Video Game Empire

Chapter 392: The military parade in 1984



Beijing-Beijing, the capital of National Day, is full of colorful flags and flowers. The towers and the viewing platforms on both sides are full of friends. The troops waiting to be reviewed on Chang'an Street are already ready to go!


At ten o'clock in the morning, the mayor of Beijing-Beijing announced that the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China began! The National Day celebration kicked off with the majestic "March of the Volunteers" and the sound of a 28-gun salute.


At this moment, in the studio of Hong Kong Asia Satellite TV, the host Zheng Danrui and the special commentary guest, Mr. Yu Bokang, a professor of CUHK, are also gradually entering the state of narration. Although the audience rating of the "Three Walks" column hosted by Zheng Danrui is much lower than that of "Who Can Become a Millionaire" and other variety shows, the influence of this column on the entire Hong Kong society can be compared to other variety shows. several streets.


And Zheng Danrui also became ATV's gold medal emcee in one fell swoop by virtue of his witty and witty hosting style in "The Three Walks". Every time there is a major program in the TV station, he will be the first to host it!


The other Professor Yu Bokang is a veteran military fan. When ATV received a notice from the Xinhua branch and agreed to let them live stream the National Day military parade, it was less than half a month before October 1st. There are also no well-known military experts in Hong Kong, and Asia Satellite TV couldn't find a suitable professional commentator for a while.


At this time, Zheng Danrui suddenly remembered that when the Falklands War broke out two years ago, he had invited Professor Yu Bokang from the Department of International Relations of the Hong Kong University of Hong Kong to come and record a program of "The Threesome of Qiang Qiang". Army fans.


Therefore, at the recommendation of Zheng Danrui, Professor Yu, as a special military commentator for ATV, and he explained to the five million Hong Kong citizens the whole process of this unprecedented military parade!


"Tan Shwe, I don't know if you noticed, when the camera swept across the city tower just now. The top PLA senior officers standing in the first row upstairs to watch the ceremony were all wearing red collar badges and red hat emblems of the 'June 5' style military uniform!


And just now when dxp was in the car to review the troops, the big-brimmed hats the soldiers wore on their heads. The hat badge was replaced with the "August 1" red star style with wheat ear gears. The original two "red flags" on the collar of the military uniform are also embellished with yellow borders and silver stars!


The uniforms worn by the soldiers. It should be the 'Eighth Five' style new military uniform that has not been officially installed by the People's Liberation Army! Through the details of the different military uniforms upstairs and downstairs, it seems to be using a quiet way to reveal to the outside world that China - the military, like this country, is in the midst of a brand new transformation! "Yubokang said with a smile.


Zheng Danrui couldn't help but give Professor Yu Bokang a compliment in his heart. He really did not find the wrong person. The words of Professor Yu who knew the book were full of profound meanings, which made people memorable.


He also took advantage of the other party's topic and said: "Professor Yu observed carefully enough! I noticed that the slogan that the dxp chairman shouted when he inspected the army just now was very interesting! 'Hello, comrades! ── Hello, chief!'." Comrade We have worked hard!──Serve the people!'


This slogan is completely different from the dozen or so military parades in New China before. In the past, during the military parade, everyone shouted, "Long live the People's Republic of China! ','Long live China'. This time, the slogan is more close to the people, reflecting the close interaction between the general and the soldiers!


After a long period of political turmoil in mainland China, in recent years, it has rebuilt the country with an increasingly pragmatic attitude! At the beginning of this year, after dxp's southern tour, Beijing-Beijing sent a message to the outside world that it would further deepen reform and opening up.


And what was shown today at the National Day Ceremony is the reform of military uniforms and the reform of slogans. It seems to imply that the leadership of this country is genuine and unswerving in the concept of 'reform and opening up'! therefore. We actually have reason to expect more policy adjustments in China in the future! "


Naturally, ATV's commentary did not read according to the commentary prepared in advance, but tried to use an anatomical perspective to help Hong Kong citizens analyze some of the profound meanings revealed through this grand ceremony!


At this time, the military parade has officially started! Walking in the forefront is the PLA honor guard composed of commanders and fighters of the three armies of sea, land and air! They marched neatly and vigorously, and walked past the city tower with vigor and vigor!


The live broadcast team jointly formed by ATV and China-CCTV has densely set up multiple fixed cameras and sound collectors on the road where officers and soldiers are moving forward in unison.




Accompanied by a sonorous and forceful, yet tidy and consistent sound of stepping on the ground. On the TV screen, one after another, the pedestrian formations are striding across the road with a full posture! The officers and soldiers of each team moved in unison. Look at a line horizontally, and look at a line vertically. It's still a line when you look obliquely, and the scene is very spectacular!


"Dan Shwe, have you noticed? When the camera swept across the faces of these PLA soldiers, their eyes revealed a fierceness and arrogance, and the expression between their eyebrows was a faint murderous aura, natural and fierce!


It is said that many of the soldiers who participated in the military parade this time have just withdrawn from the front line of the battle with Vietnam! Watching the live broadcast of this military parade, what surprised me the most is that the spirit of the PLA has not been shattered by the turmoil of the past ten years!


Today, the Chinese People's Liberation Army is still showing to the world through the TV screen a mighty army with neat appearance and steel will! The Sino-Vietnamese border friction has lasted for five years from 1979 to the present. It is said that the top officials of the People's Liberation Army took this opportunity to send domestic troops to the front line in rotation and conducted a large-scale training in actual combat!


This is undoubtedly a very wise choice. After the Sino-Indian border war, the People's Liberation Army has not experienced war for nearly 20 years! Now, this army, which has seen blood again, is sending a signal to the world with a fierce and chilling aura!


In particular, this neat slap and slap sound, and the flashing spear stabs, stabs, and slashes make people feel a kind of passionate passion. This is an army capable of defending the home and the country! " Yu Bokang said that he was also infected, and his tone became excited.


October 1st this year happens to be a Monday, and Hong Kong under British rule naturally does not have a holiday. Typically, Monday mornings tend to have the lowest ratings of the week.


But in fact, there are still many Hong Kong citizens sitting in front of the TV and watching ATV's live TV attentively! Such a grand military parade is definitely a very different experience for Hong Kong citizens!


"Wow, these PLA soldiers on TV are so cool. That's what the army looks like! I watched a movie a few days ago, and the PLA soldiers in it even wore a hat. It was filmed by an idiot director. Like a bandit!" One looked young. But the young man with dyed yellow hair and a cigarette in his mouth said.


"You're so stupid. Can you believe what's in the movie!" Another person patted his head and said with a look of disdain, then continued to stare at the TV screen intently.


This may be the first time that many Hong Kong people have intuitively seen the military appearance of the Chinese military. This high-spirited and high-spirited army has made countless people feel a passionate sense of reverence!


"The weapons equipped by the People's Liberation Army are still quite far from the international advanced level! For example, the main combat aircraft currently used by the Chinese Air Force - the J-6 aircraft, is actually a domestic model of the Soviet MiG-19 fighter jet, belonging to the 1950s. early technical level.


The Soviet Union retired all MiG-19s more than a decade ago. The Chinese Air Force is gradually beginning to install the J-7 on a small scale, which is actually a technology from the Soviet MiG-21. This second generation jet. Equivalent to the level of technology in the early 1960s, there is at least a 20-year gap between the f-15 and other advanced foreign main battle aircraft!


So much so that in China's self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, there were more than a thousand planes in the air, but because of their backward performance, they finally did not choose to participate in the war! This has to be said to be a very regrettable thing. Ten years of political turmoil has caused the greatest damage to technical arms such as the Air Force and the Navy! "Yu Bokang said sighing.


At this time, all 18 foot teams had walked through the square, followed by 24 mechanized teams. Steel carts and iron horses, huge currents rolling, and the rumbling sound of motors on Chang'an Avenue.


As a senior military fan, Yu Bokang combined the detailed information collected by Zheng Danrui in advance. The duo took on every weapon that appeared in front of the TV camera. All can tell. It's a pity that most of the weapons in Yu Bokang's mouth only got a general evaluation of performance. In fact, this evaluation of his has already saved some face!


Immediately following the armored self-propelled artillery team, the naval missile team appeared! When this party passes through the * city tower. The scene on the TV suddenly changed, and many figures of soldiers in various colorful military uniforms appeared on the screen.


These officers are obviously not Chinese faces. At this moment, they all stand up from their seats and use the small telescope in front of them to carefully observe the convoy not far from the city tower.


A few outsiders were still very excited, and they seemed to be shouting something loudly! This area is the viewing area for diplomats and military attaches from various countries in China, and Asia Satellite TV just set up a camera here!


"Haha! I guess these foreigners must be exclaiming, 'Flying fish, Chinese flying fish'!" Yu Bokang had a low tone before. Now it suddenly became sonorous and powerful.


"The red-and-white-painted missile in the first row of the naval missile team is the latest anti-ship weapon developed by China! Its code name is c-801. It is the latest version of the Chinese Navy's 'Eagle Strike' series of missiles. Model!" Zheng Danrui introduced the information of this weapon in a timely manner.


"The audience in front of the TV, if you have paid attention to the Fukushima naval battle that broke out between the United Kingdom and Argentina two years ago, you will definitely remember an anti-ship missile code-named 'Flying Fish'!


The Argentines used this French-made flying fish anti-ship missile to sink the British modern destroyer 'Sheffield' and the large transport ship 'Atlantic Transporter', which were called 'Royal Pride' in one fell swoop. The 'Glamorgan' destroyer!


If it wasn't for France's refusal to continue exporting the Flying Fish missiles to Argentina under pressure from the United Kingdom, it is hard to say whether the Royal Navy could have won that war! In terms of appearance, the c-801 missile now unveiled is very similar to the flying fish.


Since the People's Liberation Army has the confidence to show it to the world at the National Day military parade, I guess its performance will not be too different from Feiyu! "


The Hong Kong citizens who listened to Yu Bokang's explanation in front of the TV had fully realized the power of this weapon, and also understood the reason why the previous group of military attachés from various countries reacted so violently.


"Actually, what everyone should pay more attention to is the second row in the square team. Look at this chubby missile! Its code name is 'Julang' No. 1, and it is the first submarine-launched strategic missile that China has just developed. This also marks that China has become the fifth country in the world to have the ability to launch nuclear missiles underwater from submarines, and has the capability of a second nuclear strike!" Zheng Danrui continued.


"It is difficult to search for a submarine hidden underwater in the vast sea, and when nuclear weapons can be loaded on the submarine, the submarine can be within a few hundred kilometers or even thousands of kilometers from the coastline at any time. The enemy carries out a deadly nuclear strike!


It can be said that the appearance of this 'Julang' No. 1 submarine-launched strategic missile has doubled China's nuclear deterrence capability! Thatcher dared to use force against Argentina because Argentina lacked the means to counter the British!


But if she dares to wage war against China, the British Isles may drop a nuclear bomb at any time! Therefore, everyone should now understand what a great country is! This kind of weapon is where Beijing dares to say no to the "Iron Lady"! " Yu Bokang said very excitedly.


"Professor Yu, the Chinese government has always promised the world that it will never be the first to use nuclear weapons!" Zheng Danrui had to quickly tick back his words. Yu Bokang was a little bit excited just now, as if China had carried out nuclear intimidation on Britain. .


A few minutes later, the camera of the TV screen cut to the seat of the diplomat's viewing area again. At this moment, the martial arts halls of various countries have stood up again. Everyone was watching with binoculars intently, and many military attachés had serious expressions on their faces!


"I guess, tomorrow, the headlines of many newspapers around the world may be occupied by China's military parade today! What is the finale killer? This kind of missile you are seeing now!


'Dongfeng' 5, China's first intercontinental strategic missile! Although I don't know its specific performance, I can guess that its range is at least 10,000 kilometers! What is the concept of 10,000 kilometers? For example, it can be launched within the territory of China, directly across the entire Pacific Ocean, and hit the west coast of the North American continent!


Submarine-launched ballistic missiles and intercontinental ballistic missiles, China gave the world a big surprise today! Ten years of sharpening a has never tried. Show the king today, who is wrong?


Dear viewers who are sitting in front of the TV watching the live broadcast of the military parade, you should feel honored, because such a big guy rarely has the opportunity to witness its true appearance! All the Chinese people with the blood of Yan and Huang should be even more proud, because not everyone has the ability to make these weapons!


To be honest, I was a little disappointed when I saw a series of conventional weapons of the People's Liberation Army, because many weapons are indeed far from the world's advanced level! But those are just icing on the cake, it's okay to be behind now, there is still a chance to catch up slowly in the future!


What is the mainstay that can truly make the Chinese nation free from the threat of war? It's a nuclear weapon! It's an ICBM! Therefore, our Chinese leaders have always been sober-minded, and have never slack off in the research and development of these weapons of the country! " Yu Bokang's words were very exciting.


Before the advent of the Internet era, the channels for everyone to obtain information were actually very narrow. It is also the first time for a military fan like Yu Bokang to see the actual ICBM with his own eyes! (To be continued)


ps: The military parade last week was very enjoyable. The country is indeed growing stronger day by day. I am delighted!

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