Video Game Empire

Chapter 142: Asia Television (Part 2)

"Li's TV changed its name to Asia TV, and Xiao Lisheng vowed to be a media tycoon! ", Shao Yifu was browsing today's "Sing Tao Evening News" in the car, and the news of Li's TV station changing owners was published in prominent headlines. 【First Release】

Mr. Li Xiaohe, the former chairman of tvb TV station, died of a heart attack three months ago. The Li family has no intention of continuing to run the TV station, and the three major British shareholders have no intention of joining, so Shao Yifu took over as the new chairman of TVB.

In the past few years, Shaw Brothers has gradually been at a disadvantage in the battle with Golden Harvest, and Shao Yifu has long been determined to shift the focus of his career to the TV industry. Since he took office as the chairman of the TV station, he immediately moved his office from the film company to the headquarters of TVB.

Recently, Li's TV station has been able to press TVB's ratings step by step. In addition to the reason for its excellent TV series, it is also related to the fact that TVB TV station has just changed its coach. After Shao Yifu took the post of commander, he always had to make some personnel adjustments within TVB. And just as he started to do it, Li's TV station slapped him severely with "The Kindness of the Earth".

Shao Yifu had to ask Wang Tianling to take command urgently and produce a "King of a Thousand Kings" before Li's rising momentum was suppressed again. He was just about to continue the internal rectification and completely control tvb TV station. The competitor suddenly heard the news of the change of ownership. Maybe some people think that the transfer of the opponent's equity will definitely cause some turmoil, which just gives Shao Yifu a chance to breathe.

But Shao Yifu didn't feel relaxed at all. Li's TV station looked aggressive before, but it didn't make him feel much pressure. Because the British parent company of Lai's TV station cannot focus on a Hong Kong TV station, the support it can give to Lai's TV station is very limited.

But now the new boss has been in charge for less than half a day. It has already strongly announced that it will expand its capital for the new ATV, and the cash of 150 million Hong Kong dollars will soon reach the name of the ATV account. This leaves ATV with high debt. There is no need to worry about funding issues for at least a year, and you can really go into battle with tvb lightly.

Just when Shao Yifu was getting off work, frowning tightly. Li Xuan, the new boss of ATV, is entertaining all the management at the Fulinmen Restaurant.

Li Xuan stood up, raised his glass, looked around at the quiet people, and then laughed loudly: "Investing in TV stations is not a temporary decision on a whim for me, nor is it a short-term investment that can be bought and left. Rather, I sincerely hope to turn ATV into a century-old store.

As the owner of the company, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for their hard work in the past. At the same time, I also sincerely hope that under the chairmanship of Chairman Huang Xizhao and General Manager Zhou Liang Shuyi, and the sincere cooperation of other colleagues, the new ATV can become an outstanding media that has won the praise of 5 million Hong Kong citizens! "

After Li Xuan finished speaking, everyone stood up at the same time and toasted together. Afterwards, the atmosphere in the room gradually warmed up. On the main table, in addition to several directors of ATV, there were also Liang Liren, the chief screenwriter, Zhao Xing, the deputy general manager, and others.

The atmosphere at the wine table was very relaxed. Zhou Liang Shuyi talked about various interesting stories about the competitor Shao: "At that time, Shaw Brothers filmed "Feng Feifei", and there was a scene where the martial artist was eating raw fried steamed buns. The drama manager signed a purchase order and asked his subordinates to take it for approval to Shao Liushu. It reads 'Buy 100 raw fried steamed buns, pay 20 yuan!'.

As a result, Uncle Shao saw that something was wrong. The steamed buns in the cafeteria of the Shaw Brothers studio were only sold for 1 centimeter (corner), how could it possibly cost 20 yuan, so I wrote down "No Approval" and called it back. As a result, after all the actors have done their makeup. Waiting left and right, I can't wait for the props, so I can only shoot it later. The crew took a day off for this. Lost more than 10,000 yuan in vain. It was later found out that the chef of the cafeteria was on temporary leave that day. Need to buy outside! "

Everyone burst into laughter. Shao Yifu and another real estate tycoon, Wang Dehui, are two famous "saving kings" among Hong Kong's richest people. Wang Dehui is a member of the Jockey Club and the owner of several racing horses.

One time, Wang Dehui, accompanied by a jockey, went to the Shuangyu River Club to ride a horse. As a result, he asked his wife, Gong Xinru, to shorten an old pair of jeans and change them into breeches, which became a big joke in Hong Kong and Kowloon for a while. Boss Wang is willing to spend hundreds of thousands of yuan to buy a horse and raise a horse, but he is reluctant to spend dozens of yuan to buy a pair of breeches!

"Uncle Shao Liu cherishes talents, but he also cherishes money! Otherwise, he will not lose his treasures one after another. First, there will be Li Long, then Xu Guanwen, and finally, Boss Zou will laugh at him in turn, 'he only catches the deer, but does not lose his horns'! "The deputy manager Zhao Xing also interjected.

Zhao Xing is an old man in the film and television industry, and he is familiar with these grievances and entanglements. The greatest value of a deer is naturally on the antlers of its head. And Shao Yifu's biggest weakness is that he is stingy, and the silver paper is too tight, so it is difficult to retain real talents. Zou Wenhuai, Li Hanxiang, Zhang Che, the pillars of Shaw Brothers back then, all left his boss one after another. This is good news for ATV, as long as it is willing to launch a silver bullet offensive, a group of people can be dug up.

"But in the past few years, Uncle Shao has begun to be generous and spread his wealth to do good deeds! Do you know the reason?" Zhou Liang Shuyi was very good at grasping people's hearts and immediately attracted everyone's attention. She saw that everyone was watching her, and then smiled with satisfaction, "Mr. Shao was in poor health a few years ago, and he has not been able to get better after seeking medical treatment, so he finally had to seek a teacher.

A respected old immortal master, after seeing his face, gave a solution, saying that Shao Liushu should not be too stingy (stingy), otherwise he would be easily burdened by huge wealth. Only by shunting money and doing good deeds, and adding a sense of righteousness to one's body, can ghosts and ghosts not dare to haunt them! Uncle Shao did as instructed, and sure enough, he recovered from his illness, and he has no doubts since then! "

Li Xuan listened to these anecdotes with a smile on his face. It is no wonder that Shao Yifu's buildings are all over the country in later generations. Li Xuan felt that if there were merits and virtues, the old immortal master must have earned a lot.

"Lisheng, I think ATV wants to compete with tvb, and it is not enough to rely on TV dramas. It must also introduce new ones in other programs. A 30-episode TV series can only be broadcast for a month no matter how high the ratings are, while TVB's "" "Happy Tonight" has been on the air for more than ten years!" Zhou Liang Shuyi seemed to be saying to Li Xuan, but she was actually expressing her opinion to others.

She is like a strong dragon crossing the river, joining ATV alone, and she always has to show her talents when she is a newcomer, in order to hold down this group of people. In fact, after Li Xuan formally negotiated with her, he gave her several ideas for variety shows, such as "Who Can Become a Millionaire", which became popular in later generations, and the longevity variety show "Prize Doorman" hosted by Zeng Zhiwei on tvb. ".

Li Xuan is not an expert in this field. He just gave an outline of ideas based on the programs he has watched in later generations. Naturally, the specific operation needs to be handled by elites like Zhou Liang Shuyi.

"You may have heard of a saying, called knowledge creates wealth! Xiao Lisheng told me a program idea that fits this slogan..." Zhou Liang Shuyi took the tiger skin of the big boss Li Xuan and put it down to me. She made a brief introduction to the program planning of "Who Can Become a Millionaire" based on Li Xuan's ideas.

The people at the table are all elites in this industry, so naturally they can immediately judge whether a show is good or not. "Who Can Be a Millionaire" is, to put it bluntly, a quiz competition with huge bonuses as bait. But its subtlety is that the knowledge and interest contained in the all-encompassing topics can attract elites, and the temptation of huge bonuses can attract ordinary people, which can be said to be able to achieve full coverage of ratings.

Zhou Liang Shuyi took advantage of Li Xuan's idea, and immediately established the attitude of a strong woman who is not a strong dragon but Jiang, and made the people of ATV put away their underestimation.

Li Xuan doesn't mind the fact that ATV's top executives are fighting against each other. Only when there is competition can progress be made, which will help his boss to control the overall situation. Of course, these struggles must not be premised on harming ATV's overall interests, especially now that ATV still needs to overturn the mountain of TVB that is on its head.

Li Xuan, the boss, was present, and the other tables were always unable to let go. Li Xuan went to each table to toast a glass of wine and left in advance. The ATV business has come to an end temporarily, and the next management is something that several senior executives of ATV need to contribute. Li Xuan only looks at their achievements.

The car drove to the door of Li's house on Shi Xundao. Li Xuan looked out the car window and found several bodyguards talking around a few strangers. After he got out of the car, he asked the housekeeper Uncle Liu what was going on.

"Little young These people outside appeared sneakily on the side of the road in the evening. Zhou Yao brought people up to inquire. They said they were the relatives of the master, but there was no way to verify it! The master went to the birdhouse to fight today. Mahjong is very lucky, and I won a lot of money, so I invited other bird friends to dinner, but I didn't pay attention to drinking high!" Uncle Liu explained to Li Xuan in detail.

"Oh! It's already night. Even outsiders have nowhere to stay when they go up the mountain. Ask someone to arrange for them to stay at a hotel in the city first. When my father wakes up tomorrow, I will tell him to deal with it!" Li Xuan ordered.

As the so-called poverty is in the downtown area, no one asks, and the rich have distant relatives in the mountains. Since the Li family became prosperous, relatives from all walks of life who could not fight have come to seek refuge. If it is a kind person who really has difficulties, Li Xuan is also willing to help arrange a job, but those who come to take advantage and want benefits at first sight, he does not mind letting the eldest brother use some thunderous methods.

The relationship between Li Xuan's family is actually very simple. His grandparents died young, and Li Xuan's father, Li Haichuan, was the only son in the family and had no brothers. And Li Xuan's mother escaped from the mainland to Hong Kong in 1949. She was separated from her family on the way, fainted from hunger and was rescued by her father who went to the city to sell fish. Therefore, there are not many real relatives in the Li family. Most of them are distant relatives separated by several generations from the fishing village. On the contrary, it was her mother's lost relatives. Li Xuan hired the detective agency to look for it. If she could find it, it would be considered a fulfillment of her mother's wish. (To be continued..)


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