Video Game Empire

Chapter 134: Lee's Security

"You really spared no effort in promoting Cai Lifo. Obviously Tommy is a Bruce Lee fan, and he should learn Jeet Kune Do when he comes to Hong Kong. Why did he go to Cai Lifo's martial arts gym?" Li Xuan said with a smile.

Of course, these are all insignificant details. What really determines the success or failure of the game is whether the fighting screen and button move design can make players feel good.

"I asked the artist to design some original game paintings. Please take a look at what needs to be modified!"

Liang Ning said and handed over a stack of manuscripts. During this time, he often went to various martial arts gyms in Hong Kong to collect various martial arts materials in order to conceive the fighting scenes of each scene of the game.

In particular, Cai Lifo, which the two protagonists have learned, is extensive and profound. There are hundreds of martial arts routines and dozens of equipment routines. How to get rid of the rough and save the essence, not only makes the game control simple, but also ensures that the screen is exciting and fierce, punching to the flesh, so that the player has an immersive feeling of blood boiling, this is the most important issue for him.

Li Xuan browsed through the original game paintings that Liang Ning handed over, and he felt it was okay, but whether he can really make an excellent fighting arcade game, he still needs to wait for the images to be displayed on the game console and operate it himself. out an evaluation.

"Let's wait for you to make the first case of the game, I'll read it, now it's like reading a comic!" Li Xuan said with a smile.

He has always felt that Hong Kong has a deep background in making fighting games. The action design in Hong Kong movies in the 1980s can shake off a few streets in Hollywood. These are the advantages that Dongfang Games can take advantage of. But whether the wonderful martial arts scenes in Hong Kong movies can be transformed into excellent game pictures through computer programs will test the ability of the company's game developers.

Liang Ning's new arcade game is named "Kung Fu". The development team has been established for several months and has been doing preparatory work. Li Xuan also wanted to do this as an experiment. After all, his golden fingers will always run out one day, and the true originality is the foundation for the future of Dongfang Games.

Except for the background, this "Kung Fu" is somewhat similar to "Double Dragon". The specific game design has nothing to do with Double Dragon. If the game is successful, it could open up an important new category for Eastern games.

"Recently, your department has lost a lot of staff!" Li Xuan asked.

"People leave every week! The conditions given by other companies directly add 30% to our salary!" Liang Ning said that this matter is also a little helpless. Although the lost people are not important backbones, people keep resigning. It will make people's hearts float within the department.

"The company doesn't have a good solution for the time being. You can only communicate more with other people, keep as much as you can, and keep up with the pace of recruiting!" Li Xuan said.

He and other executives have also discussed this issue, and a salary increase will definitely not work. Because this not only involves a company of Dongfang Games, but also considers the impact on other departments.

"How's "Tank Wars 2" going?" Li Xuan changed the subject. The personnel loss was something that people in the administration department would have to worry about.

"Our arcade department has already finished the game, and the next step is the marketing department and production department to take over. It is tentatively scheduled to be released next month!" Liang Ning said with a smile.

"Tank Wars 2" adds missiles and other props on the basis of "Tank Wars", and redesigns a new level map. But this sequel game doesn't have much new ideas. In fact, it is just taking advantage of the current hot momentum of "Tank Wars" to grab money naked.

From the launch of "Tank Wars" at the beginning of the year to the present, the total sales volume of arcade boards and complete machines has exceeded the 100,000 mark, earning at least 100 million US dollars in real money for Li Xuan. It can be said that Dongfang Electronics can have the current scale, and this arcade game is the biggest contributor.

After Li Xuan chatted with Liang Ning a few more times, Liang Ning got up and left. Li Xuan's point of view has always been to use people without suspicion. In fact, he rarely skips several high-level companies in the company, and let the people who are in charge of specific affairs directly report to him. But the arcade industry is now the backbone of the company, and he will naturally pay more attention.

"Little Lisheng, Mr. Qu Weilin is here!" Ke Lilun came in and said to Li Xuan.

"Invite him in!" Li Xuan nodded and said.

After Qu Weilin retired from the rank of senior inspector, he joined the legal department of Dongfang Electronics as a security consultant. After the kidnapping incident, Li Xuan immediately realized that the security force for himself and his family was insufficient and unprofessional. So Qu Weilin came forward to set up a new Li's security company, which was specially responsible for the security of Li Xuan and his family.

"Xiao Lisheng, I have already negotiated with Guardian, they are responsible for all-round skill training for our security personnel!" Qu Weilin said.

Before most kidnappings happen, the kidnappers will step on the spot in advance. And the place to step on is nothing more than the door of the house and the door of the company, where these target people often appear.

Kidnappers usually choose the right time to attack according to the target's behavior. If Li Xuan's security measures are in place, there is actually a chance to notice the abnormality of this group of people when the kidnappers step on the spot, so as to eliminate the danger in advance.

But Li Xuan's security personnel did not have such professional skills, so after the establishment of the new Li's security company, Qu Weilin was responsible for the improvement work in this regard. Guard Security, which is responsible for training new staff of Lee's Security Company, is one of the two largest and most professional security companies in Hong Kong.

Li Xuan nodded. He is no stranger to Guardforce. When the arcade factory of Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. was attacked by bad boys, the company temporarily hired Guardforce to protect the lives of the executives. Li Xuan Their professionalism is highly recognized.

"In addition I also contacted a few former colleagues!" Qu Weilin continued.

Li Xuan opened the information handed over by the other party. The first one was named Luo Yongxiang, an inspector and an instructor at the Royal Hong Kong Police Reconnaissance Training School. The second is Lin Zhihua, an inspector and the leader of the First Action Team of the VIP Protection Team of the Police Force. The third is Li Jiming, senior sheriff and instructor of the training team of the Flying Tigers.

The few people Qu Weilin chose were undoubtedly after careful consideration by him, and they were all people with real skills. Li Xuan couldn't help but nodded after reading the information, and said, "If they are willing to join Li's Security Company to work, and the salary is not a problem, let Qu Sheng wait for me to contact them!"

"Xiao Lisheng, the new driver that Mr. Chen Fanshen recommended to you, we have done a thorough investigation, and there is no problem with the information!" Qu Weilin said again.

The security personnel recruited by the newly established Li's Security Company are mainly divided into two parts, one part is recruited locally in Hong Kong, and the other part is from the mainland comrades introduced by Chen Fanshen.

Locals in Hong Kong are easily infiltrated by people with intentions. Li Xuan Lao asked Chen to introduce some comrades-in-arms with innocent backgrounds, stable personalities, and no obvious vices to work in Hong Kong. This way, mixing sand with each other is less likely to cause problems.

Regarding the candidate for Li Xuanxin's driver, he also chose to trust Chen Fanshen. Chen Fanshen recommended to him a deputy squad leader from his former company. His surname was Wang Zhenyue. He was a gentleman in Hebei with a calm personality.

After Chen turns over and recovers his health, he will become the deputy manager of Li's Security, and he will preside over the daily work arrangements of Li's Security as Qu Weilin's deputy. He will also become one of Li Xuan's eyes in the security company.

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