Video Game Empire

Chapter 486: China Learning Machine and SUSTech

From the outbreak of the "n" virus to the verdict of the entire case, after the defendant chose to accept the verdict instead of continuing to appeal, the wonderful drama that lasted for half a year still did not really come to an end. ▲∴▲∴ǎn▲∴小▲∴ said,

It should be known that half a year has passed since the New Year's Day case to the conclusion of the case. It is naturally impossible for the perpetrator to return to the University of California, San Diego, where he originally attended, to continue his studies during the six months. For this kind of student who cannot justify his long absence from school, the school can completely expel him.

Under the personal intercession of Li Xuan, the richest man in the world, the principal of s, Boglin, responded quickly and decided to give the students who have gone astray a chance to return from the lost.

In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, the third-largest newspaper in the United States and the newspaper with the largest circulation on the West Coast, he said that an important meaning of the school's existence is to transmit correct values ​​to students. Instead of closing that door to help when they need it most, pushing them further into the abyss.

Therefore, s is willing to provide a chance for redemption for students who make mistakes. Let them use their programming knowledge to create meaningful software in the future, instead of inventing computer viruses that are designed to destroy.

Of course, since Li Xuan chose to take action, it is naturally impossible to just write an open letter to the principal of S, but to make the ending more beautiful. Because according to Hong Kong law, probation prisoners are obliged to report their situation to the Correctional Services Department on a regular basis during the probation period of probation.

And Li Xuan came forward to obtain a special case from the Hong Kong Supreme Court, that is, the criminal is allowed to complete 200 hours of community volunteer service. You can get out of the surveillance of the Hong Kong Correctional Services Department and return to a university in the United States to continue your studies. Of course, the Hong Kong Supreme Court agreed to this exception. The required condition is that while the criminal is studying in the United States, the probation officer of the US judicial department will supervise him, and the relevant reports will be regularly transferred to the judicial department in Hong Kong.

That is to say, for this Internet virus case, the judicial departments of Hong Kong and the United States have conducted cross-border judicial cooperation. If it weren't for Li Xuan's strong promotion in Hong Kong and the United States, the judicial departments of the two countries would not have been able to spend so much trouble for a criminal.

Of course, since so much has been paid, the benefits gained from this will naturally be no less. At least Li Xuan received a lot of affirmation and praise. The media in Hong Kong and the United States have a positive attitude towards this approach.

For the American media in particular, America is a beacon of freedom and democracy in the world they preach. The government and the law should uphold the greatest rights of every citizen.

Although this time the perpetrator is not an American. Just an international student studying in the United States. But this kind of people-oriented spirit is the cornerstone that needs to be promoted most in a society ruled by law. Therefore, the implementation method of this case was quickly packaged as a model representing the government doing its best to protect the rights and interests of every citizen!


While Hong Kong on one side of the Jiehe River was very lively due to a sudden Internet virus storm, the mainland of China on the other side of the Jiehe River was much calmer. certainly. This calm is actually relative. The Deep Sea Special Zone can be said to be the place with the fastest Internet development in the whole of China.

Southern University of Science and Technology opened the first international networking channel in China for its own computer center since its establishment in September 1985. A dedicated fiber-optic line taken over from Hong Kong has enabled China's computers to connect to the global network for the first time.

In another time and space, China's early Internet development is actually far behind the world. China kicked off the prelude to the Internet, and it will not start until 1987. At that time, Professor Wiener Zohn of Karlsruhe University in Germany. When I came to Beijing-Beijing to participate in a scientific and technological seminar, I passed the line of the PA machine located in Beijing through the Italian public packet network apa. Successfully sent the first letter a in China's history to Germany from Beijing-Beijing.

But China's Internet actually had to wait until 198-9, when the State Planning Commission launched China's first networking project, the "Zhongguancun Education and Research Demonstration Network" (n), before it really began to enlighten.

The s network (China Science and Technology Network), which evolved from n, connected to the global Internet on behalf of China for the first time through an international network line with a network speed of 64, which will not happen until 1994.

So that China's national domain name "" was registered on behalf of Professor Zohn from Germany by the Chinese side as early as the end of 1990. But the domain name server can only be set up on the computer system of Karlsruhe University in Germany for a long time. This domain name server was not transferred back to the China Internet Information Center for management until the s network was connected to the world.

However, driven by the butterfly of Li Xuan, the current development of China's Internet is much better than in another time and space. China's first backbone network, s, was constructed as early as 1985, with the support of US$10 million from the Haichuan Foundation under the name of Li Xuan, and a matching fund of 30 million yuan allocated by the central government as start-up capital. .

After three years of construction, the s backbone network has completed three major festivals in Beijing-Beijing, Huhai and eastern Guangdong. Beijing-Beijing and Shanghai and Shanghai, where Chinese universities are most concentrated, and Guangdong Province, which is at the forefront of China's reform and opening-up, are connected to the main universities, research institutes, and important government departments in these three places.

As early as last year, China and Hong Kong reached a network interconnection agreement, allowing China's computers to successfully connect with the world through Hong Kong's transit. You must know that the United States has just completed the construction of the ns network, and ns has not yet become the backbone of the early global Internet like a few years later.

That is to say, the United States has not yet become the maker of the rules of the global Internet game. But after a few years, the importance of the Internet has become more and more prominent, and more and more countries have accepted the p/p agreement. Start to actively connect to the ns network.

The strong position of the United States has become more and more prominent. For example, China in another time and space began to talk to Americans about connecting to the ns network as early as 1991. But it took three years of talks to finally sign the agreement.

For a new field, the sooner you join, the more confidence and cards you can get. And when others have already formulated the rules, if you want to squeeze in and let others play with you, the price you need to pay will naturally be much more expensive.

In addition to the Internet, the computer industry has also risen rapidly in China in recent years. Of course, to a certain extent, it can also be said that it is the faster popularization of computers in China that enables the development of the Internet in China ahead of schedule.

Want to popularize computers in China in the 1980s. It's actually a very difficult thing. Computers are a very expensive luxury for the Chinese, who have not even become fully ubiquitous with televisions. You must know that a fully equipped non-brand ab-1 compatible machine is still priced as high as 5,000 Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong.

Even if it is converted at the official exchange rate of the People's Bank of China. Importing a Hong Kong-made ab-1 compatible machine also costs more than 2,000 yuan. Of course, the ab-1 computer has been localized a few years ago.

Especially after the first domestic fab in the deep sea special zone was put into production, the most core component required for the production of ab-1, the 6502 processor, has also been able to achieve self-production. This makes the price of domestic ab-1 compatible machines. Finally a huge drop.

And the Ministry of Electronics Industry - Ministry of Industry according to the actual situation in the country. With the technical support of Dongfang Group, a simplified version of the ab-1 compatible machine was launched as early as the beginning of last year, named as the Chinese Learning Machine.

The host of this Chinese learning machine does not need to buy a dedicated computer monitor, but can be used immediately. A home color or black and white TV can replace the monitor, and a cassette recorder can be combined to form a basic system.

The price of this learning machine is only 700 yuan. It is even lower than the price of black and white color TV, which is greatly reduced in domestic middle schools. The cost of promoting introductory computer education. Of course, even if the price of the Chinese learning machine is so low that it can't be lower, this price is still a big burden for ordinary families with a monthly income of only two or three hundred.

However, compared to a few years ago, the price of a computer that often required five or six thousand RMB, the price of the Chinese learning machine is at least accessible to ordinary people. Many parents would rather shrink their clothes and go on a diet, and would grit their teeth to buy such a learning machine for their children, so as not to let the next generation lose at the starting line.

Under the joint promotion of the Ministry of Electronics Industry-Ministry of Education and the State Education-Commission, the Chinese Learning Machine also quickly began to enter the campus. Especially in the major primary and secondary schools in the city, more and more schools have built computer classrooms with Chinese learning machines as the mainstay.


The deep-sea special zone at the end of June was already scorching hot, and the campus of SUSTech was less nervous and serious than before. Since the final exam is over, you can put aside your books for a while and let yourself relax.

The annual summer vacation has actually begun, but the campus of SUSTech is as lively as ever, and it has not been deserted at all. Because almost all students chose to stay in school instead of going home for summer vacation.

SUSTech started its first enrollment in 1985, and now there are two groups of students from the 1985th and 1986th classes on campus, and a third group of 1987th students will be attracted in a few months.

Although South University of Science and Technology is a new school without any background, it is not easier to enter the university than to Tsinghua University or Peking University. Because the goal that this university set for itself at the beginning of its establishment was not to become a first-class university in China, but to become a world-class university.

Compared with its neighbor, the Deep Sea University, SUSTech is undoubtedly a lot taller. Although the current enrollment scale of the two universities is actually similar, there are only a few hundred students each year. However, Shenzhen University mainly focuses on recruiting students in eastern Guangdong Province, while SUSTech recruits students nationwide. Among the 1986 freshmen enrolled last year, SUSTech even snatched 5 provincial college entrance examination champions from Tsinghua University and Peking University.

In fact, SUSTech students are under a lot of pressure. On the one hand, they have a heavy academic load. For example, many professional courses in SUSTech are directly taught in English. This forces every student entering SUSTech to quickly improve their English level in the freshman year when there are not many professional courses.

You must know that Chinese students in the 1980s were generally not good at English, especially in listening and speaking. At this time, in the college entrance examination, there was no English listening at all, so everyone in the middle school was learning dumb English.

In addition to studying, another thing that makes SUSTech students feel great pressure is the high tuition fee. Chinese higher education in the 1980s was paid for by the state and the government. Although since the mid-1980s, the State Education-Commission has gradually begun to carry out tests in terms of self-funded students and two-way employment, but SUSTech is definitely the most special university under the current system in China.

Because not only does it charge students tuition, but the tuition per academic year is very expensive! At present, the tuition fee for SUSTech undergraduates is 3,000 yuan per academic year, and the accommodation fee is 500 yuan. If you include books, meals, living expenses and other miscellaneous expenses, a student studying at SUSTech will need at least 5,000 yuan per year in total.

You must know that the deep-sea special zone is the most expensive city in China. In other parts of China, prices are still in the planned economic system. For example, buying a pound of meat only costs 40 to 50 cents. However, most of the prices in the deep-sea special zone have been highly market-oriented from the very beginning. The price of a pound of meat here is as high as two or three yuan.

The total annual income of ordinary Chinese urban families is less than 5,000 yuan, not to mention rural families with much lower incomes. That is to say, even if parents do not eat or drink all year round, they cannot afford the cost of having their children study at SUSTech. But in fact, the enrollment of SUSTech last year was even more popular than the first year. There are countless top students from all over the country, all hoping to enter the gate of this new Because although the tuition fee of SUSTech is incomparable It is expensive, but in fact the scholarships provided by SUSTech are also very generous. The first-class scholarship is up to 8,000 yuan, the second-class scholarship is 5,000 yuan, and the third-class scholarship is 2,000 yuan. The ratio of the three is 2:3:5.

That is to say, 50% of all students will be able to live without food and clothing only by virtue of the scholarship. For the remaining half of the students, although the scholarships cannot support all the school expenses, they do not need to be nervous. Because Jiahua Bank will provide a student loan of 3,000 yuan per academic year, which will be guaranteed by the Haichuan Fund.

Of course, the biggest difference between these student loans and scholarships is that they have to be repaid, and because Jiahua Bank is a commercial bank, it also has to make a profit. Therefore, Jiahua Bank's student loans, although there will be certain discounts in interest rates, are by no means low-interest or even interest-free loans.

However, many students are still willing to study at SUSTech even if they have loans. Because the development opportunities that will be provided here are far from other universities in China!

It is said that college students in the 1980s are the best of the best, but the opportunities given by society to college students who graduated in the early 1980s and those who have just started college now can be said to be very different! (To be continued..)

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