Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 186


Chapter 186 Passing on Essence

But shouldn't the main god be the daughter of protecting Qi and maintaining the normal destiny of this world?

Mo Jiu wondered if he had misunderstood the purpose of the Lord God until now. In fact, he didn't need to care whether the world line was correct or not?

But since this is the case, why does it stop itself repeatedly?

This probability is not big, Mo Jiu denied this guess.

Besides, what's the point of taking action against Li Muxian? Heavenly Dao will fix all of this by herself, it only takes a few days, no matter if someone helps her or Li Muxian recovers completely, she will definitely recover as before.

"Have you thought about it?" Luo Qingwu's low voice sounded, and Mo Jiu finally recovered.

He had forgotten that now is not the time to think about these issues, but to figure out how to make Li Muxian wake up.

But he also impossible to tell Luo Qingwu that they don't need to worry about Li Muxian, when the time comes she will naturally recover completely. It is possible that Luo Qingwu or Qu Xiaoxian would recover Li Muxian. If he really said this, it would not only arouse the anger of the two, but might also change the world line, and Li Muxian would really sleep forever because of this.

Mo Jiu said, "Wait."

"Wait? When will you wait? Have you been watching Muxian's appearance all the time?" Qu Xiaoxiao said loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Mo Jiu turned his head to look at him, the long and narrow fox eyes were no longer charming and seductive, but a frosty chill. The fox's viciousness and viciousness displayed vividly and thoroughly at this moment, scared Qu Xiaoxiao to take a few steps backwards.

Luo Qingwu hurriedly stepped forward and protected Qu Xiaoxiao behind her.

"Do you think you are the only one worried about her?!" Mo Jiu icily said, then glanced coldly at Luo Qingwu who was standing in front of Qu Xiaoxiao, the corners of her lips seemed to tick slightly, Showing a sarcastic arc, he turned his head and looked towards Li Muxian lying on the bed again.

Luo Qingwu's heart sank, she seemed to feel that all Mo Jiu's goodwill towards her was dissipated at this moment, because her actions revealed a strong distrust.

But he is a monster after all...

Luo Qingwu feels that she has done nothing wrong, her attitude towards Mo Jiu should be like this, but she doesn't know why. The good impression that came, made her vigilant and alert to Mo Jiu, but her heart was constantly glowing with subtle pain.

Luo Qingwu ignored the faint pain, and solemnly asked: "When will you wait?"

"Tomorrow morning." Mo Jiu indifferently said, "I didn't notice her in her. When it comes to Monster Qi, it shouldn't be the monster's attack. If it's her own problem, see if she wakes up one day. If it's not an accident, then see if the person who attacked her tonight will continue to attack. "

Luo Qingwu thought for a while, and felt that Mo Jiu's words were all right, and nodded, "Okay."

So, the three of them stayed in this room together for the whole one. day one night, until the next morning, Li Muxian still showed no sign of waking up.

but also not completely unchanged, originally her face was a little rosy, but now her face is pale and bloodless, and even her lips seem to have turned white.

Qu Xiaoxiao couldn't sit still any longer, and suddenly stood up: "This is what you said?!"

"Xiaoxiao." Luo Qingwu stopped him, She could see that Mo Jiu was the one who worried about Li Muxian the most among the three of them. Even when they used talisman to try to get rid of the possible Monster Qi for her, he clearly couldn't stand the breath of talisman, but he still refused to leave Li Muxian's side for half a step.

"What should I do now?" She tried to keep her tone as calm as possible.

Mo Jiu didn't answer her, as if she was still thinking.

He had a whole day of thinking yesterday, and he also thought about whether Li Muxian's situation would be something that would have happened, the so-called predetermined trajectory.

But now that he's certain, it must not be. Because Li Muxian's state is that his essence is constantly draining, why is there such a reason that we can't find it for the time being, but there are ways to slow it down. That is he passed the essence to Li Muxian.

If this situation continues, Li Muxian's death is obvious, but his existence can slow down this process, prolong it for a long time, and long enough to allow Li Muxian to wake up.

Thinking of this, Mo Jiu's heart shuddered suddenly, as if he had been enlightened by a sudden enlightenment. Does the Lord want him to give Li Muxian's energy all the time, causing his own energy to decrease until he perishes?

But even if he knew the plan of the Lord God, he still had to do it.

"I try to maintain her current state as much as possible." Mo Jiu said, "but this is a temporary solution, if you want to wake her up, you must find a way, because her state does not It's not caused by monsters, I don't understand."

Luo Qingwu heard this startled, and immediately began to think, after a while, Qu Xiaoxiao suddenly said, "How about we invite other Taoist priests? One person has a way."

Luo Qingwu brows slightly wrinkle, this approach is too perfunctory, equivalent to handing Li Muxian's life into someone else's hands. But this is really a way, she said: "We still have to figure out a way, it's really not good, we'll ask someone else."

After saying that, she looked at Mo Jiu: "How to maintain it."

Mo Jiu's tone finally got a little more turbulent: "You guys go out."

"What do you want to do?" Qu Xiaoxiao immediately became vigilant, even Luo Qingwu changed a little eyes.

At such a sensitive juncture, she and Qu Xiaoxiao had to have at least one person by Li Muxian's side, but Mo Jiu let them both leave...

Just as Luo Qingwu was thinking At that moment, Mo Jiu said, "Since you don't want to go out, just watch."

When the voice fell, his black hair quietly turned into white hair, and a touching color bloomed, Facing the faint warm sun shining in from the window lattice, it is as beautiful as Heavenly Immortal.

Under the shocked gazes of Luo Qingwu and Qu Xiaoxiao, Mo Jiu slowly bent down and kissed Li Muxian's pale lips lightly.

"What are you doing?!" Qu Xiaoxiao shouted, rushing over and forcibly separating Mo Jiu from Li Muxian.

Luo Qingwu looked at him fixedly: "What are you doing?"

Mo Jiu straightened the slightly messy white hair, and pulled a lock of hair up Behind the ear, his eyes swept across Luo Qingwu and Qu Xiaoxiao: "I'm passing on her essence."

"Can the essence be passed on like this?" Qu Xiaoxiao was extremely angry.


Qu Xiaoxiao's expression suddenly froze, and she wanted to say something, Mo Jiu said again: "Or if I mate with her, that can also be done. Passing the essence, which one do you want?"

The word 'mating. mate' is too revealing, Qu Xiaoxiao blushed almost instantly, raised her finger and pointed at Mo Jiu: "You ...why are you so..."

"I'm a bitch?" Mo Jiu's face was indifferent and his words were calm, "As long as I can save her, I'll be a bitch, so what?"

(end of chapter)

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