Video Game Empire

Chapter 193: Research migrant workers

The deadliest intellectual property disputes in the United States are not patent litigation, because patent litigation is too mild for its evidence collection and lacks strong criminal investigation tools, detention measures, and criminal penalties. (First appearance) In contrast, the "undercover war" between companies in which the US and state police are responsible for leading investigations is more deadly.

Later, in Silicon Valley, Li Xuan heard that some companies were tricked by their own employees. Some technicians implemented the rules and regulations unconsciously, and liked to download the company's files to watch at home later, which would leave a download record on the company's computer. Once the employee resigns, if you switch to a competing company, as long as the original company accuses the employee of illegally stealing the company's secrets, you can't tell.

After such a case, many companies take precautions and ask lawyers to specify a set of filings in advance to prevent falling into the same trap. It would be better to talk about the theft of trade secrets among American companies, but when foreign companies are involved, there is almost no justice. In particular, Chinese companies like later generations are constantly involved in similar cases. Unless you have very perfect evidence to extract yourself, as long as the other party finds an excuse to sue you, whether you are really suspected of theft or not, they will be biased towards American companies to find you guilty. .

"Mr. Li, the preliminary selection of the first batch of projects we have cooperated with mainland scientific research institutions has ended. There are many very valuable projects in the application materials handed in by the mainland!" Zhao Weiming introduced the graphics processor and handed it to Li Xuan a thick file bag.

Li Xuan opened it and took out a stack of application items that were bound into volumes. The top page was a list of directories. He scanned the list quickly. Most of the projects selected by Zhao Weiming focus on the development of practical projects, such as the development of digital program-controlled switches at the top.

The digital program-controlled exchange is the switching equipment of the telephone exchange network. The basic structure is mainly divided into control equipment and voice circuit equipment. The core of the control device, like a computer, is also a central processing unit. The reason why Zhao Weiming chose this project. Just hope to further expand the application scope of the erm architecture.

The existing erm architecture of the Oriental Research Institute is relatively backward in performance among 32-bit chips. But it can be used to develop low-end program-controlled machines. In the future, with the architecture chip that is being developed in cooperation with Stanford University, high-end program-controlled machines will be developed to form a high-low configuration and gradually enter the international communication equipment market.

Li Xuan glanced at the selection unit of the digital program-controlled switch project, Beijing-Beijing Institute of Posts and Telecommunications, which is the cradle of talents in China's communication system. He couldn't help nodding his head. Cooperation with Beijing Post has a huge advantage in opening up the domestic communication equipment market in the future.

China's telecommunications industry is not market-oriented, but is built by the Telecommunications-General Administration under the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. Beiyou is also a university under the administration of the Posts and Telecommunications-Partial Administration, and belongs to the same system as the Telecommunications-General Administration. As long as the digital program-controlled switchboard of Beiyou can be successfully developed. At that time, they will help to thread the needle and lead, and it will be very convenient to promote it in the mainland.

You must know that in the early 1980s and 1990s, multinational companies such as Motorola, Siemens, etc., provided switches to China at a slaughter price. The price of a 10,000-gate switch is as high as three or four million dollars, with an average of three or four hundred dollars per line.

This is also the fundamental reason why the initial installation fee for domestically installed telephones often required thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan. It has been until after 2000 that the domestic program-controlled machine technology is mature, and the price will quickly drop. Moreover, in the next two decades, the popularity of domestic telephones will be much faster than that of computers, and the demand for digital program-controlled machines will be huge.

"The first batch of visiting scholars from the mainland entered the state very quickly. Many people stayed in the experimental building 24 hours a day and worked very hard!" Zhao Weiming also mentioned the first batch of mainland exchange personnel received by the Oriental Research Institute not long ago.

"The mainland has lagged far behind in the field of high-tech in the past ten years, and the desire for new knowledge is naturally stronger! These are the young elites of mainland universities!" Li Xuan said with a smile.

The research environment provided by the Oriental Research Institute is world-class, even compared to those famous laboratories in Europe and the United States. Compared with the current hard conditions in the country, it is like paradise.

"I used to be afraid that this kind of communication would be a formality. With the current momentum, they will be able to do some basic research and development work in half a year!" Zhao Weiming said with a bright face.

Initially, he had a lot of doubts about the current level of scientific research in the Mainland. I am not optimistic about how much the "Dongfanghong" exchange plan can bring to the Oriental Research Institute. But the first batch of mainlanders dispelled his doubts with their actual performance, although their knowledge reserves were somewhat backward. Many things need to be relearned, but hard work and serious attitude can make up for these deficiencies.

The first batch of dozens of exchange scholars exchanged at the Oriental Research Institute for the shortest period of three years. Up to five years. If they can meet the requirements of participating in research and development in only half a year to a year, the following time can be used as cheap labor for Li Xuan.

Compared with several other R&D centers of the Institute, although the Hong Kong Center is currently the largest in scale, its development potential is severely restricted by the lack of top talents in Hong Kong. For example, in the Silicon Valley R&D Center, as long as Li Xuan is willing to spend money, it is not a problem to recruit hundreds of masters and doctors from top universities in one go. However, the total number of undergraduate graduates in related majors in Hong Kong every year is only a hundred or so, not to mention the master's and doctoral degrees.

The continuous supply of talents from the mainland can just make up for the dilemma of the shortage of local top talents in Hong Kong. This is also Li Xuan's plan at the beginning. Hong Kong is not very attractive to talents from European and American countries. The Oriental Institute can only start with those Chinese who have not been well integrated into American life and persuade them to return to work in Hong Kong. But now Hong Kong is much more developed than the mainland. For most mainlanders, Hong Kong is the world of capitalism. It is not less attractive to everyone than developed countries.

"Tell the logistics colleagues to pay more attention. Hard work is a good thing, but you must also pay attention to the combination of work and rest. I don't want to be scolded behind my back as a black-hearted boss who oppresses employees!" Li Xuan warned with a smile.

In the 1980s, wages and consumption levels in Hong Kong were much lower than those in European and American countries. The cost of recruiting a local researcher in Hong Kong was much cheaper than recruiting people in Silicon Valley. Most of the people the Oriental Research Institute has dug back in the United States are middle and high-level project leaders with real materials.

In this way, even if their salaries are higher than their local colleagues, they can be convincing and will not undermine the company's salary structure. As for the mainland exchange personnel of the "Dongfanghong" project, their fees are even lower. Since they came to Hong Kong in the name of academic exchange, they were not regular employees of the Oriental Research Institute. Therefore, Li Xuan does not need to pay a salary, but only provides a scientific research subsidy, which is 1,200 Hong Kong dollars per month.

This salary is only equivalent to the monthly salary of an ordinary worker in Hong Kong, and it is about one-third of that of an ordinary scientific researcher in the Oriental Laboratory. However, if this money is placed in the country, even at the official exchange rate of the People's Bank of China, it is equivalent to more than 400 RMB, which completely explodes the salaries of provincial governors and ministers.

This is also the reason why Li Xuan is eager to carry out scientific research cooperation with the mainland. If the Oriental Research Institute can directly set up a research and development center in the mainland, the salary expenditure level can be in line with the salary scale of the mainland, and it can be reduced by a lot. With the salary level of the mainland in this era, the salary of a Silicon Valley researcher is still more than enough to pay the salary of 20 mainland researchers.

After Zhao Weiming finished talking about work and left, Li Xuan also got off work early. He is going to attend a celebration reception held at the Shanghai-Shanghai Hotel today. Lu's Electronics Co., Ltd. has just completed its listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The stock issue price was HK$6. On the first day of listing, it rose 33% to close at 8.05 yuan.

There is another billionaire in Hong Kong. Lu Qintian and his wife hold a total of 52.6% of the shares of Lu's Electronics Company. Calculated at the closing price, the market value is as high as 164 million Hong Kong dollars. Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. is the second largest shareholder of the listed company Lu's Electronics, holding 21.5% of the shares.

"Li Sheng, thank you for coming!" When Lu Qintian saw Li Xuan holding his girlfriend Zhong Chuhong in from the entrance of the banquet hall, he immediately pleaded guilty to the others, and greeted him with a happy face.

"Director Lu, I'm also a major shareholder of Lu's company I can't be absent from the celebration party!" Li Xuan smiled and let Lu Qintian do his own work. He was the focus of the celebration party today.

In the previous negotiation between Dongfang Electronics and the company about the joint venture factory of the picture tube, at the request of Li Xuan, it joined Lu's Electronics and became a three-party joint venture. A few days ago, everyone just reached a preliminary intention, in which Dongfang Electronics is the main investor, accounting for 45% of the shares, and Lu's Electronics is the secondary investor, accounting for 25% of the shares, responsible for the specific construction and future management of the new factory. The company invested in technology and some production equipment, accounting for 30% of the shares, and was responsible for the technical support of the new factory.

The stock price of Lu's Electronics can close with a sharp rise today. The plan to join the joint venture with Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. announced a few days ago is one of the important good news. Although Lu's Electronics has the smallest shareholding among the three parties, it will be responsible for the specific preparations for the construction of the picture tube factory. It has already negotiated with the Shekou Industrial Zone on the issue of land for the new factory, hoping to build a wholly foreign-owned enterprise there.

Lu's Electronics is also the first listed company among the oriental peripheral enterprises in Hong Kong, and the response from the market is very enthusiastic. Before the end of the year, there will be two other companies that are closely related to Dongfang Electronics listed one after another. Now the property market has begun to stagnate, but the stock market has not been greatly affected. This should be the last excellent window period before the question of Hong Kong's future in 1984 is settled. (To be continued..)


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