Video Game Empire

Chapter 359: China and Hong Kong co-production

The meal that Liu Wei and Liu Chang invited to Liu Lili were definitely earned. Liu Lili introduced the interview process tomorrow to the two of them in detail, especially giving their opinions according to their different majors. △↗ small,

Among the two, Liu Wei is more shy, does not speak much, and is not good at expressing and communicating in front of strangers. But he majored in electronics in college, and got good grades. Liu Lili suggested that he apply for a technical research position. The recruitment criteria of Dongfang Electronics Company for this type of position have always placed more emphasis on your academic ability rather than your communication ability.

Li Xuan has always preferred those pure researchers, because these "nerds" in the eyes of everyone tend to have more focus and persistence than ordinary people in scientific research.

Moreover, when applying for scientific research funds within the Oriental Research Institute, there is no need to send gifts to develop relationships. As long as the research project proposal you submit can be approved by the academic committee, you will be able to get funding smoothly. From the issuance, use and supervision of project funds, there is a set of detailed and strict rules and regulations. As long as you follow the process requirements step by step, no one will embarrass you.

Liu Lili's suggestion to Liu Wei is to focus on showing your academic performance in the university in the interview tomorrow. For example, he can read and write professional papers fluently in English. As early as his junior year, he joined the school's professor's laboratory as a research assistant. These are one of those flashes that can earn the interviewer's approval and bonus points.

Moreover, when Liu Wei introduced himself, he could also emphasize that he had worked part-time in the Oriental Experimental Building. If he can put forward some unique views on the scientific research system of the Oriental Research Institute, whether it is worth adopting or not, he will easily win the great favor of the interviewer.

The Oriental Research Institute is the core R&D unit in the entire Oriental Group. Its position in the entire Eastern system is far more than that of Ikon and Computer Park, which have a market value of several billion dollars. Listed companies that look shiny are even more important.

As for Liu Chang, he applied for the newly established Department of Economics and Management Engineering at Tsinghua University. Tsinghua University has been restructured since 1952. It became a pure engineering college, and it was not until 1978 that disciplines such as liberal arts, humanities and social sciences, economics and management were gradually restored.

It is more difficult for Liu Chang to successfully apply for the Oriental Group than Liu Wei. Because it is the first time that the Oriental Company has launched a recruitment plan in the Mainland, it does not understand the views of the graduates on the Oriental Group. Therefore, there are no rigid professional restrictions in the recruitment of the group, but flexible adjustments are made according to the actual registration situation of graduates, but the general direction is to tilt towards scientific research positions.

When Liu Chang returned to the dormitory, several roommates were enthusiastically discussing the morning exchange meeting. Today's students have very little extracurricular activities, so various lectures in the school are very popular. Regardless of whether it has anything to do with them, everyone is willing to run and join in the fun.

"Liu Chang. Isn't this Dongfang Electronics Company the company you sponsored when you went to Hong Kong for exchange in your sophomore year?" a roommate asked curiously.

Li Xuan nodded his head: "Yes, it is the largest private company in Hong Kong, with total assets exceeding 20 billion US dollars!"


Several people in the dormitory took a breath of cold air. Everyone had too little contact with foreign information. Although Tsinghua Library has special funds for purchasing foreign language periodicals. However, Tsinghua University is a college of engineering, and the school's priority is definitely the academic journals of engineering.

The foreign newspapers and news, political and economic journals that often report on Li Xuan and Dongfang Group are not included in the library's purchase list. After all, the foreign exchange allocated by Tsinghua University is also very valuable, and foreign newspapers and political and economic journals often appear in foreign newspapers and political and economic journals to smear domestic reports. These articles are not suitable for domestic dissemination.

"I remembered that the s-2000 project of Professor Chen Junliang of Beiyou University seemed to be sponsored by the Oriental Research Institute!" Another roommate suddenly said again.

"The Oriental Research Institute is one of the subsidiaries of the Oriental Group! The British company Aikon, which donated three computer classrooms to our school last year, is also one of the subsidiaries of the Oriental Group!" Li Xuan explained.

"We all know this. You have been to Hong Kong, tell us about the working conditions of this Oriental Group in Hong Kong, is it really as good as the one shown in their own movies!" the roommate asked again.

"I told you a long time ago. The internal environment of the Oriental Company is unimaginable. For example, the Oriental Experimental Building where I worked part-time was the research building of the Oriental Research Institute in Hong Kong. The restaurant in the building is twenty-four. It is free and open every hour. It is available for researchers to eat at any time.

Drinks and cakes are also served at tea time, it's like being in heaven! You people still said I was bragging. Why is the moon in foreign countries rounder than that in China, I'm about to be arrested for a denunciation meeting! "Liu Chang said angrily.

"Hey, this is not the first time we have heard that there are capitalists who are so kind to their employees!" Several people in the dormitory said embarrassedly.

"By the way, fourth child, did you really decide to sign up to work in this Hong Kong company?"

In order of age, Liu Chang ranked fourth among the people in the dormitory, and he nodded his head: "Well, I have this idea, but it is not certain whether the application will be successful or not! The Dongfang Group this time is mainly for their few employees in the Deep Sea Special Zone. We recruit people from a project, and give priority to technical positions! Even if there are management positions, Peking University is more famous than us, and it has only been a few years since our Department of Economics and Management was established!”

There was a bit of helplessness in Liu Chang's tone. The other university that Dongfang Company was preparing to recruit in Beijing-Beijing was the Beijing-University next door to Tsinghua University. Compared with Tsinghua University, which is known for its engineering, Peking University in the early 1980s was the best liberal arts university in China. China's university system was influenced by the Soviet higher education system. After the major adjustment of departments in 1952, there were no comprehensive universities.

"You said that if we go to work in the Oriental Company, how much salary can they provide? It is said that the salary abroad is much higher than that in our country!" The second child in the dormitory asked curiously.

"As far as I know, three years ago, the lowest-paid researcher in the Oriental Research Institute could earn 4,000 Hong Kong dollars a month, which is about US$800! But the salary offered to domestic staff is definitely not that high!

After all, the reason why people are willing to invest in us is to save costs! But as far as I can guess. There is still a monthly income of three or four hundred yuan. And it is very likely that foreign exchange vouchers are issued directly instead of RMB! "Liu Chang said.

"Wow, so high! Or foreign exchange coupons?" Others said in disbelief.

This salary level is almost one to two times higher than that in the country. According to the current exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar. 400 RMB is about $200. In 1984, the per capita monthly salary in the United States had already reached 1,200 US dollars, and if you want to recruit an excellent graduate of a prestigious university in Silicon Valley, at least double this basis.

That is to say, recruiting a researcher from Tsinghua University and recruiting a researcher from Stanford, the salary paid by the Oriental Research Institute can be more than ten times different. This is also an important reason why Li Xuan hopes to absorb talents in the mainland as soon as possible. In fact, the scientific research ability of Chinese students is not worse than that of American students, they just lack a good scientific research environment.

Just as Liu Chang and Liu Wei were gearing up for the next day's interview, the second plenary congress of the 6th National Political Consultative Conference-Meeting was grandly opened in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing-Beijing.

Among the 1,715 CPPCC members who attended the Second Plenary Session of the Sixth CPPCC this year, 44 representatives from Hong Kong and Macao were included. And Li Xuan is one of the newly added CPPCC members.

In the plenary meeting on the first day, Ms. Deng, the chairman of the CPPCC, made a summary report of the past year to all the delegates. The next few days were all group discussions. The first group discussion. It was a free discussion within the Hong Kong and Macau delegations. Ms. Deng, Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, specially came to the Hong Kong and Macau delegation to join the discussion.

Although Li Xuan's famous brand was placed in the first row in front, he wore a calm and calm smile from beginning to end, and rarely spoke. The current Sino-British negotiation is entering a critical moment. The chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference has specially selected the Hong Kong and Macau groups to participate in the dozens of groups, and the implication is clear at a glance.

At this time, Li Xuan would not charge forward. Fortunately, meetings are not classroom learning, there will be teachers with special names! Li Xuan was reluctant to take the initiative to speak, although some people were slightly disappointed. But no one will deliberately force him to speak.

After Li Xuan got through the group discussion on the first day, the second day was still a group discussion, but this time it was a cross-group discussion. Li Xuan and several representatives from Hong Kong and Macao were divided into a group with some representatives of the CPPCC from the literary and art circles and the scientific and technological circles.

"Next year will be the 50th anniversary of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. This great victory of the Chinese nation is the result of the sincere cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party to face the national disaster! Comrade Chen Dunde, director of the Literature Department of our Guangxi Film Studio, has made a proposal. I hope to make a film that reflects the frontal war of resistance between the country and the army, and prepare to take the story from the Taierzhuang Victory commanded by General Li Zong-Ren!" He Wei of Guixi Film Studio. When it comes to the strategy of cross-strait reunification, a suggestion is made.

Director He's suggestion has aroused heated discussion among everyone, and the classic Anti-Japanese War movies made in China are by no means rare. For example, "Tunnel Warfare", "Mine Warfare", "Railway Guerrilla Warfare", etc., but no one has ever touched a film that positively describes the KMT-KMT war.

And for historical reasons. For a long time, even the content of the history textbooks about the Kuomintang government fighting the Japanese army on the frontal battlefield was mostly deleted. These were not reintroduced into the textbook until the most recent revision of the textbook.

"When Director He said this, I think there was a literary script in the "August 1 Movie" in March this year, called "Blood Battle in Taierzhuang". This script is very well written, Director Liu, you can go there. Contact the two writers of the script to talk!" The person sitting next to Director Liu was Zhang Jinhua, the director of the Bayi Film Studio.

"Director Zhang, how can our Guangxi studio be as rich and powerful as your Bayi factory! Let's not talk about whether the script can pass the review of relevant parties, even if the state allows the filming, if the Taierzhuang battle is filmed, there will definitely be many big explosions. , not only will a large number of troops be mobilized to participate in the show, but the cost of filming is definitely higher than that of ordinary movies. Our Guangxi Studio is only a small factory, and we can't support such a grand and huge production!" Director He smiled at Zhang Jinhua with a wry smile. shook his head.

Li Xuan was sitting behind the two of them, so when he heard the private communication between the two, a light flashed in his eyes. After the discussion, Li Xuan walked out of the conference hall slowly and deliberately followed behind the two factory directors.

"Director He and Director Zhang, hello, I'm Li Xuan! I was very interested in Director He's proposal just now, and I'm going to have a private exchange with the two of you!" Li Xuan said with a smile.

The two couldn't help being a little surprised when Li Xuan came forward to say hello, but immediately shook hands with him enthusiastically. In the end, He Wei spoke first: "Mr. Li, you speak Mandarin very well! I wonder if you have any suggestions for my proposal?"

In fact, He Wei and Zhang Jinhua don't know Li Xuan's specific identity very well, they only know that he is a compatriot from Hong Kong and Macao.

"I'm sorry, I overheard the private exchange between the two just now. It seems that the Guixi Film Studio has some problems with funding?" Li Xuan said with a smile, "I wonder if Director He has considered co-production between China and Hong Kong. There happens to be a movie company!"

Li Xuan really has some impressions of the movie "Blood Battle in Taierzhuang". His high school history teacher is a very funny and humorous teacher in class. His history class is never boring. I remember that when he talked about the Taierzhuang Victory, he happened to mention to the students about the story behind the movie "Blood Battle in Taierzhuang".

This is the first film made by our party in China to positively praise the national-military war of resistance. Later, a copy of this film was specially sent to Taiwan for Xiao-Jiang to watch. After reading, Mr. Jiang finally agreed to allow Taiwan-Taiwan veterans to return to the mainland to visit relatives. For the first time, the relationship between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, which had been frozen for decades, has been significantly eased.

In the past two years, Li Xuan has had close and direct communication with the top leaders of both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Maybe they are still wary and hostile to each other for historical reasons, but they are absolutely the same on the one China position.

In Li Xuan's view, the 1980s, when the older generation of politicians were still alive, was actually the best time to resolve cross-strait issues. Even if cross-strait reunification cannot be fully achieved, it would be good to reach consensus on some key issues sooner rather than later.

The "Nine-Two Consensus" of later generations actually came a little late. At that time, a certain Li had already started digging graves for the Kuomintang-Dang. If it weren't for the fact that the older generation of the Kuomintang was too powerful at that time, he might have thrown away his hypocritical cloak long ago and revealed his true face of independence.

"China-Hong Kong co-production?" He Wei asked incredulously.

There are many examples of Hong Kong filmmakers going north and co-producing with the mainland, but most of them are martial arts and literary films. He Wei has never heard of a Hong Kong film company willing to co-produce war films with the mainland. The genre of war films is already rare in the Hong Kong film market. (To be continued..)

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