Video Game Empire

Chapter 226: conflict of interest

"Li Sheng, IBM has bitten the price to the death, and is no longer willing to continue to raise the price!" Han Peng reported to his boss. 【First Release】

Han Peng, as the president of Dongfang Electronics Holdings, the parent company of Dongfang Software, was responsible for negotiating with ibm.

"It's them who are eager to buy shares, not us. We don't need to worry, we can slowly grind with them, as long as the negotiation does not break down! Time is on our side, computer sales have been increasing, east-system The market share is also getting higher and higher!”

Li Xuan shrugged and said easily: "It is said that Kemodo will launch a new computer next month, which will also use the erm-1 processor and the east-operating system. Wait until the entire operating system market is replaced by the east- At the time of occupation, my offer was at least ten times higher!"

The first compatible computer of the computer is about to come out, which is good news for Li Xuan, which means that the personal computer standard he established is more and more recognized by the entire industry. But it is not good news for Aikang, because it means more intense market competition. The technological advantages of the computer before, will become less obvious with the advent of other computers that also use the erm-1 chip and east-operating system.

"There was a proposal from a director before, hoping that Aikang can buy out the erm architecture and east-system software from the Oriental Research Institute and Dongfang Software Company!" Han Peng said with a wry smile, he also served as the chairman of the board of directors of Aikang.

This proposal is naturally impossible to achieve, in Li Xuan's eyes. The value of Oriental Research Institute and Oriental Software is higher than that of Aikang. This is also one of the fetters brought by the company's listing. Li Xuan cannot control the entire company at will. Even if he is the absolute controlling shareholder of Aikang. However, the interests of other minority shareholders also need to be considered.

Many smart people have discovered that with the series of computers selling well. In addition to Aikang Company, there are Oriental Research Institute and Oriental Software Company that have benefited greatly. Relying on the computer platform, these two companies have established enough popularity in one fell swoop.

In the early stage, the interests of both parties were unified, but after the erm-1 chip and east-system began to authorize supply to other computer companies, the conflict of interests began to appear. In order to maximize their own profits, Dongfang Research Institute and Dongfang Software Company must authorize their own products. And it will undoubtedly help other competitors to catch up with the technology of Aikang, which will weaken the competitiveness of computers in disguise.

Therefore, it is normal for there to be some noise on the board of directors of Ikon. But since the company's listing. The report data of each quarter is getting better and better, and the stock price is also climbing. Such a good performance is enough to suppress those dissenting voices, not to mention that Li Xuan still holds absolute controlling rights in the company.

"If anyone has an opinion on the development of Aikang, they are welcome to sell the stock. There are many people waiting to accept the purchase of the stock. Your management was not worried before, the market liquidity is insufficient!" Li Xuan smiled. said.

Of course he was joking, and if the management of Aikang dared to speak in such a tone, the reputation would immediately become stinky.

"How is our cooperation with ibm going in other areas?" Li Xuan asked again.

Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. is now in the honeymoon period with IBM Corporation. A series of collaborations have been launched. For example, from the bottomless patent pool of IBM, you can select a large number of basic patents that you may use to obtain authorization.

"Other aspects are going well. Dongfang Semiconductor has just cooperated with IBM to build the sixth fab in Austin, Texas!" Han Peng said.

Although IBM is not a semiconductor manufacturer. But it is not inferior to other companies in terms of technical reserves. The newest fab will use 5-inch monocrystalline silicon ingots using a 1.2-micron lithography process. This will be the most technologically advanced fab under Oriental Semiconductor, with technical support from ibm. It is expected to be completed and put into operation in June next year.

"I already know this. Zhang Zhongmou just signed an agreement with the mayor of Austin. Mr. Vice President called me specifically to congratulate me!" Li Xuan nodded and said.

Instead of choosing to be built in Silicon Valley, the new fab chose to be built in Austin, Texas. In addition to taking into account the factors that the land price in Silicon Valley continues to rise, it is also selling Bush Sr. a face.

Texas is preparing to rely on the University of Texas to develop the semiconductor industry in Austin. As a Texan, Bush Sr. is his home there, and naturally he has to contribute to the economic development of Texas.

The newly elected mayor of Austin is a Republican, so he asked the vice president to come forward and invite Eastern Semiconductor to set up a factory in Texas. So Li Xuan simply pushed the boat to set up a factory in Austin. Going there to set up a factory has another advantage for Dongfang Semiconductor, which is convenient for Zhang Zhongmou to poach people from Deyi.

Of course, this kind of poaching is not random. Large companies in the United States will follow some tacit understanding, and each company has its own list of priorities. Other companies on the list will never directly attack without the consent of the other party.

For example, Li Xuan invited Zhang Zhongmou to join Dongfang Semiconductor, a very important reason is that Zhang Zhongmou himself had a plan to go, and Li Xuan also specially greeted Deyi Company. As for the ordinary people outside the list, there is no limit, as long as you can provide better treatment.

Dongfang Semiconductor is still short-lived, and without sufficient background, it is impossible to slowly cultivate technical talents by itself. The best way is to poach talents from other companies. Zhang Zhongmou likes to poach from his old company, Texas Instruments. In the past, most of Dongfang Electronics' factories were located in Silicon Valley, while most of Texas Instruments' factories were located in Texas. Many technicians did not want to travel thousands of miles from Texas to California to join their bosses. .

"Politicians in the United States are working very hard for votes!" Han Peng exclaimed.

"The most motivating campaign slogan is always to boost the economy and increase employment! Now that voters have elected you, you must fulfill your promise! Austin is strategically located, and the University of Texas provides academic and talent support to develop semiconductors and other high-tech The industrial conditions are unique, and the new mayor has a very good vision!" Li Xuan praised that Austin has developed rapidly since the early 1980s, becoming the second largest semiconductor industry cluster center in the United States after Silicon Valley.

Li Xuan looked at the time, Han Peng knew that he should have other arrangements next, so he got up and said goodbye. Li Xuan is going to attend a public lecture given by Professor Hennessy at CUHK. John Hennessy, instigated by Li Xuan, intends to come to Hong Kong to work for a few years. Therefore, he himself is more concerned about this trip to Hong Kong, as a preliminary inspection for the next plan to go to Hong Kong.

If Hennessy came to Hong Kong as a professor at Stanford University, he would definitely teach at CUHK. Therefore, the Department of Electronics of CUHK invited him to hold a public lecture, and Hennessy readily agreed. At present, Professor Hennessy's popularity is not high. It will take a few years for the processor of the architecture to sell well in the world, and his fame will come up.

But now the only thing he can attract the attention of CUHK students is the professorship of Stanford University's Department of Computer Science and Department of Electrical Engineering. Li Xuan deliberately decided to stand on a platform for him.

Chinese University still attaches great importance to Professor Hennessy's public lectures, and has made sufficient publicity in advance. When Li Xuan walked out of the lounge and entered the small auditorium, he found that there were more than 100 teachers and students in the auditorium.

Brother is no longer in school, but the school still has the legend of brother. Li Xuan's face is definitely the most recognized face at CUHK. The moment he appeared, many people had already noticed him and could not help but start whispering.

"'God of Wealth Li' actually came. Fortunately, there was no notice on the poster. Otherwise, the **** girls in the school would have to crowd the small auditorium!" A certain boy said with a smile.

"Superficial, I think I played football with 'God of Fortune Li' back then, but he didn't know how many times he was knocked over by my dashing cycling skills!" brother said.

"You brag and don't make drafts. The God of Wealth Li played as a striker back then. Did you ride a bicycle in your restricted area to knock him down?" laugh.

The theme of Hennessy's speech today is "Microprocessor Structure and Design". He has made a very meaningful discussion on the design and R&D ideas of microprocessors based on the examples of the research team he has led in the past few years and the architecture of research.

The whole lecture lasted two hours, and no audience left in the middle, indicating that Professor Hennessy's speech was very attractive. Of course, the audience below are all teachers and students from the Department of Electronics. It is rare to have such an opportunity to communicate with professors from top universities in the During the discussion session after the speech, the students' questions were not enthusiastic. Microprocessor design is a bit high-end for them, but many CUHK teachers in the front row discussed several academic issues with Hennessy.

Originally, the lecture should have ended here, but the dean of the department, Professor Gu, asked Li Xuan to come to the stage to speak a few words, which attracted cheers from the students in the audience. Li Xuan had never given a speech in public before, and he declined several invitations from CUHK.

Li Xuan also stepped up to the podium, looked around, and then said aloud: "Today's protagonist is Professor Hennessy who has come from afar. Naturally, I can't take the lead. Professor Hennessy is a very powerful technical genius. He and his colleagues The architecture the team has just developed is one of the most advanced computer architectures in the world, and the first commercial processor based on the architecture, the s-100, will soon be available on Ikon's workstation computers.

Of course, the capabilities of the architecture are far more than that. Taking this opportunity, I am very honored to announce a good news. The Oriental Research Institute will cooperate with the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University to use the architecture as the core of the processor to develop Hong Kong's first supercomputer. We call this project the "Pearl of the Orient"! To be continued..)


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