Video Game Empire

Chapter 222: important guests

Li Xuan got out of the elevator and walked towards the door. On the way, employees kept saying hello to his big boss. Li Xuan walked to the door of the Oriental Experimental Building. The distinguished guest he was waiting for had not come, so he simply stood at the door and waited for a while.

"Lao Cai, is the person standing at the door is Li Sheng?" Li Jian was a little unsure, and asked his friend softly.

Li Jian lowered his head all the way, and only raised his head when he heard his words, and found that it was indeed their big boss standing at the door of the building, as if waiting for someone. So he nodded to Cai Jian. Both of them were teachers of Shanghai Jiaotong University. As the first batch of outstanding young scholars from the Mainland who came to Hong Kong for exchanges under the "Dongfanghong" project, they joined the Oriental Research Institute.

The two of them do not have the habit of drinking afternoon tea in Hong Kong, and they like to take advantage of this free time to go downstairs for a walk every afternoon, and smoke a cigarette by the way. The working conditions in the Oriental Experimental Building are indeed like paradise, but for the two old smokers, the only dissatisfaction is that the entire building is smoke-free. If you want to smoke, you can only go to a special smoking room, which makes the two newcomers very unaccustomed.

There are many old smokers in the laboratory. It is said that many people have jointly written a complaint letter to the big boss Li Sheng for the smoking ban. But the appeal letter was returned, and the smoking ban continued.

After a long time, everyone found that their smoking addiction began to drop a lot. After all, if you can smoke directly at work, everyone will naturally light a cigarette to relieve fatigue. But if you want to go to the smoking room specially, it is not only troublesome but also not necessarily time. Unless you are so addicted to smoking that you can't help it, or everyone will be over after a while.

For example, when Li Jian first came here last year, he still used one pack a day, but now it has been reduced to two or three sticks a day. Except in the afternoon, he would go downstairs for a walk. Light a cigarette to change your mind and relax, and you may or may not smoke at other times. Smoking addiction has basically been eliminated.

Instead, Li Jian seems to be addicted to another thing - coffee. When I first arrived at the Institute last year. Like other teachers who came from the mainland, he found that what he learned in China was a bit backward, far behind the cutting-edge of the most advanced technology in the world. So they were ashamed and brave, and they put out 12% of their energy to recharge themselves. Everyone only slept six hours a day.

When he was a little sleepy reading a book at night, he used unsweetened bitter coffee to refresh his mind. I drank a lot of coffee, and after I got used to the slight bitterness, I tasted the richness and mellowness behind it, and gradually fell in love with this new drink.

Li Jian was even troubled for a while. What should I do after I return to the mainland after my exchange? Regardless of whether there is coffee to sell in Shanghai, he can't afford it even if he earns dozens of yuan a month in China. Shanghai Jiaotong University is not as rich as the Oriental Research Institute. Not only does it provide three meals a day for free, but also coffee, snacks, fruits, snacks, everything is enough.

Moreover, according to other Hong Kong colleagues who have some research on coffee, the coffee in the West Point Room of the Experimental Building is made of high-quality coffee beans imported from South America. Every time Li Jian thinks of the current working conditions, he can wake up from a dream with a smile.

When the two entered the door, they greeted the big boss Li Xuan cautiously, and Li Xuan nodded to them with a smile.

"It's still early, do you want to have a cup of coffee!" Li Jian raised his hand and looked at his watch. There are still ten minutes before the end of afternoon tea.

The unwinding quartz watch on his wrist was bought just before the Chinese New Year. The Seagull mechanical watch, which he regarded as a treasure, was given to his younger brother when he returned home during the Chinese New Year. The Oriental Research Institute is very interested in these exchange scholars from the mainland, and has specially granted a ten-day family visit during the Spring Festival. Colleagues from the logistics department also bought round-trip train tickets for them through the Hong Kong Xinhua branch in advance. The Spring Festival holiday for local employees in Hong Kong is only four days.

"I'm not used to drinking that thing. When I discussed it with you on the road just now. I have a new idea. I have to go upstairs and write it down. I will design an experiment in a few days to verify it!" Cai Jian waved his hand at him and said, Then strode towards the elevator.

Li Jian shook his head slightly. He thinks that he has done enough, but compared to Cai Jian, a workaholic, he still sighs. If it was usual, he would definitely order a cup of coffee and take it upstairs, but today he was a little curious about who the big boss standing at the door was waiting for.

"Who do you think Li Sheng is waiting for?" It seemed that Li Jian was not the only one who was curious. Several people sitting in the pastry room were also discussing in whispers. When they saw Li Jian walking over with a cup of coffee, they couldn't help asking him. Said, "Li Jian, you just came in from outside, do you know who Li Sheng is waiting for?"

"I'm curious too?" Li Jian shook his head and sat down with them. Two of the three colleagues are two and one is Taiwanese.

The exchange personnel from the mainland were initially discriminated against, but with their own efforts, the knowledge gap between them and other researchers was closed in a short period of time. Soon he began to join various scientific research groups to play a role, and won the respect of others with his practical actions.

This is also what Li Jian and other exchange teachers are most proud of. They did not embarrass the motherland. Now when Li Jian chats with the official staff of the Oriental Research Institute, he obviously no longer feels the initial contempt, and everyone can be treated equally.

"It's the first time I've seen Li Sheng stand at the door to greet him in person. I guess he's a big man!" one person guessed.

"Come in, I guessed it right, it really is a foreigner!"

Another colleague pointed to the lobby outside the glass window and said. The others looked up at the door and saw Li Xuanzheng and a tall white man walking into the building talking and laughing all the way.

"Huh! It was him?" Li Jian said softly.

"Who is this foreigner? Do you know him?" Several pairs of eyes stared at him and asked.

Li Jian works in the erm project team, and saw a photo of this person a few days ago, so he nodded and said, "He is Professor John Hennessy of Stanford University, the project leader!"

"Oh!" Everyone suddenly realized.

Everyone in the building knows that one of the most important projects for the big boss Li Xuan this year is the development of the architecture. Microprocessor research and development has always been the core business of the Oriental Research Institute. Everyone felt the most obvious when applying for the project. The erm-2 architecture being developed is the highest priority project in the entire Oriental Experimental Building.

If the previous -1 and -2 computers laid a good foundation for Aikon to enter the personal computer industry, then the -3 computer and the portable -p4 computer developed based on the erm-1 processor have completely established Icon's dominance in personal computers.

On the second day of the new year this year, iKang officially announced that it had reached a settlement with ibm on the previous patent dispute. According to the settlement terms later explored by American newspapers, several patents involving the erm architecture were not found to be infringed. IBM only asked Ikon to pay a licensing fee of US$780,000 for another data interface patent, and would no longer investigate its alleged infringement.

This price is far lower than the cost originally guessed by the outside world, which also greatly enhances the image of Aikang. IBM's professional team of lawyers have not been able to get a big handle on Aikang, and the technology of the series of computers is trustworthy.

1982 can be regarded as the year of the outbreak of the personal computer market. The continuous attention of the mainstream media to the personal computer industry has made the whole society have a great vision for the electronic office in the information age. After President Reagan took office, a series of economic adjustment policies began to show results. The US economy has ended recession and started to grow slowly. Enthusiasm for business investment has increased, and potential customers of computer products have begun to increase.

The price strangulation tactics of Japanese semiconductor companies have been further upgraded, and memory prices have begun to collapse. Take 64k memory, for example, which was $50 a piece early last year and is now $5, one-tenth of what it was a year ago. And Japanese semiconductor companies have mastered the mature technology of 256k memory, which means that 128k memory is no longer an advanced technology, and the price has dropped by one-third in just two months.

Expensive memory has always taken up a large part of the cost of computer hardware. Although Ikon did not cut computer prices after the memory price cut, it upgraded the memory configuration. The minimum standard configuration of -3 has been increased from 128k memory at the time of listing to 1 memory, so that the computing performance of -3 can be better played.

Under the combined effect of these major factors, after entering 1982, the sales of -3 computers rose rapidly, exceeding 50,000 units per month. UU reading www. has even sold over 10,000 units per month in just a few months since its launch at the end of last year, even with the suitcase-style -p4 portable computer. Add in the sales of -1 and -2, and Ikon has become a well-deserved leader in the PC market.

Outsiders see only superficial sales figures, but insiders can see the important role the erm-1 processor plays. It is this seemingly inconspicuous processor developed by the Oriental Research Institute that allows the performance of Ikon's personal computers to look down on any competitor.

And what kind of surprises will it bring after another processor architecture that Li Xuan also attaches great importance to? The performance of this new architecture is even better than the previous erm architecture.

"John, you're here at the right time! Aikang has just produced the first batch of workstation computer prototypes. Our laboratory is responsible for technical testing for them. Would you like to go and have a look?" Li Xuan asked with a smile.

"I know it will be a very good product, but I am more concerned about another issue. You said you want to give me a surprise, I guess you are not referring to this, right?" John Hennessy stared at Li with bright eyes. Xuan asked. (To be continued..)



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