Video Game Empire

Chapter 581: Digital Cell Phones Get Started

ps here is today's update, and by the way, I will pull the votes for the Qiqi 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets, and the voting will also send Qiqi coins. I beg everyone for your support and appreciation.

The franchise of the Hong Kong telephone service mainly belongs to two companies, namely the Hong Kong Telephone Company, which operates local telephone services, and the Dadong Telegraph Office, which operates international long-distance telephone calls.

The Dadong Telegraph Office was originally a British state-owned enterprise, but after Mrs. Thatcher came to power, she began to comprehensively implement the privatization reform of state-owned enterprises in the United Kingdom. The Great Eastern Telegraph Office, whose main business is located in the Far East rather than the British mainland, encountered less resistance to domestic reforms, so it became one of the first companies to complete the privatization reform.

After the privatization of the Dadong Telegraph Bureau, it immediately began to shrink its front and cut costs. In addition to relying on the franchise to continue to monopolize the most profitable international long-distance business, the Dadong Telegraph Office's business strategy in Hong Kong is very conservative.

Because the local local call service not only requires large-scale infrastructure investment, but also the billing price is much lower than the international long-distance charge. Therefore, the profit margin of the Hong Kong Telephone Company is not as good as that of the Dadong Telegraph Office, which forces it to be more aggressive in its operation.

As early as 1981, the Hong Kong Telephone Company began to invest heavily in the laying of optical fiber backbone networks in Hong Kong. This has laid a good foundation for Li Xuan to rapidly promote the development of the Internet in Hong Kong after he took over the Hong Kong Telephone Company.

At the beginning, Li Xuan took advantage of the opportunity of the collapse of Hong Kong's real estate industry in 1982, the high debt of Hongkong Land and the difficulty of capital turnover, and successfully acquired the equity of Hongkong Telephone Company 35 from Landmark, thus controlling the monopoly. After Li Xuan took over the Hong Kong Telephone Company, in addition to actively promoting the development of the Internet in Hong Kong. The layout on mobile communication is not relaxed either.

As early as 1983, Hong Kong Telephone Company applied for the first mobile communication license in Hong Kong. At that time, the Oriental Research Institute had just started the research and development of mobile communication technology. At Li Xuan's request. The Oriental Research Institute skipped the first generation of analog cellular communications and directly tackled digital cellular communications.

Therefore, Hong Kong Telephone Company first adopted the Nordic n analog cellular system. This is also the world's earliest first-generation cellular communication network. n is the English abbreviation of Nordic Mobile Communications Corporation. At that time, the Nordic countries had established a substantial free trade common area, and people could cross the border without using a passport.

In order to achieve more rapid and convenient information communication, a fully automatic multinational mobile communication network has become urgent. Driven by this demand, analog cellular technology began to emerge. Sweden's Ericsson is one of the important players in n-system research and development. It is from the n system that Ericsson has had a strong influence in the field of mobile communication infrastructure in the following decades.

The n system was first put into operation in Sweden and Norway in 1981, and was networked in Denmark and Finland the following year. Except for the Nordic n system. European countries have also developed many other standards that are incompatible with each other. Such as the British tai and so on.

The mobile phone in the user's hand can only be used in one system and cannot be compatible with other standard networks, which causes great inconvenience when the mobile phone is used in practice. So later, when the European Post and Telecommunications Administration Conference cept promoted digital cellular technology, it began to adopt the unified standard gs across Europe.

"Li Sheng, we have set up a number of signal towers throughout Hong Kong, except in remote outlying islands. This can ensure that every corner of Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories can receive digital mobile phone signals stably. Due to policy reasons , it is difficult for us to develop mobile communication business in the mainland for the time being.

However, the relationship between Shenzhen and Hong Kong is getting closer and closer, so in order to facilitate the actual use needs of customers, we have specially made some targeted arrangements. near the Shenzhen-Hong Kong border river. A signal tower was set up in the east and west, so that the continental boundary within three kilometers north of the Jiehe River could also receive and make calls normally. "Gu Xinping, president of Hong Kong Telecom, carefully introduced to his big boss.

HKT is a wholly-owned subsidiary of HKT. Responsible for the Internet and mobile communication services in Hong Kong. Today is the day when the cd network is officially put into trial operation, and mobile communication is in the future development of the Oriental Group. Will occupy a pivotal position, Li Xuan will naturally come to cheer for everyone in person.

"The field of communications is a relatively sensitive area for any country, but it is especially true for the mainland government. Therefore, in our future marketing and promotion, we must not use gimmicks that can be used normally in the mainland. Otherwise, Likely to be self-defeating"

Even after 30 years, the field of communications is still a state-owned monopoly. The big reason for this is that it is related to the country's information security. So Li Xuan actually doesn't approve of doing this kind of trick in private, but it's not convenient for him to pour cold water directly now. Or wait until the relevant domestic departments discover this loophole in the future, and then communicate and solve it.

"The users of our n-network have exceeded 100,000, and these users are the key target groups for us to promote digital mobile phones. However, n-network will continue to operate normally in the short term, and our digital mobile phones mainly rely on lighter and smaller mobile phones. volume, better call quality and other advantages to attract users,” Gu Xinping continued.

"Is the tariff of this new type of digital mobile phone lower than that of the old-fashioned big brother?" Li Xuan asked directly. This is what he is most concerned about.

"Because of the construction of digital mobile telecommunications networks, everything needs to be started from scratch, and we spend a lot on infrastructure in the early stage. Therefore, in order to recover the investment as soon as possible, our tariff pricing on digital mobile phones cannot be cheap.

In contrast, the n-network has been operating for five years, and as the number of users continues to increase, the marginal cost is constantly decreasing, so in the short term, the tariff of the analog big brother will be cheaper than the digital mobile phone," Gu Xinping explained immediately.

Li Xuan frowned, then shook his head again and said, "No, tariff pricing must revise our CD technology. Compared with the current various analog cellular technologies, the biggest advantage is actually the huge leap in the number of users who use digital data. The more mobile phone users, the smaller the marginal cost, which is the core competitiveness of our cd.

Therefore, in order to rapidly increase the user growth rate of CD technology. The tariff of digital mobile phone must be lowered to a lower level, even if it takes a certain amount of loss, it is worthwhile. Now that our digital cellular system has been built, the n system has also completed its mission.

We no longer need to pursue the growth of n system users. The user load capacity of analog cells is too small. The increase of users will only force us to continue to spend huge sums of money to expand the basic network settings, which is not worth the gain.

Our next goal is to not only try to convince users of our own n system to switch to digital mobile phones with a new generation of cd technology, but also to grab users on the tacs network of the Dadong Telegraph Bureau," Li Xuan said with a smile .

After seeing the good performance of the mobile communication service launched by Hong Kong Telephone Company. In 1985, the Dadong Telegraph Bureau also applied for the second mobile communication business license in Hong Kong from the Hong Kong government. For this purpose, the Dadong Telegraph Bureau specially set up a subsidiary called Lianxun, which adopts the British tacs analog cellular technology.

It's just that Lianxun's investment in infrastructure is far from comparable to that of Hong Kong Telecom, a subsidiary of Hong Kong Telephone Company. Lianxun's tacs system, the signal can only cover the urban areas of Hong Kong and Kowloon, and even in the urban areas its signal stability can not keep up with the Hongkong Telecom network.

In addition, Hong Kong Telecom also has a first-mover advantage, so in the market competition in the field of Hong Kong mobile communications, it has always been far ahead of Lianxun, a subsidiary of the Dadong Telegraph Bureau. HKT's mobile phone subscribers have exceeded 100,000, and this does not include the 20,000 subscribers in the neighboring Macau market. Lianxun has not expanded its business to Macau. Even the total number of users in Hong Kong is less than 20,000.

According to the consistent strategy of the Hong Kong government, in the fields of communications, electricity, water, gas and other public services, a franchise strategy is usually implemented. But the British Hong Kong government is a British colonial government after all, and it never represents the interests of the Chinese. When the Dadong Telegraph Bureau was applying for a mobile communication business license. In fact, the Hong Kong Telephone Company has been secretly blocking it, but it still failed to prevent the British from intervening.

On the other hand, the Dadong Telegraph Bureau first obtained the mobile communication business license, and then Li Xuan's Hong Kong telephone company wanted to obtain the second license. It is very likely that it will be difficult to ascend to the sky, and the other party will always have a way to persuade the Hong Kong government to approve the exclusive right of operation.

And since there is no way to stop the British from joining the competition. Then Li Xuan can only squeeze Lianxun Company of Dadong Telegraph Bureau out of the mobile communication field through head-to-head market competition. Due to the low load capacity of the analog cellular technology network. Big Brother's tariffs remain high. Ordinary people can't afford mobile phones at all, so although the growth of users is not slow, consumers' demand for mobile communication is far from being truly released.

Although Hong Kong Telecom has completely suppressed Lianxun, this is not enough for Li Xuan. Taking advantage of the fact that the Oriental Research Institute has completed the development of CD technology first, and the European GS has not come out, Hong Kong Telecom has the opportunity to completely destroy Lianxun.

And if you want to trample your competitors to death, the most effective way is price war. With a much cheaper tariff level than Big Brother, all users who use Big Brother are attracted. You must know that the annual use of a big brother is almost enough to buy a new big brother.

It's just that Gu Xinping didn't directly reply to his boss's request, but lowered his head and thought. He paused, and found that Li Xuan seemed to have been waiting for his reply, so he had to show a reluctant smile: "Li Sheng, I still need to organize a special team to conduct careful research on the issue of digital mobile phone charges, so that I can give you the final solution. reply"

Li Xuan nodded. What he needed was the analytical and thinking skills of his executives, not to be a jerk. Therefore, Gu Xinping did not affirm his suggestion, but made him look at the other party even more.

"I know that the Internet and mobile communication businesses that Hong Kong Telecom is responsible for are still in the stage of needing a large number of blood transfusions, only to see that they keep spending money without producing actual benefits, which puts you managements under enormous pressure.

But many issues must be considered from the long-term layout of five, ten, or even twenty years. The result of short-sightedness is often just picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons. I will inform Han Peng and let him directly inject capital into HKT in the name of the group and acquire a part of the equity of HKT," Li Xuan said lightly.

This made Gu Xinping heave a sigh of relief immediately, knowing that HKT is the biggest gold-sucking beast within HK Electric. A few years ago, the large-scale investment in the optical fiber backbone network has just come to an end, and now the construction of a large-scale digital mobile communication network has begun. As a result, Hong Kong Dialect, a company with very stable revenue, has not only paid no dividends for several consecutive years, but has also issued new shares on a large scale twice.

If it weren't for the aura of the big boss "God of Fortune Li", the Hong Kong Dialect Company's share price would not be able to support it long ago. However, compared with several other thriving listed companies under the Oriental Group such as Jiahua and Asia Entertainment, the performance of Hong Kong dialect can be described as much inferior. As the person in charge of Hong Kong Telecom, the biggest black hole in the company's funds, Gu Xinping was naturally challenged.

Orient Group can directly increase the capital to acquire a part of the equity of HKT, which can not only relieve the financial pressure of HKT and even the entire HKT More importantly, Li Xuan's move undoubtedly shows that he This can greatly relieve the huge pressure on Gu Xinping.

"Li Sheng, this time we launched the first batch of digital mobile phones, there are two models of silver gray and black. Next, I will open the world's first digital mobile phone for you. I don't know if you have any special requirements for choosing a good one" Gu Gu Xinping motioned to a sweet-looking female salesperson next to her to take out the two small prototypes displayed in the window.

Of course, this smallness is only compared to those big brothers who are like bricks on the market today. Compared with the later generations of smartphones that are only a few millimeters thick, the two mobile phones launched by the Oriental Research Institute are still cumbersome and old-fashioned.

"Which factory is responsible for producing these mobile phones?" Li Xuan asked curiously.

"Xingguang Electronics, the big brothers we sold before are also products of Xingguang Electronics, but the Oriental Research Institute intends to split the mobile communication business and set up a wholly-owned subsidiary, so Xingguang Electronics is only responsible for the OEM this time." Gu Xinping said.

The magnitude of the future of the mobile phone industry makes it necessary for Dongfang Group to set up a special subsidiary to be responsible for development. It's just that the split company is mainly responsible for the design of mobile phone functions and other aspects. The research and development in the basic field will still be dominated by the Oriental Research Institute, and the Oriental Research Institute will also cooperate with the outside world in the form of patent authorization.

515 is coming soon, and I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain will be able to give back to readers and publicity works. A piece is also love, it must be better and more to be continued.

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