Video Game Empire

Chapter 204: Hong Kong land price

ps: The three shifts are over, asking for a monthly pass, do you have any more in your pockets? Skye hereby promises that he will go to bed early and get up early, and he will still be on the third watch tomorrow!

Li Xuan is not saying that he really cares about the country and the people. He wants to speak up for the industrial workers in Hong Kong. He is not the chairman of the Federation of Industries, so there is no need to worry about this idleness. [First Release] But the attitude of the Hong Kong government to the industry has already harmed his interests.

For example, Orient Semiconductor recently had the intention to build a new chip testing and packaging factory in Hong Kong, but it had a lot of disagreements with the Hong Kong government when it acquired the land. It is impossible for a chip testing and packaging factory to build a dozen stories high like an industrial building, and its floor area ratio is much lower.

Therefore, Dongfang Semiconductor hopes that the Hong Kong government can give greater concessions in terms of land prices, but the Hong Kong government is not willing to let go, and is only willing to sell the land at the price of ordinary industrial land. As a result, the cost of acquiring land for Dongfang Semiconductor is very high, and Li Xuan will naturally not agree. This is also the reason why he refuted the Hong Kong government's lack of support for the industry. Everything was for profit.

Chip testing and packaging should be the most labor-intensive link in the entire chip production process. Oriental Semiconductor plans to gradually transfer these processes to Asia, where wages are lower.

In fact, Li Xuan hopes to do it in one step, and directly select the site for the construction of the deep-sea special zone like the previous kinescope factory. But the chip industry is no better than the TV industry. It is a high-tech industry restricted by the Batumi Commission. The US government's approval procedures for investing in such industries in the mainland are very strict and cumbersome.

In fact, the 742 factory in the mainland of Suzhou has cooperated with Japan's Toshiba Corporation to invest 66 million US dollars to build a 3-inch wafer fab with a monthly output of 10,000 wafers. But U.S. policies are far less accommodating than those of the Japanese government.

According to the feedback obtained by Dongfang Semiconductor after consulting relevant politicians, even if it went to mainland China to invest in a test and packaging factory with relatively low technology content. It also needs to be approved by the White House, and must be jointly questioned by several special committees of the Senate and House of Representatives.

A process goes down. The political cost is definitely not low. Don't you think that American officials are all in power for the people and have nothing to do with each other? sorry. You think too much. US officials do not accept bribes, but can be lobbied. Just look at the various lobbying groups in Washington, and you know that even with Uncle Sam, the beacon of democracy-democracy, power-money deals are dark.

Li Xuan's investment in the mainland is to reduce costs rather than increase them, so he can only wait for the US to adjust its China policy before taking action. Hong Kong is one of the alternatives. The technical content of chip testing and packaging is much higher than that of low-end manufacturing, and the sensitivity to labor costs is not as high as that of other manufacturing industries. Even if the salaries of Hong Kong people are rising, the future In ten years, it will still be much lower than the United States.

"Sir Chung. Land in Singapore is as tight as Hong Kong, but if we invest in Singapore, the land price given by the Singapore government is only one-tenth of the Hong Kong government, and DBS Bank is willing to provide a large loan! But I am from Hong Kong. , Oriental Group is also headquartered in Hong Kong, so I have always prioritized investing in Hong Kong!"

Sitting in the reception hall of Mr. Zhong Siyuan's suite, Li Xuan decided to take this rare opportunity to communicate with the chief Chinese politician in Hong Kong.

"Li Sheng's Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. can be described as the most profitable industrial enterprise in Hong Kong. It is very rare to give priority to continuing to invest in Hong Kong!" Zhong Siyuan nodded and said.

"But I'm also a businessman. I have to be responsible for the profitability of the company. If the Hong Kong government still only talks about supporting Hong Kong's industrial development, I can only choose to build a factory in a lower cost place!"

Li Xuan shook his head and said with a little helplessness: "The future of the semiconductor industry is very bright. The areas around Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, all are government-funded to introduce semiconductor technology from the United States. After the accumulation, they will be transferred to domestic enterprises at low prices, and a series of policies will be used to vigorously support their development and growth.

The British government is a colonial government, and the Hong Kong Governor's first consideration is to **** the British capital. The British-funded consortium is hardly involved in the Hong Kong industry, which is the fundamental reason why the Hong Kong government has been ignoring the demands of the industry!

The British can retreat to the mainland after losing Hong Kong, but our Chinese capital has to take root here! Sir Chung, you are the most influential Chinese in the Hong Kong government. I can only hope that you will help our industry to gain more support! "

Zhong Siyuan just smiled lightly at Li Xuan's final praise: "Li Sheng, as a Hong Konger, I naturally hope that Hong Kong's economy can develop better, and I am willing to pass on the voice of the business community to the high-level officials of the Hong Kong government!"

Zhong Siyuan did not give any positive answer, but according to the analysis of the Oriental Group think tank, Zhong Siyuan should be regarded as a politician who has a pure heart and really cares about the development of Hong Kong, which is far more trustworthy than those speculators. He is also one of the characters that Li Xuan plans to focus on investing next. In fact, politics and business are never separated, which is the same no matter which country he is in.

The Hong Kong Northbound Inspection and Exchange Group stayed in Beijing for two days and two nights. The next two days were very easy and they visited various places. For example, the Palace Museum specially held a small national treasure exhibition, and Li Xuan was fortunate to have a close-up view of the authentic work of "Across the River during Qingming Festival".

In the early morning of the third day, Li Xuan and others returned to Hong Kong by chartered flight, and the exchange activity in the north was a complete success. Local leftist newspapers such as Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po in Hong Kong also made detailed reports on the delegation's exchange to the north.

"How is the negotiation with the Hong Kong government going?" Li Xuan asked Han Peng who walked in.

Although Dongfang Semiconductor Co., Ltd. was the one who built the factory, Dongfang Commercial is actually responsible for negotiating with the Hong Kong government, and Han Peng, who has a good relationship with the senior management of the Hong Kong government, is naturally the main person in charge.

"The price has dropped a little bit, but it's still far from our psychological bottom line!" Han Peng shook his head, "Li Sheng, according to our survey, the vacancy rate of industrial buildings in Hong Kong has exceeded 10%, and the sluggish situation of industrial site sales has already begun. Unstoppable. The Hong Kong government is just holding on right now!"

"Then suspend the negotiations in Hong Kong and shift the focus of building the factory to the other two alternative locations!" Li Xuan said lightly.

"Uh, did you really give up?" Han Peng didn't react for a while, he didn't understand why his boss suddenly changed his mind. Although Oriental Commercial had been in contact with Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan at the same time, he always believed that Hong Kong was the real target, and the other two options were just to increase bargaining chips.

"Strong melons are not sweet. Since the sincerity of the Hong Kong government is not enough, why should we hang on a tree!" Li Xuan said with a smile.

Hong Kong's real estate industry has just entered a period of stagflation, and people like Xu Shixun and Hu Ying have already sensed the crisis. But there are also those who hold different views. For example, Jardine Matheson's Taipan New Bijian is still optimistic. The property market can continue to rise after a slight adjustment, and he is still hoarding land generously.

With these big friends in real estate entrusting the market, the real estate industry in Hong Kong will not collapse for a while, and it will not really change until the "Iron Lady" falls in the Great Hall of the People in September next year.

Li Xuan asked Dongfang Commercial to negotiate with the Hong Kong government, and asked the Hong Kong government to reduce the land price on the grounds of testing the floor area ratio of the packaging factory. If the Hong Kong government can agree, although the price is still not as low as after the collapse of the property market, it is at least within what Li Xuan can accept. within the range. But if the Hong Kong government refuses, he just uses this to make a big fuss.

"How is your friendship with Sir Zhong Siyuan?" Li Xuan asked suddenly.

Han Peng was still thinking about what had just happened, and he was stunned before answering: "Sir Zhong and my father are golfers who have known each other for many years, and they often go to Deep Water Bay to play golf together!"

"When I went north to the mainland, I had a brief exchange with Sir Zhong, and I hope he will support the development of Hong Kong's industry!" Li Xuan said with a leisurely expression, "You have communicated with Sir Zhong recently, we in the East It is necessary for electronics to support politicians like him who really think about the development of Hong Kong and play a bigger role! I also hope that he can appeal to the Hong Kong government to pay more attention to the development of the electronics industry in the Legislative Council and the Executive Council!"

Han Peng nodded, and he asked with some uncertainty: "The negotiations with the Hong Kong government are really going to be suspended?"

"The focus is on contacting Taiwan's Hsinchu Technology Park. Temasek Holdings in Singapore is asking for a stake. I don't like this crocodile's participation. Although they said that they could coordinate with DBS Bank to provide loans, this also shows that they have greater ambitions! I don't think so. I hope that there will be a control dispute with Temasek in the future, after all, it is the Singapore government that stands behind it!

In fact, the chip testing and packaging factory is just throwing a stone to ask for Zhang Zhongmou plans to transfer some of the fabs to Asia, and only retain a few large factories with the most advanced processes in the United States! You can just contact Zhang Zhongmou for a discussion later. He previously hoped to build a 3-inch wafer fab in Taiwan.

Originally, I was going to postpone this plan, but now I simply combine the construction plans of the two factories, so that the total investment will exceed 40 million US dollars, and I can have more confidence when negotiating with Taiwan! "Li Xuan said.

The foundation of Taiwan's investment in semiconductors is actually better than that of Hong Kong and Singapore. Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute has been investing a lot of money in basic semiconductor research in the past six or seven years, and has accumulated a large number of talents. Moreover, a large part of the Chinese-American practitioners in the US semiconductor industry are from Taiwan, and it is not too difficult to form a management team willing to return to Taiwan to start a business.

Moreover, Taiwan is relatively open to the entry of American capital. After all, Uncle Sam is its good father. Orient Semiconductor is a pure American company headquartered in Silicon Valley and pays taxes to the US government. Li Xuan is not worried that Dongfang Electronics' investment there will be disturbed too much. Even if there is interference, the US government can come forward. Li Xuan's political donations are not in vain. (To be continued..)


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