Video Game Empire

Chapter 347: in person

"Not long ago, when I talked with Secretary Liang, he mentioned that the deep-sea special zone is currently facing a shortage of talents. Watermark advertising test Watermark advertising test Because of the lack of management personnel and technical personnel, many overseas investors dare not act rashly!


In fact, this is also one of the most important factors restricting Dongfang Electronics to expand investment in the mainland! Taking the picture tube factory as an example, most of the middle and senior technical personnel and management personnel in the factory are mostly from Hong Kong or the United States.


This is not because we discriminate against domestic personnel. You must know that for a capitalist like me, as long as you can create enough benefits for me, I don't care if you are an angel or a devil! "


Li Xuan said in a self-deprecating manner, which caused everyone to chuckle, and the atmosphere in the room seemed to be a little more relaxed!


Li Xuan paused and continued: "Some people say that this is because the country has been plagued by ten years of turmoil, resulting in a shortage of talents? But I don't think so. It's just that from the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977 to the present, the country has passed the college entrance examination. The number of higher education talents has exceeded 10,000. It is almost equivalent to half of the population of Hong Kong!


Perhaps in China at this stage, there are very few people who have the opportunity to receive higher education, but China has a huge base of 100 million people. Even putting aside the ten years of turmoil, from the founding of New China to the present, there have been at least 10,000 people who have received higher education. "


"Then, in your opinion, Mr. Li, where is our problem? The units below are calling the central government for lack of people every day!" Elder Deng asked with great interest.


"I personally believe that the system of the domestic planned economy, which restricts the rational flow of human resources, has begun to curb the continued development of China's economy! At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the dilemma faced by the poor and the white, the national system under the planned economy, You can maximize the strength of the whole country to do great things!


But as the overall scale of China's economy grows, this rigid system will become more and more powerless! As the first batch of post-Cultural Revolution universities began to graduate in 1982, according to China's distribution system, scientific research institutes were among the big players to take over the fresh blood.


But as I mentioned before, the amount of funding China has invested in scientific research in recent years is not optimistic. This creates a dilemma. That is, these newly joined researchers cannot apply for enough funds to carry out research! They are full of enthusiasm to contribute to China's modernization cause, but they can only sigh and waste their most precious youth in drinking tea, reading newspapers, and sleeping! "


"Mr. Li. Your words are too alarmist!" An old man with gray hair in a blue tunic suit next to him said with a frown.


"General Wang, is it alarmist, you can send someone to investigate! In recent years, China's scientific research institutions have generally struggled to operate. The funds of many units are only enough to maintain daily salary expenses, and they are simply unable to carry out scientific research activities!


Before, Dongfang Electronics intended to collect some talents for our domestic kinescope factories, factories and communication equipment factories, but most of them failed! Among them, the communication equipment factory is a joint venture between us and a state-owned enterprise in Huhai, and finally the Shanghai Municipal Government came forward to coordinate, so that we can persuade some outstanding technical talents!


However, even though our wholly-owned CRT factory and factory in the Deep Sea Special Zone offered much higher wages than their original units, they were still rejected! Because our company cannot provide a series of benefits other than wages such as medical insurance, endowment insurance, and housing distribution!


This is not to say that Dongfang Electronics is a black-hearted enterprise, on the contrary, we are very willing to assume the social responsibility that the enterprise should shoulder! For example, in Hong Kong, although the government does not have a mandatory social security policy, our Oriental Group has established a special MPF.


By raising wages. Put the part of the employee's increased salary into the MPF, and hand it over to a dedicated team for investment appreciation! On the premise of not reducing the income of employees, it has added a guarantee for the future of employees!


However, in China, although the medical expenses of enterprise employees can be reimbursed, and workers have retirement wages after retirement, the operation method is very different from the western social security system!


For example, in the United States, various subsidiaries of the Oriental Group purchase medical insurance for their employees from commercial insurance institutions! The pension insurance paid for employees is mostly handed over to a special pension fund for management!


In China, we can't find similar institutions at all! We seek help from the relevant departments of the SAR. Also because there is no relevant legislation in the country, there is no way to pay! "Li Xuan said very helplessly.


In fact, the country has already started to formulate relevant policies in this regard, and Li Xuan just took this opportunity to complain. If there is the highest level of attention, the efficiency of the relevant departments will be very different.


"In Hong Kong. The Human Resources Department of Dongfang Electronics Group, before the arrival of the graduation season every year, goes to various universities and post-secondary colleges in Hong Kong to hold special lectures. To the fresh graduates, the company's development situation and future plans are introduced in detail. , this year's recruitment positions and a series of questions!


We will let everyone have a full understanding of Dongfang Electronics, so as to decide whether to apply for the position provided by Dongfang Company! In fact, Oriental Group has been the most competitive job seeker in Hong Kong for several consecutive years!


Graduates who can join the Oriental Group. They are all the best elites in Hong Kong! Similarly, the staff we recruited in Taiwan, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States and other places are all graduates of famous schools from all over the world!


But in China, the situation we encountered was very embarrassing! Foreign companies are not included in the plans of the relevant departments, so we can't assign fresh college students at all! Like the previous kinescope factory, many of the technical talents we asked for were directly intercepted from the graduates of various colleges and universities in the eastern province of Guangdong through the government of eastern Guangdong!


Although we know that the Guangdong Provincial Government has done its best, the quality of these personnel is far from satisfying us. Many jobs that require a college degree are eventually filled with college graduates! "Li Xuan continued to complain.


"Reform and opening up is also crossing the river by feeling the stones for us, and we need to accumulate experience bit by bit! Mr. Li, the questions you raised today are very good, and we will start to study and solve them as soon as possible. The Chinese government welcomes foreign investment. , it will never change!" Elder Deng listened to Li Xuan very seriously, nodded and said.


"Dongfang Group has just submitted a plan to the Shenhai Municipal Government to build an industrial base with an annual output of 10 million TV sets with the company as the leader. Unlike most foreign-funded enterprises, our Oriental Group is willing to truly regard China as an important foundation for the future of the group. !


Dongfang Group is optimistic about the development prospects of China for a long time in the future, so our investment in the mainland is not for quick success, but based on the long-term! For Oriental Electronics. We believe that the most meaningful thing is not the Chinese market, nor the preferential policies on land and taxation given by the local government, but the introduction and reserve of talents!


But in the current China, there is no market for the free flow of talents! if in the US. As long as the Eastern Company can offer a sufficiently attractive salary, there will be countless master's and doctoral students from prestigious universities such as Harvard, Yale, and Stanford to apply for the job! As long as the conditions we give are good enough, even if you wave your **** to iBm, Deyi and other industry giants, it is not difficult to dig their best technical talents!


In China, we are also eager for Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Fudan University, which bring together the top talents in China. Can open the door like the Oriental Group! Only by continuously absorbing the best talents is the secret of a group's longevity!


Therefore, I am here to make a request to Mr. Deng, hoping that the Oriental Group can be used as a pilot to hold job fairs in domestic colleges and universities during the graduation season this year! Of course, domestic higher education is free, the purpose is to cultivate talents for the country! After all, our Oriental Company is foreign capital. When signing employment contracts with students, we are willing to pay a certain amount of personnel training fees to relevant departments! "Li Xuan said his first purpose tonight.


Old Deng thought about Li Xuan's request for a while. Then he raised his head and smiled at Li Xuan, and said, "I can convey Mr. Li's proposal to the relevant comrades in the Ministry of Education and Education. They will come to discuss with Mr. Li, and try to come up with a plan acceptable to both parties! "


Deng Lao did not give a clear answer, but in Li Xuan's opinion, he did not object, he said that there was something to do, and the rest was how to send someone to fight with the Ministry of Education! As long as the Ministry of Education can open this hole, Oriental Group will naturally design a complete set of plans to attract students and strive to catch the best elites!


Just now, I put forward a request for Dongfang Group to directly recruit graduates from domestic colleges and universities. It's just Li Xuan's temporary proposal! In fact, his real purpose before coming tonight was to focus on the next thing.


"Mr. Chen Bai came to me a year ago, and he told me that he hoped to build an experimental university in mainland China. By learning the method of combining production, learning and research in Silicon Valley in the United States, we will promote the development of China's electronics industry!


Although I hit it off with him at the time. But really it's just the rhetoric of support at the beginning. But now I hope to join the action with a more positive attitude! When I communicated with Secretary Liang before, he also expressed his willingness to provide the greatest support for the new university on behalf of the Deep Sea Special Administrative Region! "Li Xuan said suddenly.


Chen Bai found Li Xuan not long ago, and his communication with the Ministry of Education and Education has not been smooth recently. With the strong support of Li Xuan, Chen Bai is no longer short of funds, so he hopes to have more initiative in the planning of the university. Chen Bai made a series of demands that the new university should not have a youth league committee or a party committee. All touched the sensitive nerves of the country.


This is not what Li Xuan wants to see. He has already hinted to Chen Bai euphemistically before, hoping that he will not touch some policy red lines in the mainland, but the other party obviously took Li Xuan's words as a deaf ear.


Therefore, Li Xuan decided to leave Chen Bai aside and go into battle himself! If a first-class university can be built in the mainland, it will have immeasurable significance for the future development of the Oriental Group!


Only in the 1980s, when the country had just started reform and opening up, and the economic conditions were relatively difficult, would the high-level central authorities be willing to make various attempts in policy. After the 1990s, domestic policies were actually more conservative, and Li Xuan would never have such an opportunity!


"Of course, setting up a university is by no means an easy task. As the chairman of the preparatory committee of the City Polytechnic Institute of Hong Kong, I have a deep understanding of this! The construction of a university is inseparable from the support of the government, and the political system of each country Different, the design plan of the university should naturally conform to the actual national conditions.


On this point, I have a certain disagreement with Mr. Chen Bo! I don't think China needs a unique university, but a university with an international perspective! University, university, the core focus should be on "learning"!


No matter what kind of structure a school adopts, only if it achieves outstanding academic achievements can it truly occupy a place in the forest of world universities! Oriental Group has good cooperative relations with Hong Kong CUHK, Hong Kong University, Stanford University and Columbia University in the United States.


We can provide some help for the international academic exchange and cooperation of the new school! At that time, on behalf of the Oriental Group, I pledged to donate 10,000 US dollars to Professor Chen Bai. I am willing to increase the donation of ten thousand dollars in my own name on this basis! At the same time, I am also willing to actively contact my colleagues from all walks of life in Hong Kong to contribute to the glorious cause of education! "Li Xuan said confidently.


&nb The donation of US$10,000 is enough for the central executives to carefully consider his opinion. And Li Xuan is not Chen Bai, if he came forward to raise funds, the effect of UU reading would definitely be able to shake Chen Bai a few streets away.


Li Xuan also hinted that he is not prepared to be independent and is willing to follow China's national conditions. And what is China's national conditions, naturally it is to insist on the unswerving leadership of the China-Communist Party! Li Xuan doesn't want to be a politician, and he doesn't want to be too involved in politics. Even if he had to get in touch with politics, he was just escorting his business empire!


Mr. Deng is no stranger to Chen Bai's idea of ​​running a school. He met him in person two years ago. Before, the Ministry of Education also reported some of Chen Bai's school-running views to the central government.


To be honest, the opposition in the party is very big! I-Party has always attached great importance to the leadership of students. If there are no party organizations and league organizations in the university, how can students' thinking move closer to the party, and how can we train successors! Therefore, many comrades are firmly opposed to this opening!


The reason why the Central Committee did not directly reject Chen Bai's idea at that time was entirely because he had raised more than 50 million US dollars in donations. This is already a lot of money for China today, so everyone hopes that the comrades in the Ministry of Education can do the ideological work of Chen Bo! (To be continued.)


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