Video Game Empire

Chapter 518: the way of the other

(ps: The first draft, the typo has not been corrected, it will be revised later, you can wait for half an hour to read it!)


In atomic and molecular physics, studying the atoms and molecules of gases is rather difficult. Because they move in all directions at hundreds of kilometers even at room temperature, the only way to do it is to cool.

However, the general cooling method will condense the gas into a liquid and then freeze, thereby changing many of the original characteristics! So I want to cool the atoms in a special way! For example, a laser is used to create an environment that is very close to absolute zero. Once the atoms are trapped in it, the speed will become very slow, making it easy to capture! "

The man who talked eloquently wore a blue suit and a pair of large-frame glasses. His appearance was very similar to the image of the eldest son Jia Zhiguo in the famous domestic sitcom "I Love My Home" in the 1990s.

"Professor Zhu, in what areas can the laser refrigeration capture technology you research be practically applied?" Although Li Xuan had a hard time listening to the large number of technical terms in the other party's long discussion, he still asked with great interest, questions that interest you most.

"If we can capture atoms, we can make precise measurements, especially 'gravity measurements'! It has a wide range of applications, such as exploring for minerals on the seafloor or in formations, as well as observing the interior of oil fields. layer, thereby greatly reducing the cost of oil exploration! It can also apply "♂, .. in the biological field to help us decipher the code of deoxyribonucleic acid (dna)!"

While speaking, Ju Diwen quietly paid attention to Li Xuan's expression. But he found that the smile on Li Xuan's face was always faint, not because of his description. And showed a special look. In this way, Judiwen couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart, and he was ambitious and prepared to study the field. The biggest applications are in the fields of oil exploration and biotechnology, neither of which has anything to do with the main business of the Orient Group.

"Of course. We use this to study 'atomic lasers', which will also be of great help to the manufacture of precise electronic components!" Ju Diwen tried his best to remedy, "The companies under the Oriental Group have deep knowledge in the field of satellite manufacturing. Achievements. This technology can also be used to measure gravitational force for more accurate satellite positioning on the ground!”

Scientists are not a group of people who don’t eat human fireworks, especially those who are not yet famous like Ju Diwen. The ability to obtain funding even largely determines their subsequent scientific research achievements.

After receiving a Ph.D. in physics from Berkeley University, Judiwen stayed at the university for two years as a postdoctoral researcher, and then joined at&t to conduct research in quantum electronics. Quantum electronics is a new discipline that only appeared in the 1950s. Its most well-known representative is the laser.

After joining at&t's Bell Labs in 1978, it took only five years for Judy to be promoted to director of the quantum electronics department. But this time, he resigned from the at&t company and accepted the invitation of the Chinese University of Hong Kong to teach in Hong Kong.

An important reason why Judiwen chose to leave at&t is that Bell Labs has gradually reduced its investment in basic research in recent years. Laboratories are more willing to invest money in research and development in the field of applied technology, and encourage researchers to carry out projects that are more likely to bring profit returns!

And Judiwen's atomic refrigeration technology was obviously not favored by at&t, so he simply chose to find another way out. Except for Hong Kong. Judivan actually has another option, and Stanford University has also extended an olive branch to him before.

If Judy remains in the United States, he will become the first ever Chinese-American professor at Stanford University. However, the Chinese University of Hong Kong offered better conditions, not only willing to hire Zhu Diwen as the head of the Department of Physics. He is also willing to build a high-level quantum electronics laboratory for him and fully support his research in atomic refrigeration technology.

The journey from Los Angeles to Hong Kong lasted more than ten hours, Li Xuan's Boeing 747 plane. There were only two passengers, he and Judivan. Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Judiwen naturally hopes to try his best to get closer to the richest man in the world. If he can become friends with Li Xuan. Then it will be much easier for him to beg the Eastern Group in the future!

Zhu Diwen, who was just talking about various anecdotes in the scientific research community, didn't know that Li Xuan was very familiar with his name! Another time and space. When Li Xuan went to study in the United States, it was the highlight moment of Judy Literary and You Zeshi. He was appointed as the Minister of Energy by Austrian Black and became the most outstanding representative of Chinese Americans in the United States!

Of course, another important achievement of Zhu Diwen is the atomic refrigeration capture technology he explained to Li Xuan in detail before, which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1997, becoming the first person ever to receive the Nobel Prize in Natural Science. Five Chinese.

Of course, although Judiwen cannot be said to be unknown now, there are really very few people who know him outside of his research field. The reason why Hong Kong Chi Man University is willing to offer the dean of the physics department plus a high-level laboratory is because he is indeed very accomplished in the field of quantum electronics. The joining of Zhu Diwen will create a world-class quantum electronics discipline for the Department of Physics at CUHK.

In fact, there are factors behind Li Xuan's poaching of Zhu Diwen by CUHK. Last year, Chinese chemist Li Yuanze won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, detonating the entire Chinese science and technology circle. This Li Yuanze's popularity in China is extremely low, at least for a person like Li Xuan who grew up with a domestic orthodox education, he has no memory of this person in his previous life.

Li Xuan once thought that it was his own crossing, which had an increasing impact on history. In fact, this Li Yuanze was an out-and-out pan-green person who later gave up his American citizenship and returned to Taiwan to pursue politics. For such people, domestic propaganda will naturally not be carried out.

However, because of last year's Nobel Prize, Li Xuan thought of the character Ju Diwen. The Nobel Prize is awarded to the field of basic research. In fact, it is difficult to bring direct benefits to the Eastern Group. This is also an important reason why bell labs and ibm labs have begun to gradually cut funding in the field of basic research.

Driven by the wave of economic globalization, the market competition is becoming more and more intense, which requires at&t, ibm and other companies to put forward higher requirements for the profit conversion efficiency of scientific research funds! certainly. Basic research is not meaningless, in fact all practical R&D. All are based on breakthroughs in fundamental technologies.

Since the establishment of Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd., Li Xuan has unswervingly taken the road of a technology research-oriented enterprise. Oriental Group's investment in scientific research. It has always been cost-free. But the Eastern Group also has the trade-off between practical research and basic research, and the Eastern Group's approach is to separate the two.

Oriental Research Institute, a subsidiary of Oriental Group, mainly focuses on research and development in practical fields. The public relations projects of the Institute are basically terminal products and technologies with clear practical application prospects, such as mobile communication technology and liquid crystal technology.

As for investment in basic research and development, Oriental Group chose to cooperate with universities. Driven by the Oriental Group, the Hong Kong government established the Hong Kong Science and Technology Fund last year, which will allocate 1 billion Hong Kong dollars each year from the financial budget as a special fund to support Hong Kong's scientific research and development.

in the 1986-87 fiscal year. The total fiscal revenue of the Hong Kong government is about 50 billion Hong Kong dollars, which means that the Hong Kong government's investment in special scientific and technological research and development funds accounts for 2% of the annual fiscal revenue.

This is entirely the result of the joint promotion of the Oriental Group in conjunction with the fragrant and political circles. The Oriental Group is constantly expanding its influence on the entire Hong Kong society, among which the academic community has always been the group most closely associated with the Oriental Group.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Oriental Group, Li Xuan began to donate money to Hong Kong education on a large scale, although CUHK, as Li Xuan's alma mater, got the most fertile piece of the cake.

But other institutions of higher learning in Hong Kong, and even a large number of secondary schools, have also benefited greatly from the donations from the Oriental Group and the Ocean Stream Foundation. For example, all secondary schools in Hong Kong have at least one. A computer classroom donated by the Oceanic Foundation.

The money that Li Xuan poured out naturally got a lot of returns. The achievements in scientific research are only one aspect of it, and the more important is the fragrance industry. It has been very tacit cooperation with the Oriental Group to pressure the Hong Kong government to increase its investment in scientific research and higher education.

As the so-called political and business are not separated, the Oriental Group has also been actively infiltrating Hong Kong's political circles in recent years. The issue of Hong Kong's return has long been settled. But the wrestling between China and the UK has never stopped. In particular, in recent years, the Hong Kong government has accelerated the promotion of direct elections for members of the two councils, which has met strong domestic resistance.

But after all, the time for Hong Kong to return to the motherland is approaching. This has also led to the fact that the authority of the Hong Kong government is no longer so unquestionable. The Oriental Group began to support people of insight led by Zhong Siyuan and others, and began to express its voice from the standpoint of the centrist. Hope to seek long-term sustainable prosperity and stability of Hong Kong!

In addition, the Orient Group's ability to guide public opinion in Hong Kong should not be underestimated. Asia Satellite TV, the TV station with the highest ratings in Hong Kong, the South China Morning Post, the English newspaper with the largest circulation in Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong Economic Newspaper with the largest circulation in Hong Kong, Hong Kong's old serious newspaper "Ming Pao", and Hong Kong's fastest-growing circulation in recent years, has been squeezed into the top three popular newspapers in Hong Kong's newspaper industry, "Daily Daily". These media companies are either wholly-owned or partially owned by Li Xuan. holding.

So don't look at Li Xuan who hasn't expressed his public views on any affairs in Hong Kong for a long time, but in fact everyone knows that his influence is definitely more than a few years ago!

Before rushing to the University of Hong Kong due to the tight degree, intends to establish a third university. In another time and space, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, known as the "Rolls-Royce University", was established in 1986. By the time it was completed in 1991, the entire university had cost as much as 3.5 billion Hong Kong dollars, causing an uproar in Hong Kong public opinion!

In this life, as soon as the preparation plan of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology was put forward, it was met with strong opposition from the monks and political circles. Rather than building a new university from scratch, it would be better to integrate and optimize existing resources.

Therefore, under the pressure of almost one-sided public opinion, the former Governor, Sir Edward Youde, had to make a compromise and gave up the plan to establish the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

The protagonist behind the obstruction of the establishment of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is actually Li Xuan. Before the establishment of the City Polytechnic Institute of Hong Kong, he has clearly realized the gap between the speed of Hong Kong and the speed of the deep sea.

If you choose to build a new university from scratch, no matter how fast it is, it will take four or five years, and it will take at least seven or eight years to truly cultivate talents. And this is not in the interests of the Oriental Group. You must know that the further time goes by, the less role Li Xuan's golden finger can play.

So while Li Xuan's rebirth advantage is still useful, the Oriental Group must race against time to develop! Therefore, for Li Xuan, instead of building a new university inefficiently, it is better to spend money on the current universities, which can achieve immediate results.

For the University of Hong Kong, CUHK, and the Polytechnic, adding a new university means that there will be one more competitor to apply for funding from the Hong Kong government in the future. Therefore, under the instigation and connection of the Oriental Group, the senior leaders of several universities naturally came together and proposed a more beneficial alternative, that is, to jointly divide up all the resources for the construction of the new university.

If only the fragrant care community is in series, the Hong Kong government can also forcibly suppress it. However, there are also strong voices of opposition in the Legislative Council and the Executive Council of Hong Kong! This makes it a bit difficult to rush to, because the British side's plan has always been to strengthen the powers of the Legislative Council and the Executive Council, so as to force the new SAR government in the As a result, some MPs now hold a middle position , but first unite to sing a show against the Hong Kong government! What's more, there is a lot of public opinion behind these politicians, because according to the analysis of an education expert quoted by "Ming Pao", if the funds needed to build new universities are invested in expanding the scale of existing universities. Hong Kong University and CUHK will increase their degrees by 10% next year. If Hong Kong Polytechnic can be upgraded to Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the number of degrees it can provide can be doubled within three years!

This can suddenly arouse the enthusiasm of fresh candidates and parents, as well as the enthusiasm of Hong Kong Polytechnic students. The former saw more opportunities to go to university, while the latter saw the hope of promoting their Higher Honours Diploma to an Undergraduate Diploma. Therefore, under the organization of some assertive people, a large number of petitioners immediately appeared in front of the Hong Kong Governor's Office!

The British Hong Kong government is naturally a dictatorial colonial government, and the Hong Kong Governor's decision never needs to consider the wishes of Hong Kong citizens! But since the British wanted to play democracy before they left, Li Xuan naturally did what he wanted!

Downing Street hopes to dump the instigated free public opinion to the future SAR government. And Li Xuan took the opportunity to let the British themselves first taste the taste of it, so that he can get more benefits! (To be continued.)

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