Video Game Empire

Chapter 180: commissioned research

When he left the fishing village of Chek Lap Kok, Li Haichuan was red-faced. He was not a fisherman with outstanding craftsmanship in the village. His parents died early, and there was no brother to support him. Apart from a broken fishing boat left by his father, the family was empty. (First appearance) Even wife Liu Huili picked it up on the roadside when she went to sell fish

Later, Li Haichuan capsized in the sea and was lucky enough to save his life. When the boat sank, he couldn't continue to fish for a living, so he could only go to the city to make a living. Li Haichuan's biggest advantage is that he is willing to endure hardship. As long as he can make money to support his family, he is willing to do it no matter how hard or tiring. By working as a porter in a garment factory, he and his wife raised three children in the family.

The second son, Li Xuan, has been doing well in school since he was a child. Many co-workers who worked together said that Li Haichuan would definitely enjoy the blessings of this son in the future. His original wish was that Li Xuan could go to university and find a lucrative job after graduation, instead of working hard to make money like himself.

But Li Haichuan never dreamed that his son would one day become a billionaire. He didn't know many words, and he struggled to read a newspaper, and he had never spent money on a newspaper before. But now the Li family has ordered a copy of all newspapers in Hong Kong. As long as there is news about Li Xuan, he will ask the servant to mark it and read it to him.

Li Xuan rarely talks about work in front of his parents. Li Haichuan only knew that his second son was promising, so he moved his family from a humble public housing into a spacious suite, and then bought an independent apartment on Taiping Peak in an instant. A mansion, but he has no specific concept of Li Xuan's wealth.

It was not until Li Haichuan saw in the newspaper that the companies under the name of his son Li Xuan were worth more than HK$5 billion, he was suddenly confused. In particular, the attempted kidnapping incident happened on his son Li Xuan. During that time, he couldn't sleep all night, and he didn't know whether he was excited or scared. He couldn't imagine that he had been poor for the first half of his life. Five billion is a huge pile of money.

He even wondered if his son was really the reincarnation of the God of Wealth. How could the son who didn't talk much in the past be so powerful all of a sudden? But there are more reports. Li Haichuan gradually became numb, and he only knew that the whole family would be safe for the rest of their lives.

Today, returning to the fishing village of Chek Lap Kok where he used to live, Li Haichuan is even more emotional. In the past, his peers in the village who were more skilled than him were still worrying about their livelihood, but now he only needs to play mahjong every day, yo-yo, and do whatever he wants. The fate of life is really unpredictable!

"Dad, anyway, this yacht is often empty. If you are happy in the future, you can drive it to go fishing!" Li Xuan saw his father staring at the blue water in a trance. He thought he was reminded of his previous fishing experience, and couldn't help laughing.

"You said it lightly, the fish I caught in the sea is not enough for your boat's oil money!" Li Haichuan shook his head in disapproval.

Li Haichuan's old thinking is used, some people say, is a nouveau riche from mud legs, and the mud on his trousers has not been wiped clean. Li Xuan smiled lightly. He didn't think his father said that as a disgrace to the rich man.

Luxury style. What the **** is that! The Li family is not an aristocrat, and there is no need for those red tape pomp and circumstance to cover up their birth. His family became rich overnight, and there is no wealthy background. There is no need for a wealthy family background, as long as the whole family feels comfortable.

"Pfft!" Daughter Li Ying heard her father's words, but couldn't help laughing. "Dad, you are really an antique! The second brother is letting you go out to sea or play. By the way, let's adjust the fishing. Who needs the fish you catch to pay for the oil!"

"What is there to do in the sea, except that the sea is salty wind. Why don't you play mahjong a few times!" Li Haichuan said disapprovingly. In his concept, going out to sea is for fishing, which is by no means a fun job. .

"Hey, I can't even communicate with you!" Li Ying stroked her forehead, feeling a little speechless about her father's outdated thoughts. But she quickly rolled her eyes and smiled sweetly at Li Ke who was beside her, "Brother, did you hear that, Dad is asking what's the fun in going out to sea? Don't you like going out to sea a lot lately, why don't you come and go with Dad? explain!"

Hmph, I told you to go out to sea with a large group of handsome men and beautiful women every three days, but still refused to take me, Li Ying snorted in her heart.

It's a pity that Li Ke pretended not to hear when he heard it, and deliberately didn't answer his sister's words. He also simply turned his head out of the window, as if enjoying the seascape in the distance. Li Ke has been living a very happy life recently. He takes his younger brother to drive a luxury car when he goes out, his girlfriend changes faster than his clothes, and he has a great time at night parties. He is far more wealthy than his younger brother Li Xuan.

"Ah Xuan, it's not easy for your seventh uncle and the others. If you can help them, you can help them!" Li Haichuan suddenly sighed softly and said to his son.

"Dad, as the saying goes, Shengmien fights against rice, I'm afraid that people's hearts are not enough to swallow an elephant. After all, we and they are not relatives, so it's enough to stop! After all, everyone's road depends on them to fight hard!" Li Xuan said unequivocally.

The impact of the listing of Aikang Computer Co., Ltd. is various, and it is not only the old neighbors of the same village in Chek Lap Kok who are eyeing Li Xuan. Ordinary Hong Kong citizens, after reading the newspapers, just have a little more new talk after dinner, and occasionally sigh why they can't give birth to such a powerful son. But for some people, the weight of Li Xuan and Dongfang companies in their hearts must go up a few steps.

Thousands of kilometers away from Hong Kong, a meeting room of the Ministry of Education in Beijing is smoky, and Minister Li Haisheng is leading a discussion on a topic. Hong Kong's Hong Kong and Macao Work Committee sent several telegrams in succession, urging the previous reply on the entrusted scientific research cooperation project between Hong Kong Oriental Experiment and mainland universities.

The full name of the Hong Kong and Macau Working Committee is the Hong Kong and Macau Working Committee. It and the Hong Kong Xinhua branch are actually two brands of a team. The president and vice president of the Hong Kong Xinhua branch are also the secretary and deputy secretary of the working committee, and they lead the united front work of the party and the central government in Hong Kong and Macau. It was not until after the return of Hong Kong and Macau that the Hong Kong and Macau Working Committee was spun off from the Hong Kong Xinhua branch and renamed the Liaison Office of the Central Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, or the Liaison Office for short.

The Hong Kong and Macao workers, who work in the name of the Hong Kong branch of Xinhua News Agency, shoulder the important task of carrying out the united front work in Hong Kong entrusted by the central government. In addition to publicizing the policies of the Party and the Central Committee to ordinary Hong Kong citizens, those influential people from all walks of life in Hong Kong are the focus of the Hong Kong and Macau Work Committee's united front. If the United Front work wants to achieve results, it is naturally the most effective way to choose the right path and choose what you like.

The wealth effect brought by the listing of Aikang Computer Co., Ltd. made Li Xuan one of the super-rich in Hong Kong all at once. The Hong Kong and Macau Working Committee held an internal meeting to discuss the work arrangements for the newly-promoted billionaire. Li Xuan and his oriental companies have few connections with the mainland. Although the production and sales of various subsidiaries within the Oriental Group are very prosperous, Li Xuan is more cautious in investing in the mainland and has no intention of setting up factories in the mainland.

The only oriental company that has an intersection with the mainland is the oriental laboratory. It conveyed to the mainland through Xinhua News Agency not long ago that it hopes to conduct academic and scientific research exchanges and cooperation with domestic scientific research institutions. After Xinhua conveyed their intentions to the relevant mainland authorities, some proposals received positive responses, while others were silent.

Among them, the suggestion that the Oriental Lab hopes to launch entrusted scientific research cooperation with mainland universities has been suppressed by the Ministry of Education and has not responded. At the urging of the Hong Kong Xinhua News Agency several times, Minister Li Haisheng decided to convene a party committee for discussion and research.

"I don't agree to engage in entrusted scientific research with them. The Oriental Laboratory is nominally a scientific research institution, but it is actually a capital consortium behind it! Our university has devoted a lot of energy to scientific research, but the final results are handed over to others. , what is the difference between this and betraying the country!" This was a fierce objection.

"Old Hu, your 'Cultural-Revolutionary' thinking that takes class struggle as the key link is unacceptable! Why is our equal and reciprocal business with others related to betraying the country and seeking glory? You also said that people are capitalists, right? Philanthropists, they pay for equipment in return, and this return is scientific research results, or patents in foreign parlance.

After we complete the entrusted scientific research task proposed by the other party, all the scientific research equipment will be owned by us, and this transaction is not a loss! What's more, the current national economic difficulties, how much scientific research funds are allocated to various colleges and universities every year, everyone here must know well. I don’t know how many researchers have broken their legs in order to apply for thousands of dollars in funding!

The country has been encouraging the attraction of foreign investment, why should we not respond to the call of the central government in the field of education? Even if the scientific research results belong to others, how many talents have we trained from them! "That's a concurring opinion.

Minister Li Haisheng frowned, listening to all kinds of approval and disapproval opinions, hesitating all the time. He has always been cautious in doing things, and would rather walk slowly than make mistakes by stepping too far.

This entrusted scientific research plan was proposed by the Hong Kong side when the Ministry organized a delegation of university presidents to visit two universities in Hong Kong last time. The presidents of several domestic universities all agree that the entire higher education system has been hit hard by the turmoil in the past ten years, and it has been made a mess.

Now the country is putting things right. Although universities have resumed enrollment, there are too many things left behind in the past ten years. The funds given by the state can only maintain normal class studies, and the funds for scientific research are very limited.

Now suddenly there is an opportunity to use Hong Kong funds to engage in scientific research, how could those university presidents be willing to let it go? For example, Tsinghua University is a vice-ministerial university, and the influence of the Ministry of Education on him is actually very limited. Li Haisheng is afraid that if he suppresses him again, those principals will directly leave the Ministry of Education and report to them, so that he will be very passive in his future work. (To be continued..)


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