Video Game Empire

Chapter 448: Sitting Cafe

Li Xuan's car was a bit conspicuous, so he deliberately asked the driver to park the car in an unobtrusive corner. After getting off the bus, Li Xuan did not go to the Oriental Incubation Park in the AXA Building, but chose a cafe at random and walked in.

"In 1957, the first household induction cooker was born in Germany. In 1972, American companies began to produce induction cookers. In the 1980s, a new modern kitchen revolution was being staged in full swing all over the world.

The induction cooker does not need open flame or conduction heating, but uses the Joule heating effect principle of eddy current to directly heat the bottom of the pot, so the thermal efficiency has been greatly improved! This new type of high-efficiency and energy-saving kitchen utensils that do not require an open flame is bound to completely replace traditional heating kitchen utensils in the near future!

The induction cooker I designed is mainly composed of high-frequency induction heating coils, high-frequency power conversion devices, controllers, and ferromagnetic material pan bottom cookware..."

As soon as Li Xuan walked into the coffee shop, he heard a sloppy middle-aged man sitting there talking eloquently. This is the most common scene in entrepreneurial cafes. Many people with beautiful entrepreneurial dreams hope to use this loud publicity method to make more people pay attention to their entrepreneurial plans. And as long as no customers take the initiative to complain, the waiters in the cafe will not stop this kind of loud and noisy behavior.

Li Xuan chose a corner seat and sat down, and immediately a waiter came to serve. He glanced at the menu and ordered a mocha (coffee and a tiramisu.

After Li Xuan finished ordering, he began to observe the people around him. The customers in the cafe can be roughly divided into two categories. Most of them are casual clothes such as t-shirts and short-sleeved jeans, while a few are wearing very serious white shirts and suit pants. Also wearing a tie. It's still summer in Hong Kong at the end of August, and wearing such clothes only requires standing outside for a few minutes. Probably sweating profusely.

Through everyone's clothes, Li Xuan can roughly judge everyone's identity. Those in formal attire. It is estimated that he is the project manager of various venture capital institutions. These people will come to this cafe from time to time to see if they happen to come across a golden idea hidden by the sand.

After several years of development, the venture capital industry in Hong Kong has rapidly formed a set of basically perfect systems. Anyone who has produced a project proposal that meets the specifications can make appointments with various venture capital institutions for interviews.

The venture capital organization will send a junior manager to conduct the first round of screening interviews, and weed out projects that have no future at first sight. After the initial screening, more senior project managers will come forward to hear the personal presentations of the entrepreneurs who passed the first round.

If the entrepreneur can impress the venture capital manager, then the project will enter a substantial value evaluation period. VCs will value it. Provide a valuation and investment plan that you think is reasonable.

Each VC fund has a different risk appetite, so the evaluation of the same project will vary. Of course, entrepreneurs can bring their own project plans and go to each venture capital institution for interviews one by one. But if a project is rejected by all VCs, the probability of the project being successful is actually very low.

Of course, in addition to venture capital institutions, there are many independent individual investment angels in Hong Kong. However, the strength of individuals is far inferior to those of professional institutions with the support of consortia, so most angel investors usually adopt the strategy of co-investment.

For example, if a project can obtain a venture capital from Dongfang Venture Capital. But the money has not fully met the pre-financing plan. At this time, many independent angel investors are willing to accompany Dongfang Venture Capital to make up for the remaining funds.

Of course, many of the people talking loudly in the startup cafes are actually people who have been rejected by all the VCs but still don’t give up. They firmly believe that their project is a bright pearl.

As the saying goes, there are Zi Jin in the future, and there are sages in the wild! Maybe there really are some good projects out there that can shine brightly. For various reasons, people who haven't been recognized yet meet. That's why many VC managers occasionally come to the coffee shop to do it, even if they don't have the chance to meet the survivors. You can also exchange the latest industry trends with those real entrepreneurs.

The waiter brought the drinks and desserts ordered by Li Xuan, which immediately attracted the attention of many interested people in the cafe. There are many subtexts in the cafe. For example, those who don't dress well are generally entrepreneurs, while those who wear formal clothes are mostly investment managers.

Most of the young people who are still on the road of entrepreneurship are basically not rich, especially the small group of people who are forever stuck in their own world and unable to extricate themselves. They come almost every day, but usually only ask for a free glass of white water, or a HK$5 soda for the thin-skinned.

Dressing casually equals an eclectic spirit of innovation. This trend is said to come from the Oriental Group. When Li Xuan set up the Oriental Company, he specially stipulated that he could go to work without formal clothes, which formed a distinctive landscape in the well-dressed Central Ring of Hong Kong.

After the Hong Kong media noticed this incident, they immediately carried out various analyses and evaluations. After careful research, some "brick" people have concluded that people who don't follow the rules often make amazing discoveries. For example, Einstein is relatively sloppy, and his bang-bang hairstyle is even more impressive.

And the freedom of dressing can make people's thoughts wander freely, which is in the same line with the Oriental Group's culture of openness, freedom and innovation. In fact, how can it be so mysterious, Li Xuan just learned from the Google company of later generations, so that everyone does not need to be serious when going to work, and can choose a more relaxed and comfortable way of working.

However, casual clothes are by no means the same as being sloppy and sloppy, and the Oriental Group later deliberately overcorrected. For example, under the complaints of many female employees, Oriental Group has already banned employees from wearing slippers and dirty sneakers with sweaty smell to work, lest a pair of Hong Kong feet pollute the noses of colleagues around them.

It's just that under the selective publicity of the media, many originally simple things must be forced to give many profound meanings.

Li Xuan was dressed very casually today, a cyan sports t-shirt and a pair of brown slacks, so he didn't attract everyone's attention when he entered the door. But he had a little meal. The situation changed immediately. If it is someone looking for investment, who would sip coffee and eat dessert as leisurely as Li Xuan is now.

"This gentleman. Are you interested in hearing me describe my development plan for an automatic soymilk maker?" A man with no beard and a modest smile on his face. Li Laishu stepped forward and sat opposite Li Xuan.

"Soymilk machine?" The famous Joyoung soymilk machine appeared in Li Xuan's mind for the first time. But he quickly shook his head with a smile, "Except for the Chinese, ghosts don't drink soy milk! So your products are destined to have no overseas market, which is a fatal blow to Hong Kong companies with a small market in their hometown.

What's more, there are not many people who drink soy milk in Hong Kong, so the sales of soy milk machines are worrying even in the small local market! In the northern mainland, there are countless northerners who take soy milk fritters as a perfect breakfast. But now the mainland's economy is still relatively backward, the purchasing power is obviously very poor!

It is better to wait another ten years until the economy of the mainland develops. I believe your ideas must be very promising! Also, I'm just an idler passing by and taking a break, not the investor you're looking for! "

After the man who was politely rejected by Li Xuan left with a wry smile, he gently shook his head to the others who were eager to try, saving Li Xuan the trouble of being harassed by a wheel battle. In addition to those professional investment managers, many angel investors also appear in these startup cafes in the Fotan Industrial Zone from time to time.

Compared with those professional investment managers who have to browse dozens or even hundreds of projects every day, and have already seen a wide range of knowledge and developed a pair of bright eyes, those half-hearted investment angels who are new to the industry are the best to fool.

Especially a year or two ago. Stimulated by newspapers, magazines and other media revealing one after another of entrepreneurial stories that made them rich overnight, many Hong Kongers who were originally quite blocky wanted to take advantage of the east wind of venture capital.

So there are countless individuals without any professional knowledge and risk awareness. The sudden influx of the venture capital industry has caused the entire venture capital field in Hong Kong to be in a mess for a while.

And many people with bad hearts. The grades randomly come up with an unreliable project, and after fooling into a sum of money, it will disappear. Many investors have been deceived for nothing. A tragicomedy was staged.

Later, Eastern Ventures had to take the initiative to stand up and join other venture capitals in Hong Kong. A relatively complete financing process has been developed. For example, the founder of the project must first formulate a detailed and standardized business plan.

For individual investment angels, if they intend to independently invest in a risk development project, they can entrust the Hong Kong Government Industry and Commerce Bureau to set up the Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Incubation Park. This semi-official institution will carry out financial supervision over the entire process of the R&D project to ensure that Investors' rights and interests will not be arbitrarily infringed.

In addition, leading institutions such as Oriental Venture Capital have specially opened a series of free professional courses in the past two years to popularize the basic knowledge of venture capital and how to conduct a simple preliminary project risk assessment to individual investors.

The venture capital field in Hong Kong is now more orderly than it was two years ago, and the number of vicious fraudulent fraud incidents has been greatly reduced. However, most of the new rookie investment angels come with the wonderful fantasy of getting rich overnight, and they are still the most easily fooled group of people in this industry.

Li Xuan was not very old, and he deliberately dressed up to be younger, in order to distinguish himself from his mature and prudent image in the eyes of the public, so as not to be easily recognized by others. So the people in the cafe didn't recognize him, but they also guessed him as a rookie who just entered the industry. But he treated him as a rich second generation who came to play venture capital

The cafe is actually quite deserted in the morning, and the busiest time is the afternoon tea time every day. In the nearby industrial buildings, there are hundreds of new companies that have just started incubation or have just left the incubation park.

Many of these passionate new entrepreneurs will choose to take a break in the cafe during afternoon tea time. At that time, the atmosphere in the cafe will be very intense, and there will be a fierce collision of various viewpoints at any time.

It is this debate of a hundred schools of thought that has driven the transformation of the Fotan Industrial Zone into a high-tech industrial park, and has also promoted the development of Hong Kong's electronics industry. Entrepreneurship has a weather vane, and this weather vane is usually formed in these cafes.

For example, the induction cooker and soymilk machine projects that Li Xuan just heard about belong to a very popular entrepreneurial category in Hong Kong now - small home appliances. The technical threshold of small household appliances is lower than that of large household appliances, and the initial investment scale is also much smaller.

More importantly, the subdivisions of small household appliances are very wide, and except for very few categories such as shavers, the market concentration of most products is very low. Unlike major home appliances such as TVs, most of the patents and core technologies are in the hands of powerful electronic giants such as Sony and others.

The first person to cause this small home appliance entrepreneurial boom in Hong Kong was actually an Englishman named James Dyson. Dyson invented a new type of cyclone vacuum cleaner in early 1983, but he was repeatedly shunned when he was looking for investors in Europe.

Because this new vacuum cleaner does not need to use dust belts, and the production and sales of dust belts is a large industry with an output value of more than 1 billion pounds. Therefore, driven by market interests, all industry manufacturers in Europe are more willing to choose to maintain the status quo and stay away from Dyson's new inventions.

In desperation, James Dyson had to come to Asia to try his luck, and his first stop was Hong Kong, which was famous at the time. As a result, Dongfang Venture Capital caught Dyson's new vacuum cleaner project and sent him a venture capital of up to 2 million US dollars.

Dyson also simply chose to stay in Hong Kong to start a business and built a vacuum cleaner factory in the Tuen Mun Industrial Zone. Under the matchmaking of Dongfang Venture Capital, the newly established Dyson vacuum cleaner company, once the product came out, spread the supply all over the world through the cg home appliance chain hypermarket under the Oriental Group.

This new type of vacuum cleaner quickly hit the Japanese and North American markets and was unexpectedly enthusiastically sought after by consumers, and was awarded the International Design Fair Award. And Dyson has grown from an obscure small company to an international home appliance design and manufacturing company in just over a year.

Dyson vacuum cleaners even have the momentum to counterattack the European market, and James Dyson, an Englishman, has suddenly become a new entrepreneurial icon in Hong Kong and Kowloon. This has also made many people keenly aware that small home appliances are actually a very suitable field for Hong Kong people to start a business.

Because the industry is a labor-intensive one, Hong Kong's production costs still have a considerable advantage over its competitors mainly located in Japan and Europe. The core patents of many small home appliances have already passed the patent period, and the competition is mainly for peripheral patents such as appearance design, which greatly reduces the difficulty of research and development!

Of course, small home appliances are only a small part of Hong Kong's recent entrepreneurial hotspots, and they are not very closely related to Dongfang Group, a leading company in Hong Kong's electronics industry. In other fields closely related to the core industries of Dongfang Group, Dongfang Group naturally supports innovation more strongly, such as the software industry! (To be continued...)

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