Video Game Empire

Chapter 331: Chairman Li

In a blink of an eye, it has already reached the end of October. History has always had a strong inertia. Like a trajectory in another time and space, the Hong Kong government still launched a new linked exchange rate system on October 17. The exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar against the US dollar is fixed at 7.8 to 1.

After Li Xuan communicated with HSBC about the loan, he took time to return to the United States. But he soon flew back to Hong Kong, because there are many important events that require him to attend in person.

For example, the company's new Mr. Charlieson brought a large-scale delegation of more than 20 people to Hong Kong for exchange and inspection. This is a very important thing for the Oriental Group, and it may be directly related to the success or failure of the next acquisition.

Li Xuan asked Han Peng to conduct an in-depth and detailed inspection of the entire industrial layout of the Oriental Group in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Mainland on behalf of the delegation that he accompanied him throughout the process. And he himself sits in Hong Kong and has several face-to-face and in-depth discussions with Charlieson on many issues of his concern.

In addition, Li Xuan, who has been the richest man in the world for two consecutive years, has also announced his candidacy for the election of the new chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, among the expectations of his colleagues in the Hong Kong business community!

"I announce that Mr. Li Xuan has been elected as the new chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce!"

The current chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Madden, a senior executive of Wheelock & Co., announced the results of the election aloud, and thunderous applause broke out at the scene. Li 5, .. Xuan smiled and got up, bowed reservedly to everyone, and then walked to the podium.

"Thank you all my colleagues for your love and support. Dongfang Electronics is a young company that has been established for less than five years. It has been less than three years since I joined the Chamber of Commerce. In front of all the seniors who have been in the business world for many years, I am a young boy. It's also terrifying!"

the past two years. Due to various reasons, Hong Kong's economy is in a period of historical lows and turbulence. The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce is under the leadership of Mr. Madden. Cleave the tough and cut the thorns, and cut a **** path in an extremely difficult situation!

Now that everyone has voted for me, who is a late-stage student, in the next two years, as the new chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, I will still uphold the concept of serving every member and do my best. Can solve all kinds of difficulties for everyone! I hope everyone can help each other and unite sincerely on the platform of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, and work hard to create a more brilliant personal career. We also strive for the continued prosperity and stability of Hong Kong! "

Li Xuan's speech was very short, and he did not give a long speech, nor did he have any grand plans. Although the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce is the first of the four major chambers of commerce in Hong Kong, it is actually only a loose organization. The bottom-level members may want to use this platform to broaden their contacts.

And to the point like Li Xuan, the Chamber of Commerce's role in promoting his Oriental Group is actually minimal. More often after he was elected chairman, he had to undertake various obligations, such as providing some help to the members of the chamber of commerce.

certainly. For Li Xuan, being the chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce is not without benefits. On the contrary, the benefits are very great. Founded in 1861, the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, as the oldest and largest international business organization in Hong Kong, is involved in many affairs affecting the business community of Hong Kong. It can exert a significant influence on the decision-making of the Hong Kong government.

The Governor of Hong Kong will consult the chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce in advance on many issues involving the business community in Hong Kong. Therefore, after Li Xuan was elected as the new chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, he undoubtedly further enhanced his political influence in Hong Kong.

After the elections are over. The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce held a grand appreciation dinner at The Peninsula Hotel. As the first Chinese chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce since its establishment more than 120 years ago, Li Xuan is naturally the brightest focus of the entire banquet.

from the beginning of the banquet. The people who came to congratulate Li Xuan with a glass of wine never stopped. For example, the one who just said hello to him is Mr. Tang Jiqian, the owner of Nanyang Textile. The Tang family's ancestral home is in Wuxi, Jiangsu. As early as two hundred years ago, the ancestors had already started to operate the cloth village. In the early years of the Republic of China, the Tang family had developed into one of the best textile families in Shanghai, and was on par with the Rong family, another major textile giant in Shanghai at that time.

Li Xuan actually doesn't care about the old past of these wealthy families. The reason why he knew the situation of the Tang family very well was because he received news not long ago that someone hoped that Tang Jiqian would come out and fight with Li Xuan.

Tang Jiqian is a well-known pro-British faction in Hong Kong. He has made no secret of his support for the Hong Kong government in his previous public remarks. His clear stand is exactly the opposite of that of his other cousin, Tang Xiangqian. Tang Xiangqian is a well-known patriotic businessman in Hong Kong. As early as the early 1970s, he took the lead in using mainland cotton in the textile industry in Hong Kong, and made a huge contribution to domestic cotton export earnings.

At the end of the 1970s, Tang Xiangqian went to Xinjiang in the northwest inland in person to set up a joint venture wool spinning factory using local cattle and wool. Li Xuan knew very little about Tang Xiangqian in the memory of his previous life, but he was very familiar with his son. Tang Yingnian rose all the way from 1997 to become the Chief Secretary for Administration. The main reason is that his father has a very close relationship with the leaders of the two generations of the Central Committee.

In June this year, two distant cousins, Tang Jiqian and Tang Xiangqian, were invited to participate in the northbound delegation. At that time, when Mr. Deng met with Hong Kong guests, he personally promised that the system of "one country, two systems" and "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong will not be shaken for 50 years"!

At that time, Tang Xiangqian expressed his belief, but Tang Jiqian did not say whether he believed it or not. The situation is very similar to the choices their fathers faced thirty years ago. At that time, just before the founding of New China, Tang Xiangqian's father chose Xin and stayed in Beijing. But Tang Jiqian's father didn't believe it, and then fled Hong Kong.

As for the subsequent results, everyone can definitely guess. Fortunately, Tang Xiangqian studied in the United States in his early years, and did not return to Hong Kong from the United States until 1950. Tang Xiangqian started from scratch and developed Nanlian Industrial into the largest textile group in Hong Kong step by step.

Tang Jiqian, on the other hand, was much smoother than his distant cousin, who founded Nanyang Spinning Mills after his father came to Hong Kong. Nanyang Spinning Mills was one of the largest spinning mills in Hong Kong as early as the 1950s. Later, Tang Jiqianzi inherited his father's business and took over the family's Nanyang Textile Group.

Your credibility with the government is damaged. The price to pay for recovery is enormous. This is why, since last year, the central leaders of the mainland have stated many times. The Chinese government will adhere to the policy of "one country, two systems, Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong". But Hong Kong society is still panicking, and the British just need a little encouragement. It can cause panic in the whole society.

Li Xuan has God's perspective and can be confident without any worries that the central government has indeed fulfilled all its promises after 1997. But like most Hong Kongers represented by Tang Jiqian, no matter how much the mainland government emphasizes, they are still dubious. According to the information collected by Li Xuan, Tang Jiqian actually started to transfer many of the family's assets to Los Angeles in the United States as early as the beginning of this year.

So the heads of some local government leaders in later generations. In Li Xuan's opinion, they must have been caught in the door. They don't even know how valuable credibility is! First, the local government promised not to restrict license plates, and then the local government slapped itself in the face in a blink of an eye. Afterwards, the government of place b promised not to restrict license plates. Many smart citizens accepted the lessons of place a and stopped believing these nonsense at all.

But there are always some people who still retain their trust in the government. However, their trust was once again ruthlessly trampled on by the government of B. Everyone who believes in the government has become a fool. Is the credibility of the government still worth a few license plates?

Li Xuan really didn't know if the leaders of places a and b were really caught in the door! If there is another government in C in the future, it will not restrict license plates. It is estimated that only fools in China will believe it!

Li Xuan's thoughts were too far away, as the so-called groundless, not necessarily without reason. Tang Jiqian was indeed hinted by some people. Compared with Li Xuan's somewhat vague political orientation, Tang Jiqian's clear attitude is undoubtedly more popular with the British. The election of the chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce. The voices of internal Chinese members demanding the election of a Chinese chairman are extremely strong.

Since the late 1970s, British companies such as Hutchison Whampoa and Wharf have been acquired by Chinese companies. The role of Chinese capital in Hong Kong's economy has changed from a subordinate position in the early years. Gradually rose to be able to compete with the British capital. In particular, the sudden emergence of the Oriental Group in the past few years has given all Chinese businessmen an excuse. If even the richest man in the world is not qualified to be the chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce. So who else can qualify for this!

And some people who don't want Li Xuan to come to power can think of the best way. It is to find a Chinese with enough influence to fight against Li Xuan. Although Li Xuan's wealth is very scary, he is a fledgling after all, and the age of 23 is definitely a flaw.

There will always be some people who don't want to make Li Xuan, who is still young, too proud. What's more, Li Xuan's performance in the past two years has not been close to the local upper circle in Hong Kong. If he operates properly, he may have a chance to break out.

But Tang Jiqian's head is obviously not caught in the door. Although he has a lot of worries about the future prospects of Hong Kong, it is just his instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages as a businessman. He never thought of making himself a knife in the hands of others. As soon as the gossip came out, Tang Jiqian immediately publicly stated that he had no intention to participate in the election of the chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce.

So in this election, Li Xuan was actually elected without any suspense without any competition. And Tang Jiqian also took the initiative to say hello just now, expressing his kindness to Li Xuan.

"Li Sheng, hello! I'm Luo Kangrui from Ruian Group!" A man who looked like he was in his thirties came up to greet Li Xuan.

"Mr. Luo, hello!" Li Xuan raised his glass and touched him lightly.

In the previous life, Li Xuan lived in the Deep Sea Special Zone since he was a child, and he also heard a lot of gossip about Hong Kong across the river. And this Mr. Luo Kangrui had a scandal that caused a stir in Hong Kong and Kowloon. In a six-star hotel in Singapore, he married Ms. Zhu Lingling, a former Hong Kong sister, and the news caused a stir in Guangdong and Hong Kong. Zhu Lingling was once the eldest daughter-in-law of Hong Kong's top wealthy Huo family. The luxurious wedding she held when she married Huo Zhenting in 1977 was praised by the Hong Kong media as the wedding of the century.

The Luo family is also a famous wealthy family in Hong Kong. There is an idiom called tiger father dog son, but if this idiom is used on the head of Luo Shi's father and son, it needs to be changed to tiger father and dragon son. The Luo family has one dream and five heroes, and all four sons are greener than blue. The achievements of each of them are no less than that of Eagle Real Estate founded by his father, Luo Yingshi. It is definitely a good story.

Luo Kangrui is Luo Yingshi's third son and the first son to start his own business. As early as 1971, he borrowed 100,000 Hong Kong dollars from his father and set up Ruian Company with sole proprietorship. After more than ten years of development, Shui On has become a well-known construction company in Hong Kong.

"Li Sheng, thank you for extending a helping hand to my father!"

Under normal circumstances, after two people clink the glasses lightly, it is not rude to take a sip of wine. There are too many people to greet Li Xuan tonight, and every time he drinks, he just touches his tongue lightly. But Li Xuan didn't expect the third son of the Luo family in front of him to be so upright, and he drank the remaining half of the glass of wine in one breath.

"Luo Sheng, you are too kind, Jiahua Bank is just issuing loans according to normal rules and procedures. Although the Eagle Group has encountered temporary difficulties, I believe that under the leadership of Lao Luo Sheng, it will soon be able to regain its strength and get out of the slump. !" Li Xuan said with a smile.

Luo Yingshi's Eagle Group also suffered heavy losses in this real estate crash because of its misreading of the market. The banking industry has always been only the icing on the cake, and will not help. The Great Eagle Group has recently encountered a serious cash flow crisis, and many banks have been turned away for help.

Li Xuan has the perspective of God. Naturally, I know clearly that Luo Yingshi has successfully survived this crisis, otherwise Hong Kong would not have a saying of five heroes. He also doesn't mind selling his feelings at this time, after all, giving charcoal in the snow is the best way to win people's hearts! Jiahua Bank wants to become bigger and stronger in the future, naturally, it is inseparable from the support of these wealthy families.

Therefore, Great Eagle Group successfully lent a sum of HK$400 million to Jiahua Bank with a commercial office building it owns as collateral. In fact, the real estate market in Hong Kong only needs to survive next year, and it will be fully prosperous since 1985. Even if Great Eagle Group does not pay out the loan, Jiahua Bank will not have any bad debt risk at all. Banks only need to confiscate the mortgaged real estate. When the real estate market is booming, the income from resale should be much higher than that of loans.

Moreover, at such a time, Jiahua Bank's loan interest to Great Eagle Group is definitely not low. However, compared with the direct rejection of other banks, Jiahua Bank has been regarded as a living Bodhisattva to save the suffering.

The Luo Kangrui in front of Li Xuan obviously accepted his favor and expressed his gratitude with a toast. This made Li Xuan's impression of him a lot better all of a sudden.

"Li Sheng, you are busy first, otherwise I won't bother you any more!" Luo Jiarui saw someone coming here, so he prepared to say goodbye.

"Well, I'm sorry, there are a lot of guests tonight! There will be a chance for us to meet again in the future. I chatted with you and Luo Sheng a few times today, and it feels like a good I will make a deal with you as a friend in the future! "Li Xuan said with a smile.

When Luo Kangrui left, he hadn't regained his senses. He just said a word or two to "God of Wealth Li", and after listening to the other party's tone, he was ready to have a deep friendship with him. You must know that Li Xuan's friends in Hong Kong are notoriously few, and the only ones who can really be considered close friends are Xu Jiankui and Lin Yuhao.

This is also because Li Xuan's wealth is too terrifying, with a total asset of nearly 100 billion Hong Kong dollars. Ordinary people would immediately feel ashamed when they stood with him, and never thought of putting themselves on the same level as him. Take Luo Kangrui, for example, compared to others, he is a young and promising second-generation rich, self-reliant, with assets over 100 million.

But in front of Li Xuan, Luo Kangrui unconsciously ignored the fact that he was ten years older than the other party, and instead took the initiative to put himself in the position of a junior. To be a friend of "God of Wealth Li" is definitely a very face-to-face thing for Luo Kangrui.

From the beginning to the end of the reception, Li Xuan did not have the slightest time to relax, and people who knew or did not know constantly came to greet him. Compared to before, although he still felt impatient with this kind of nutritious communication in his heart, he always had a smile like a spring breeze on his face, and he was enthusiastic and condescending to everyone! (To be continued...)

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