"Uncle Wen, is the videotape of "Rouge Button" out yet?" Shortly after the young Akuan left the videotape rental shop, a customer walked into Uncle Wen's videotape shop and asked.

"It's out, but it's not a videotape, it's this kind of disc, which can only be shown on the newly launched VCD player!" The owner, Uncle Wen, pointed to the row of beautifully packaged discs on the shelf at the door again.

"What's the matter?" The new man who entered the house had long wavy hair. At first glance, he looked like a literary youth. No wonder he liked to watch movies like "Rouge Buckle".

"The company under 'Fortune Lee' is promoting this new type of VCD player. So they bought out the films of Asia Films, Golden Harvest and Xinyicheng in one go! In the next year, if you want to To watch the movies of these three giants, you can only rent this kind of CD to watch!" Uncle Wen said with a wry smile and shook his head.

"I'm going to slap you! The God of Wealth Li is going to kill them all. The video recorder in my house will become a decoration in the future!" The wavy long-haired man's face suddenly turned a little bad.

"Who made the 'God of Fortune Li' rich and powerful? It is said that he directly wrote a cheque of 250 million Hong Kong dollars to Boss Zou of Jiahe, and gave Baoyuan the video distribution rights of all the films of Jiahe this year!" Uncle Wen sighed. said in a breath.

Nearly half of the businesses that come to rent video tapes come to rent popular movies that have just been drawn in theaters. And these films are long, wind, text, learning, and ww☆w.cf⊙wx.n▽ets have now become VCDs that cannot be viewed by video recorders, which greatly affected the business of Uncle Wen's store.

This can be said to be a typical city gate fire, which has brought disaster to Chiyu! Dongfang Group started the market competition between VCDs and VCRs, not only VCR manufacturers will be affected, but all industries that depend on VCDs will be implicated!

"It seems that we can only watch it after the pirated video tapes come out in the future!" The literary man shook his head depressedly and said, "Uncle Wen, when the pirated video tapes come out. You must remember to buy them!"

"Definitely! Definitely!" Uncle Wen said feebly as he watched another customer go away. Even if pirated videotapes of popular movies such as "The True Color of Heroes" and "Rouge Button" appear, Uncle Wen feels that he still needs to think carefully about whether to buy them.

Hong Kong Films is now the most important content provider in the Asian videotape market. As soon as the Oriental Group came up, it adopted the technique of drawing wages from the bottom of the pot, and cut off the content supply of the videotapes from the source!

to this end. Oriental Commercial Corporation spent 250 million Hong Kong dollars to sign a one-year copyright exclusive agreement with Golden Harvest Pictures. For all the films released by Golden Harvest Company in 1988, Dongfang Commercial Company obtained the exclusive video distribution rights.

In recent years, Golden Harvest has released an average of about 25 movies each year, which means that Oriental Commercial Company has paid an average of 10 million Hong Kong dollars in video copyright fees for each movie. That figure is 20 percent higher than the average video rights revenue Golden Harvest earned per movie last year.

The average production cost of each film of Golden Harvest Films last year was less than 10 million Hong Kong dollars. Although the production cost this year will definitely rise to a certain extent, the contract provided by Dongfang Commercial has almost locked in all the risks for Golden Harvest Pictures. Zou Wenhuai had no reason to refuse.

You must know that the risk of film production is actually very large. A blockbuster film can make a big profit for the production company, and a bad film can also make the production company directly go bankrupt and liquidate.

In addition to Golden Harvest Films, Oriental Commercial also spent 200 million Hong Kong dollars to obtain the video distribution rights of all films for the next year from Xinyicheng Company.

The total number of films released in Hong Kong last year was 105, and the Big Three accounted for 70 of them. In other words, Dongfang Commercial Company almost controlled the next year. Two-thirds of the content of Hong Kong movies!

And since Oriental Commercial is willing to spend a huge price to control the content, naturally it will not easily allow pirated video tapes. Disrupt your own encirclement and suppression of the contents of the video recorder. Therefore, the owner of a videotape rental store like Uncle Xiang Wen has been warned a long time ago.

Once his store is found to be selling infringing pirated videotapes, he will not only face a lawsuit, but also be pulled into a blacklist that refuses to supply VCDs. From Uncle Wen's point of view, with the strength of "God of Fortune Li" and Dongfang Group, since he has taken a fancy to the videotape market. Then you can definitely eat it in your mouth.

So for the competition between traditional video tapes and new VCD discs, Uncle Wen is more optimistic about the latter! This is the name of the shadow man of the tree, and Li Xuan's past legends are enough to make many people unconditionally lean towards him!

And even if there is no warning from the Oriental Commercial Company, Uncle Wen rarely rents out pirated video tapes. Because the purchase price of a roll of pirated tape is about 30 yuan. And Uncle Wen charges 5 yuan per rental, so the video tape needs to be played 6 times to recover the cost. However, the quality of pirated tapes is generally very poor, and it is almost useless after 6 plays. Therefore, renting out pirated video tapes is simply an unprofitable business.

Rental shop owners like Uncle Wen can only hope that more people will buy VCD players as soon as possible, so as to make up for the loss of video tapes through the VCD rental business. And if VCD can really become prosperous, it will also be good news for their rental shop owners.

Because the price of the original VCD is much cheaper than the original video tape, which can undoubtedly greatly reduce the operating cost of the rental store. Compared with the video tape, the picture quality will continue to decline as the number of times of use increases, the performance of VCD is undoubtedly much better. As long as the disc is not intentionally scratched, it can be played dozens of times without any problems at all.


"Sir, what are you going to use the video recorder for?" A shopping guide at the CG Electronics flagship hypermarket on Yaliu Street, Kowloon smiled and communicated with customers.

"What else can I use to buy a video recorder? Of course it's watching movies!"

"Sir, there is a situation I need to explain to you in advance! Oriental Group has just launched a CD-ROM player. In order to promote their new products, Oriental Group directly bought out Golden Harvest, Art City, and Asian Pictures. Big company, video rights for all movies this year!

This means that if you choose to buy a VCR, you may not be able to watch all the new movies released by these three companies this year! "The shopping guide lady explained patiently immediately.

"Excuse me, can Brother Fa's "The True Color of Heroes 2" be watched on a video recorder?" Before the customer could speak, another customer next to him heard the explanation from the shopping guide Yuan. He asked firstly.

"The "True Colors of Heroes" series is produced by Asian Films, so there will be no videotapes on the market! In addition to "True Colors of Heroes", such as "Flying Dragons", "Tigers", "Best Friends", "Rouge" These movies will not be released on video tapes!" Every time the shopping guide said the title of a movie, the expressions on the faces of the two customers became a bit ugly.

Although there are dozens of film companies in Hong Kong, the three giants Golden Harvest, Art City and Asian Pictures still dominate the box office. Among them, "The True Color of Heroes 2" was not painted in Hong Kong's theaters until the end of January. But it's classified as last year's movies when it counts the box office.

In the first five months of this year, the highest-grossing film in this port was "Flying Dragon" produced by Jiahe Company, which received 33.5 million box office. Temporarily ranked second, "Tiger Out of the Box", with a box office of 27 million Hong Kong dollars, was produced by Xinyicheng Company. The third-ranked "Best Lost Friend", with a box office of 23 million Hong Kong dollars, is a work of the Asian film industry.

In other words, people who want to watch Hong Kong movies, if they don't choose a VCD player, they will be insulated from all the good movies this year!

"If the two gentlemen want to rent and watch all the TV series broadcast by ATV and TVB this year, it is better to choose the VCD player over there! Because of these two TV stations, all TV series will only be listed on VCD this year!" Miss shopping guide added Made up a sentence.

"Then what are you standing here to watch? This simply leaves us with no choice!" One of the customers shook his head and said.

"Sir, VCD players actually have many advantages compared to VCDs!" The shopping guide guides the two customers to the VCD exhibition area next to them, while the other side begins to sell them earnestly.

"First of all, its volume is much lighter than a VCR, and it takes up less space. As for the issue of volume, it is obvious that the difference between a VCD and a VCD is more intuitive. The compact version of the VCD is only equivalent to a thicker card. It can be easily put into the pocket of the clothes. You are no stranger to the volume of VHS tapes, not to mention the pocket of the clothes. Even a smaller briefcase can be stuffed into one more box!

In addition, the VCD player has a new function that the VCR does not have, that is, you can move the karaoke club home! That's right, this VCD produced by RCA, in addition to playing traditional movies and TV series CDs, also has the function of K song! "

The shopping guide said and pressed a button on the DVD player. Then remove a CD from a small shelf next to it and put it into the ejected CD-ROM slot. On the TV connected to the DVD player, the screen of Chen Baiqiang's concert soon appeared.

"Whether the two gentlemen are interested, come to the scene to show your singing!"

The shopping guide picked up two more microphones connected to the DVD player and handed them to the two customers with a smile. The two men waved their hands hastily. Most of the customers are thin-skinned and do not want to sing in public.

Everything was within the expectations of the shopping guide, so she smiled sweetly and said, "Then let me test it on the spot for the two of you. The K-song function of VCD is good! I usually like to listen to Danny's songs. Sing one of his "I Happily Like You"! If you don't sing well, please don't make fun of me!

Sadness can't go away, sadness can't go away

Why is my heart empty

Feelings are lost, everything is lost

Full of hatred and sorrow that cannot be eliminated


The girl's soft voice to sing Chen Baiqiang's songs also has a unique charm! The girl's beautiful singing also quickly attracted many other customers to stop and watch. By the time she finished singing, a dozen people had gathered around.

"In a high-end karaoke hall in Tsim Sha Tsui, it costs thousands of dollars to sing a night. Even an ordinary karaoke hall costs at least several hundred dollars! Gentlemen who like to sing, just sing a few times less, very You can save the money for a DVD player, and then you can move the karaoke hall home!" The sales guide of the shopping guide was very provocative.

"How do you sell this kind of DVD player?" A customer immediately asked with great cooperation.

"RCA is a brand that you will not be unfamiliar with. It is the most well-known home appliance brand in the United States! Li Sheng spent nearly 30 billion Hong Kong dollars to get this company in his pocket! The quality of the electronic products produced by RCA is absolutely guaranteed. Yes. This DVD player with K-song function is priced at HKD 8888!

If you want to choose a more affordable model, I recommend the VCD next to it, which is produced by a well-known brand in Hong Kong, Lu's Electronics Company! This machine also has K-song function, but the price is only 7999 Hong Kong dollars!

If you are not usually interested in singing and feel that this function is unnecessary, we also have a simplified version of the model! The price of this RCA brand is 7799 yuan, this Lu's brand is 7299 yuan, and this Hutchison Electronics company is only 7099 yuan! "The shopping guide immediately began to introduce the prices of various types of VCDs one by one.

And when the customers gradually dispersed, the shopping guide with a good singing voice has successfully sold a VCD again. Although the customer did not buy the most expensive VCD, she can still get a commission of 100 Hong Kong dollars from this order!

"Sandy, why do you look better than me and sing better than me! I'm so jealous, you sold 4 VCDs yesterday and 3 more today, this The commission income alone can break 10,000! You must treat yourself at night, and let me slaughter you, otherwise I will not be able to sleep at night!"

The beautiful shopping guide is actually called Sandy, a business shopping guide in the flagship store of the CG home appliance chain store. When the store manager was selecting the VCD franchise shopping guide, she stood out with her singing sales method.

With her good singing skills, Sandy brought VCD's K-song function to the fullest. Every time she sells, she can gather a large number of customers, and many customers who are still hesitating are successfully moved by her.

Of course, CG's hypermarkets in Asia are sparing no effort to promote the newly listed VCD players. As for other channels for distributing VCDs, it is naturally impossible to help the CG hypermarket so obviously.

However, VCD players rely on the monopoly of movie content and the novel function of K-song, and they have achieved good sales immediately after they are fully listed. And video recorder manufacturers such as JVC can't just let it go, and they are also starting to organize a strong counterattack! (To be continued.)

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