Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 327


Chapter 327 I am not your Your Majesty

hearing this, Mo Jiu was dumbfounded directly, and the expression on his face was stiff here.

Han Qingyan's complexion changed, no matter how suppressed her feelings were, she had accumulated too much during this period of time, and after all, she still showed a point.

What will happen to Mo Jiu who knows this?

The shock and disbelief have been revealed, and then there should be more and more disgust and hatred...

Anyone who finds that his enemy has feelings for himself, only I'm afraid it will feel disgusting.

However, even if this relationship is trampled and rejected by Mo Jiu, she can only endure it silently, because she brought it all on her own...

Han Qingyan is low He was ready to be ridiculed and insulted by Mo Jiu.

However, Mo Jiu looked at her with a hint of surprise in his eyes full of killing intent.

Your Majesty? Who is Your Majesty? That woman is dead! Died in his hands! He watched her corpse separate!

Could it be...that this person mistook him for his sister...that woman?

Mo Jiu gritted his teeth and said icily: "Your Your Majesty is dead!"

Han Qingyan lifted the head, his eyes trembling at him.

Did Your Majesty tell yourself to stop calling him that? Up to now, he would even be disgusted by what she called him...

Han Qingyan looked painful, but she slowly opened her lips and said softly, "No matter what Your Majesty is, you are still the same. Your Majesty of the minister."

She will not have any more overstepping, from now on, Mo Jiu is the emperor, she is the minister, and this is their normal relationship.

Mo Jiu looked at Han Qingyan with a respectful attitude, and his eyes deepened with doubts. Couldn't this person hear that his voice was a man? Or, is this the backhand left by that woman? But the respect of her words did not seem false.

But the next moment, Mo Jiu laughed lightly. Since he didn't understand, he didn't think about it.

"Are you here to kill me?"

What if he really came to kill him? He's done his revenge, what's the point of staying on this filthy world? And he really didn't know this person, and he wasn't one of the people who had done those things to him. It wasn't bad for her to kill him.

Han Qingyan looked at his smiling face, and was in a trance and absent-mindedness for a moment, and then he understood his words, and his body suddenly froze.

"No..." She shook the head and clenched her hands slowly, "I will never hurt Your Majesty again." The voice was full of bitterness.

What does this guarantee mean to Mo Jiu now? Because she has already hurt him, like a murderer, can she guarantee that she will not kill again from now on, so that the dead can be brought back to life? Impossible, once something is done, the impact will be impossible to erase.

Mo Jiu is dumbfounded again, 'will never hurt again', is this really the words he can hear?

Even though he knew that this sentence was not meant to him, he still felt the warmth and happiness he had never felt before.

Staying in the dark for too long, even a faint light, is enough for him to cherish it.

"Who are you?" he asked, wanting to know Han Qingyan's identity.

Han Qingyan still didn't react: "Don't Your Majesty know me?"

Or, this is Your Majesty's ridicule to her, indicating that the relationship between them has never been After that, there is no half-point relationship.

Yes, this may be the real punishment for her now, who likes Your Majesty.

This is Your Majesty. After discovering her feelings for him, she immediately found her weakness and fought back, making her miserable...

Mo Jiu's fair face With a ferocious look for a moment, what happened to this person, could it be that he lost his memory? He's not her Your Majesty, and he hasn't even seen her face, how could he possibly know her? !

Han Qingyan's words and deeds make Mo Jiu extremely confused, but he is not used to thinking, if there are too many questions, he will be irritable for no reason, and want to kill...

But thinking of Han Qingyan's words just now, he still managed to restrain his inner violence: "What's the matter with you? I'm not your Your Majesty!"

Han Qingyan's expression changed. Bai, there is no luck anymore. It seems that Your Majesty is determined to let them have no relationship, and even the relationship between the monarch and the minister will be ruthlessly deprived.

"I understand..."

What do you understand!

Mo Jiu was extremely irritable and called Ye Rumeng: "Ye Rumeng, get out!"

Han Qingyan replied in a low voice: "Your Majesty... Ye Rumeng has already I have left the imperial city."


Mo Jiu's face changed instantly as soon as he said this, he bit his lips tightly, his hands slammed together He held it tightly, but even so, his body was still shaking uncontrollably.

Why, why did she leave? Didn't he say he wanted to stay by his side forever? Or is it because the way she killed herself was so crazy that she hated herself, so she left...

"" Mo Jiu muttered to himself, and his whole person suddenly collapsed. , tears welled up in his eyes, and he screamed mournfully, "Don't...don't leave me! Don't leave me...leave me alone..."

Han Qingyan didn't realize what was going on. When things happened, his body started to move in advance, he came to Mo Jiu's side, raised his hand and hugged him tightly: "Your Majesty, don't cry, I won't leave you, I won't leave you alone..."

The person in her arms is alive again, her body is so soft, it is hard to put it down, but Han Qingyan doesn't have any thoughts in her heart, only a deep sense of distress, she finally finds that Mo Jiu's situation is not right, but He didn't care to explore the reason, but just kept comforting him in a whisper.

Under her tenderness, Mo Jiu gradually stopped the tears and calmed down.

But when he calmed down, he found that he was being held in Han Qingyan's arms, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably, even more violently than before, with fear in his eyes, He pushed Han Qingyan with all his strength.

Han Qingyan let go of him immediately: "I won't touch you!"

Mo Jiu gasped violently, as if he didn't expect Han Qingyan to be so decisive He let go of him, without any memory or desire for his body, and looking at the gloomy look in her eyes, a trace of guilt appeared on her face: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I, I can't control it, as long as I'm hurt by others Just touch it lightly and it will be like this..."

"It's okay." Han Qingyan shook the head, fixedly looking at Mo Jiu, and finally noticed the strange sense of disobedience.

She asked suddenly: "How old are you now?"

Mo Jiu whispered: "Nineteen."

Your Majesty should be two this year Fifteen years old is right, nineteen years old is six years ago, exactly when he killed his sister and father, and then ascended the throne, becoming the first male emperor since ancient times.

Han Qingyan finally understood everything at the moment.

(end of this chapter)

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