Video Game Empire

Chapter 430: Southern University of Science and Technology (Part 2)

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SUSTech's first enrollment plan this year is only going to enroll 800 undergraduate freshmen. The Shenzhen University plans to recruit 1,200 undergraduate freshmen this year, and plans to recruit more than 100 graduate students.

Shenzhen University not only has more students than SUSTech, but also has a larger community area than SUSTech. However, the total capital invested by Shenzhen University in the construction of the campus is only 30 million yuan. In contrast, the SUSTech campus, which cost $35 million, is undoubtedly much more luxurious.

The start-up Southern University of Science and Technology is definitely one of the most expensive universities in China. Even after spending $35 million, SUSTech still has a foreign exchange balance of $65 million in its account. And in the next few years, SUSTech will also receive a donation of US$5 million from the Oriental Group and US$25 million from the East China Sea Foundation.

You must know that last year, the country's total investment in higher education was less than 7.5 billion yuan, and this amount of money needs to be shared by hundreds of colleges and universities across the country. Even Tsinghua University and Peking University receive more than 100 million yuan in financial allocations each year.

But just Li Xuan and Dongfang Group will provide SUSTech with an annual funding of up to 30 million US dollars in the next few years. Calculated at the official exchange rate, it is equivalent to about 90 million yuan. But the purchasing power of the dollar is actually far better than that of the renminbi, and on the black market in the deep-sea special zone, the real exchange rate is usually double the official exchange rate.

What's more, the annual enrollment scale of Tsinghua University exceeds 4,000, which is almost five times that of SUSTech, so in fact, SUSTech is far more generous than Tsinghua University. However, from the very beginning of its establishment, SUSTech has been inspired to become a world-class research university. so. It doesn't make much sense for SUSTech to use domestic universities in the 1980s as a reference. The direction it needs to follow is world-class universities such as Harvard, Cambridge, and Stanford.

For example, Stanford University's annual operating income exceeds one billion US dollars, while Li Xuan donates 30 million US dollars to SUSTech every year. It is less than one-thirtieth of Stanford’s funding for running a school, so SUSTech still has a long way to go.

"This library is the building with the highest investment in the entire school. It was originally planned to be built with a donation of 40 million Hong Kong dollars by He Hongshen, but the actual construction cost exceeded the original budget by 15%. Originally, we planned to use our own funds to subsidize it.

But after hearing about this situation, Sir Ho made an additional donation of 10 million Hong Kong dollars without saying a word. He just asks us to do our best so that students can have a library where they can read books comfortably! "Zhao Weiming said, pointing to the six-story, post-modern building in front of him.

Li Xuanyu, the famous Asian gambling king, is not very familiar with him, but he and Huo Lao have been friends for many years. Huo Yingdong was also one of the partners when He Hongshen went west to Macau to bet on gambling cards. Most importantly, as the dust settled on the issue of Hong Kong's return, the issue of Macau's return began to come to the fore.

The reason why Gambling King He generously donated money to SUSTech is in addition to selling Huo Lao's affection. More importantly, to show favor to the central government! For him, donating 10 million more is just a few days of running water on the Macau casino.

A first-class university must have a first-class library, which is the heart of the university. This is the school-running philosophy that Zhao Weiming has been adhering to since he took office as the president of SUSTech. The location of the SUSTech library is deliberately located in the middle of the school's teaching area and living area, in order to better facilitate all teachers and students to go to the library.

"Starting from next month, the books we ordered in Chinese and foreign languages ​​will be delivered one after another! I don't know if the materials are expensive, and the cost of buying books is more expensive than building a building! We have invested 10 million US dollars. It is estimated that there will be 300,000 books, barely 2% of Harvard University.

In the next few years, we will spend $5 million every year to purchase books and subscribe to various periodicals, and strive to make the library's collection exceed 1 million volumes as soon as possible! "Zhao Weiming pointed to the empty library and said with a wry smile.

"Southern University of Science and Technology is not enough. It is more than enough! At least Principal Zhang next door is very envious of you. The annual book purchase fee of SUSTech exceeds the annual budget of Shenzhen University! I went to see Principal Ma Lin last time. He said you were about to rob the CUHK library back to the mainland!" Li Xuan joked with a smile.

Professional foreign language academic books and journals are expensive, but for a university determined to make a difference. This is an essential investment. Except for several famous schools such as Tsinghua University and Peking University, the funds for purchasing books in Chinese universities are generally insufficient. Not to mention applying for precious foreign exchange to buy expensive foreign language books and journals.

"I came to be this principal because you forced me to put the duck on the shelves! You are too embarrassed to say sarcastic words on the side!" Zhao Weiming glanced at Li Xuan, who was smiling happily, and said helplessly.

"I went to visit Principal Ma Lin at CUHK a few days ago. He said that you are about to rob the CUHK library and transport it to SUSTech!" Li Xuan said with a smile.

"It is not easy for SUSTech to start a business, and naturally it needs a lot of support from the Hong Kong academic community. This time, CUHK donated 50,000 books, and Hong Kong University also donated 30,000 copies. I went to the United States before and donated 10,000 copies. Stanford also donated 10,000 copies. Donated 20,000 copies. Stanford University's library also presented a set of precious "electronic abstracts"!"

It is the abbreviation of MIT, which is the alma mater of Professor Zhao Weiming, who is studying for his master's and doctoral degrees. Stanford University is the most important partner university of the Oriental Research Institute in the United States. When Zhao Weiming served as the vice president of the research institute, he went to Stanford University for academic exchanges many times, and he was also an old acquaintance with the president of Stanford University.

The "Electronic Abstract" presented by the Stanford University Library this time is not an ordinary book, but a summary of all academic papers in the electronic field over the years. This not only consumes a lot of manpower and material resources, but more importantly requires sufficient accumulation. Like the current domestic universities, they can't even squeeze out the funds for ordering academic journals, let alone systematically sorting and summarizing them by category.

"Aikang was going to donate a complete set of network systems to SUSTech before, did they send someone to install it?" Li Xuan asked again.

In the name of Dongfang Group, Li Xuan pledged US$50 million in cash to SUSTech. But this does not include listed subsidiaries such as Aikang Computer Company and Computer Garden Company.

As a public company, a listed company cannot make any external donations at will. Although Li Xuan has great control over these listed subsidiaries, his will does not represent the will of other minority shareholders.

Therefore, like Computer Garden Company, its business does not involve mainland China at all, so there is no reason to send money to China. Computer Garden Company just donated $100,000 in cash and $200,000 worth of computers to South University of Science and Technology just for the sake of its major shareholder Li Xuan.

In contrast, Aikang has to look at a lot of generosity. The campus network system it donated to SUSTech cost more than 1 million US dollars. And there's a reason why Ikon's management gave such a big deal.

First of all, Aikang's entire product production system and more than half of its R&D system are located in Hong Kong. In the past five or six years, the electronics manufacturing industry has replaced textiles, clothing, toys and other industries, and has quickly become the new core of Hong Kong's industry.

Hong Kong assembled and produced more than 1.5 million personal computers last year, making it one of the largest computer manufacturing centers in the world. Among them, more than 90% of the computers are affixed with the brand of Aikang Company and are sent to the market of various countries around the world for sale.

Aikang has significant interests in Hong Kong, and this jewel in the crown of the British Empire has been determined to return to China in more than ten years. Therefore, Aikang needs to release some goodwill to the Chinese government in the long run.

In fact, South University of Science and Technology purchased computers and servers with a total value of more than 1.5 million US dollars from Aikang. Therefore, Aikang company is actually just returning the profits earned from the large orders of SUSTech, and the company itself does not need to take out real money!

"It has already started. All the data lines required for networking have been laid in advance during the previous civil construction. The technical team sent by Aikang has been installing building by building since last month. LAN!" Zhao Weiming nodded and said.

SUSTech will not only build the first campus LAN in China, but is also actively applying for access to it. UU Reading www.uukanshu. comThe global Internet in the 1980s—Arpanet. As early as 1981, Li Xuan invested millions of dollars to establish an ARPANET node in Hong Kong, which was connected to the global ARPANET system through satellite.

Now, institutions including Oriental Research Institute, Hong Kong CUHK, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong Polytechnic, and Hong Kong City Polytechnic all use this node to communicate with the world without hindrance. And SUSTech hopes to get a line from Hong Kong to connect itself with the world.

"The computer room on the third floor of the library is where the host of the entire campus LAN system is located. Professor Kong is communicating with the engineers of Aikang's technical team these days, preparing to install the library computer retrieval system he developed before into the campus. Inside the network!" Zhao Weiming continued.

With the advent of the computer age, some of the top universities in the United States have begun to digitize their campuses. For example, the library of Harvard University is entering the collection of more than 15 million volumes into the computer system, which is a very huge project.

On the contrary, the start-up SUSTech is like a blank sheet of paper, allowing artists to paint at will. In the case of sufficient funds, Zhao Weiming chose to do it all in one step. Not only will the library build a computer retrieval system to replace the backward manual retrieval, but each teacher will be assigned a computer and enter the era of computerized office! (To be continued...)

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