

While speaking, his hair It turned into white a little bit from the root, and soon spread to all the hair strands, turning into a head of snow white, and the white hair was so beautiful that it seemed to light up the whole room.

Li Muxian was surprised to see this change, and she couldn't close her mouth. She held Mo Jiu's lock of white hair in both hands, and she couldn't put it down. She even buried her entire face in the white hair and took a deep breath. A big breath.

Even Mo Jiu felt a little ashamed, a little crimson crawled up his cheeks, and scolded: "What are you doing..."

Li Muxian realized that she was an idiot. ' behavior, and quickly stopped: "cough."

She had never touched her white hair, she was just curious.

Well, just curious.

"By the way, I remember you still have ears and tails..."

Before finishing speaking, Li Muxian met Mo Jiu's eyes like a rogue, and said It came to an abrupt end.

Feed everyone candy, open your mouth, ah-

(end of this chapter)

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