Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 340


Chapter 340 Waiting

Was Mo Jiu wrong? Naturally, it was wrong. No matter what, this was not the reason why he killed these ministers.

But Han Qingyan couldn't continue to put this crime on him as it should.

Because whether it is to torture and kill women every night, or to kill a group of ministers and clean the entire Imperial Court, all the crimes he committed are traceable, and he was tortured by his stepfather. , the past of humiliation is the source of all sins...

If these things hadn't happened, what would have happened to Your Majesty? He must be happy to be a prince, carefree every day, always innocent and brilliant, there will be a wife who loves him deeply, and a child as lovely and beautiful as him...

Your Majesty yearns for nothing more than that.

Han Qingyan suddenly understood why Mo Jiu imagined such a new consciousness. He didn't really want to be a good emperor, but he was an emperor now, so he should do it well. duties of the emperor.

For the emperor, hope the country is prosperous and the people are safe. For the prince, I want to be happy and worry-free.

This is Your Majesty's concept of life. It's so simple, but it's hard to realize...

"Okay." Han Qingyan lowered her head and stared deeply at Mo Jiu, and replied softly. Said, "Since Your Majesty doesn't want to go to court, then don't go."

Mo Jiu was overjoyed, and then a little worried: "Is it really okay..."

If he doesn't go to court, won't the country be in chaos?

Han Qingyan smiled slightly: "Don't worry Your Majesty, you make good use of your talents, even if you don't go to court, those ministers will take care of everything."

Mo Jiu Some opened his lips, is he so powerful? Now the country does not need him, can it function perfectly?

But he still chose to believe in Han Qingyan, and slightly nodded the whole: "Yes, but I forgot about them."

In fact, the country is no longer in the chaos of the past. The scene gradually returned to the right track. As long as there was no major event, the emperor did not need to come forward for a while. But those worthy and loyal ministers are Han Qingyan's discerning eyes, and they are promoted little by little, so that almost everyone can exert their own strengths.

But as long as it makes Your Majesty happy, Han Qingyan doesn't mind putting all the credit on him.

gu gu...

At this moment, there was some movement in Mo Jiu's stomach, and his face suddenly turned slightly red.

Han Qingyan immediately understood, tried not to see him, so as not to embarrass Mo Jiu, then left the bedroom and let the cronies at the door start to serve breakfast.

Soon, breakfast will be ready. Mo Jiu looked at the rare delicacies on the table in front of him, his eyes lit up immediately, he looked left and right, not knowing what to eat first.

The corners of Han Qingyan's lips raised a slight arc, and now Your Majesty can really accept the delicacies of the mountains and the sea or the full feast of the Chinese and Han, and her Your Majesty should eat these things, which is what he deserves.

Not like that Your Majesty, who cherished food so much, just because Your Majesty at that time never had a good meal...

Thinking of this, Han Qing There was a sudden bitterness in Yan's heart, she swallowed it slowly, and said softly, "I... my concubine, come and feed Your Majesty."

Mo Jiu opened his mouth, but stopped talking, 'I 'It's too good to enjoy it, and even the people of the harem are served to serve you.

He wanted to say that he didn't need it. With a face like Han Qingyan getting close, he probably wouldn't be able to eat well. But he was worried about being exposed. After thinking about it, he still pursed his lips, nodded: "en."

Seeing him sitting upright, Han Qingyan smiled knowingly again: "Your Majesty, don't So nervous."

Do you look nervous?

Mo Jiu was startled, and his face sank on purpose: "Why am I nervous?"

Han Qingyan's smile became more intense, this Your Majesty is innocent and cute , she seemed to see Mo Jiu when she was still a prince.

If this Your Majesty can always exist...

Han Qingyan immediately shook her head, how could she think so? Every Your Majesty is Your Majesty, and Lin Muxin said that this symptom is actually a disease, and she should hope that Your Majesty will recover quickly.

be that as it may, Han Qingyan looked at Mo Jiu with a blushing face in front of him, thinking that he could always keep this innocent and childlike childishness.

After a breakfast, Mo Jiu was content, and the tip of his pink tongue stretched out and licked his glossy lips lightly.

At this time, Han Qingyan stretched out a hand naturally and wiped away the traces left on the corner of his mouth: "Your Majesty, there is more here."

Mo Jiu micro Startled, he responded in a low voice, his rosy face didn't know whether it was the heat radiated after he was full, or the shyness of Han Qingyan's intimate touch.

Han Qingyan noticed the change in Mo Jiu's expression, but she didn't have too many turbulence in her heart. She knew that Your Majesty was too simple, and thought she was his woman's sake, so this good feeling came so quickly .

But even if Your Majesty is in love with her now, it's no use, as long as the memory goes back again, or a new consciousness is fantasized, then the feeling will cease to exist.

But even so, Han Qingyan kept looking at Mo Jiu, absorbing a faint joy from him.

Mo Jiu was afraid of revealing his secrets, so he let the cold look on his face.

After a while, he suddenly yawned, with rational tears in his eyes, obviously sleepy.

Han Qingyan's complexion changed slightly. Through recent observation and judgment, she found that every time Mo Jiu's memory regressed, or a new consciousness was born like this time, it was just after sleeping. after sleep.

I only got up before, and the sleepiness at this moment seems very strange. Could it be that Your Majesty is going to lose her memory again?

Han Qingyan was stunned for a moment, and a strong reluctance arose in her heart. She has only been with this Your Majesty for less than two days, and it was difficult for her to accept his 'disappearance'. .

Maybe this Your Majesty's affection for her came too much and too fast, and he lived the life Your Majesty wanted...

No, she doesn't. He was willing to be your Your Majesty, but he only liked her, not hated her.

Han Qingyan ruthlessly revealed her own lies, she was just avoiding the Your Majesty who was constantly hurt by her and hated her...

But in the end, she still had to face it Yes, and that's the real Your Majesty.

Han Qingyan took a deep breath, covered the reluctance and pain in his eyes, and whispered: "Your Majesty, sleep when you're sleepy..."

Mo Jiu's eyes He opened his eyes wide abruptly, and laughed at Han Qingyan's somewhat sorry expression: "I... I'm not sleepy."

After a while, Mo Jiu closed his eyes, Han Qingyan gave a helpless and doting smile , then became expressionless, carried him back to the dragon couch, and stood quietly beside the bed.

She's waiting, waiting for Your Majesty's memory to roll back, or for a new consciousness to emerge.

Han Qingyan is also not sure whether Mo Jiu will lose his memory after waking up, after all, it's just speculation, but if this innocent Your Majesty doesn't disappear...

Holding a faint of hope, Han Qingyan waited silently.

(end of this chapter)

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