Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 332


Chapter 332 I dare not say anything

This is obviously impossible by Mo Jiu's will, even if his actions look like That's the case, but Han Qingyan still caught a deadly look in his eyes.

I can't even give birth to despair, only emptiness and numbness...

Even the biting pain didn't make Han Qing's face change color, but Mo Jiu's attitude at the moment made her His face was savagely twisted.

Suddenly, Mo Jiu let out a 'wang', the panic and fear contained in the cry made Han Qingyan sober a little, and she saw Mo Jiu staring at her in horror, but the expression on her face was different. It has become more pleasing and flattering.

Such involuntarily, this kind of observation, this is Mo Jiu's past days...

Han Qingyan thought that the heartache before was the extreme, but she didn't think that there could be more in her heart. It hurts, and even the power to breathe has been deprived.

And her pain at the moment is probably less than one thousandth of the damage Mo Jiu has suffered...

Han Qingyan closed her eyes, took a deep breath, When he opened it again, there was a smile that seemed to be crying instead of crying: "Your Majesty, I have offended you."

Han Qingyan bent down and hugged Mo Jiu, he subconsciously wanted to struggle, but Her body immediately stiffened, and she didn't dare to move in her arms, for fear that she would be a little bit disobedient, which would lead to a severe beating.

Han Qingyan gritted her teeth, preventing Mo Jiu from seeing the pain in his eyes, and carried him back to the dragon couch.

But it's not like a warm bed for Mo Jiu, it's more like a Gates of Hell, as soon as he is put on him, he quickly gets up and rolls out of bed again.

"Your Majesty!" Han Qingyan caught him with quick eyes and hands.

Mo Jiu's eyes finally showed new emotions, faint shock and doubt, not understanding why Han Qingyan wanted to catch him.

But he could feel Han Qingyan's kindness towards him, so his attitude towards her changed at a speed visible to naked eye.

"woof!" Mo Jiu called softly, rubbing Han Qingyan's neck with his head.

Han Qingyan's expression froze.

Your Majesty's words and deeds have really turned into a dog...

But how could he change his attitude towards her because of his kindness? If this is the case, then those who have gained his trust want to hurt him, or they will become with no difficulty...

Han Qingyan started, and suddenly understood something.

Once you are bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of the rope for ten years.

Only if no one has ever hurt Mo Jiu in this way, he will not be vigilant and fearful about it.

But Han Qingyan didn't believe that if those people got Mo Jiu's trust, they would not use this trust to make fun of him. In this case, it means that from the beginning to the end, those people have not given Mo Jiu even the slightest kindness...

Is this good or bad for Mo Jiu?

Han Qingyan didn't know, she just gave birth to a burst of deep distress and pity, holding Mo Jiu in her arms, restrained and gentle.

She put him back on the dragon couch again, and Mo Jiu, who was originally calm, immediately showed panic and began to struggle to get out of bed.

Han Qingyan saw it in his eyes and finally understood, it must be Mo Jiu's stepfather who didn't allow him to sleep on the bed, and also punished him fiercely for this, so that he was like a bird with a startled bow. fear.

Han Qingyan's breathing became more and more rapid, and her hatred towards Mo Jiu elder sister and his stepfather rose almost unlimitedly. Suddenly, at a certain moment, she froze for a moment.

She should really hate them because they made Mo Jiu what he is, but the one who made your Your Majesty back into his nightmare...isn't she?

What's the difference between her and those people? If she hates them so much that she wants to corpse them, then she herself is the one who should die the most.

Han Qingyan laughed at herself, laughing at a hundred paces, how could she feel at ease?

She's also...unforgivable.

Those hatreds have subsided, and only the repentance, self-blame, and distress for Mo Jiu are left... The top priority is to take good care of Your Majesty.

Han Qingyan's voice was hoarse: "Your Majesty, don't be afraid, you can sleep here..."

Mo Jiu understood, although he became a human dog, but The way of thinking is naturally human.


Han Qingyan looked at Mo Jiu's inquiring eyes and understood the meaning of his cry: 'Can I really sleep here? ? '

"Sure," she whispered.

“woof!” Mo Jiu exclaimed happily.

The place to sleep was changed from the floor to the bed, which made Your Majesty so happy...

Han Qingyan suppressed the pain in her eyes, and although she was in pain, she was also happy. It is found that the current Mo Jiu still has the possibility of recovery.

As long as she takes good care of him, there is a chance.


From this day onwards, Han Qingyan took care of Mo Jiu in a different way, and also reversed his habit of being a human and a dog step by step.

He was originally a human being, how could the subconscious be used to and accept the dog-like way of life, it was only because of the prostitution and prestige of those people that he had to forcefully distort and change himself under compelled by circumstances.

Now with the gentle guidance of Han Qingyan, Mo Jiu has changed very quickly. After a while, he has re-accepted walking on his legs, sleeping on the bed, eating with chopsticks and so on.

There is only one thing that Mo Jiu refuses to do despite Han Qingyan's consolation and guidance, and that is to speak.

His speech function seems to have really degenerated into a dog, only barking 'wang wang wang~'.

But Han Qingyan knew that it wasn't that Mo Jiu couldn't really speak human's words, it was just that she didn't find a solution.

But there is no way to find it. Han Qingyan tried for several days and failed, and finally had to ask Lin Muxin for help.

She didn't want anyone else to know about Mo Jiu's current situation, but that's all she can do right now.

Fortunately, she can not reveal the specific situation of Mo Jiu

"How can people restore the ability to speak?" Lin Muxin was not shocked, she was used to solving problems, pondering deeply After a while, he asked, "Why did he zombie speak?"

Han Qingyan was silent for a moment: "I don't know."

She didn't know what those people were talking about. What did Mo Jiu do to make him refuse to utter a normal syllable until he died, and every time she asked him not to bark, there was deep fear in her eyes.

Lin Muxin brows slightly wrinkle: "That would be troublesome. Solving this disease is actually very simple. People lose some of their own things, walking, speaking, feeling... are usually influenced by the outside world, just need It's easy to find out what's affecting him. But if you don't have to find this thing first."

"I see."

Han Back in the bedroom, he began to test what made Mo Jiu dare not speak human's words.

She guessed that the high probability is an item, so she focused on starting from here.

She tried a lot of people, but Mo Jiu didn't respond, until she took out a palm-mouthed wooden board...

(End of this chapter)

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