For Hong Kong in the 1980s, environmental protection was an unpopular issue that was not taken seriously. Guan Zhong said as early as 2,700 years ago that Cang Lin knew the etiquette from the truth. Only when a society is prosperous, and people's needs are satisfied from the most basic material, and after entering a higher level of spiritual needs, they begin to pursue a more beautiful environment, a healthier life, and a more leisurely entertainment, will they become more environmentally friendly. more and more attention.

The four Asian tigers, including Hong Kong, have experienced economic growth since the 1970s, but they still have some gaps compared to Japan and developed countries in Europe and America. The real rise of environmental awareness among Hong Kong people was in the mid-to-late 1990s.

However, this time it was a world-renowned non-political environmental charity organization that raised objections to the eastward expansion of Tianshuiwei Electronic Industrial Park. Not far to the east of Tin Shui Wai, there is a Mipu Nature Reserve, a wetland reserve covering an area of ​​30 hectares.

Every winter, millions of gulls, ducks, herons and wading birds take off from North China, Mongolia and Siberia and head south to winter in Southeast Asia and Australasia. The wetlands around Mai Po and the inner bay of the Deep Bay are one of the important supply points for migratory birds in the southward wintering migration route. Every year, more than 100,000 birds and wading birds stop and groom here.

Therefore, since 976, Mai Po has been listed by the Hong Kong government as a site of special natural scientific research value for protection. Then in 1994, Mai Po Nature Reserve was formally established and managed by WWF. And Li Xuan is also one of the important donors of WWF. When the Mai Po Nature Reserve was established, the Hai Chuan Foundation under his name donated 0 million Hong Kong dollars as start-up capital.

Of course, the reason why WWF deserves the attention of the Hong Kong government is not only because it has now developed into the world's largest and most influential non-governmental environmental protection organization, but also because of its current chairman. The foundation invited the Duke of Edinburgh as its new chairman in 9 years, and the Duke of Edinburgh is Prince Philip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth II.

The original intention of WWF to set up a branch in Hong Kong was to raise funds for the giant panda conservation project that the foundation cooperated with the Chinese government. After the foundation took over the operation of the Mipu Nature Reserve, its functions gradually increased to carry out environmental protection publicity and education in Hong Kong.

Because of China's special national conditions, domestic unofficial environmental protection agencies basically have no influence. In order to serve the overall situation of gdp, the official environmental protection bureau has long been regarded as a rubber stamp by the local government. But in other places, the situation is quite different. These non-political and environmental protection organizations are absolutely nuisance organizations that make the scalps of multinational companies feel numb. Once you are entangled by them, you need to spend a lot of extra costs to deal with the persistent harassment of these agencies.

Although in Hong Kong in the 1980s, environmental protection organizations had very limited voice, but Li Xuan did not need to let himself and the Oriental Group be the villains. He is already the richest man in the world, and he should maintain a positive image of being benevolent and benevolent, rather than becoming a negative example of being rich and not benevolent.

What's more, the biggest appeal of the Oriental Group is to force the Hong Kong government to increase its support for the electronics industry, and the expansion of the Tin Shui Wai Industrial Zone is only one aspect of it. The reason why the Hong Kong government chose to expand to the east in the planning is because the east is a flat land and the development cost is the lowest.

For Dongfang Group, as long as the Hong Kong government implements its actions to support the development of the electronics industry, it does not matter whether or not to expand the Tin Shui Wai Industrial Zone. The New Territories are so large that it is entirely possible to choose another suitable place to build a brand-new electronic industrial park.

And as long as the Hong Kong government is willing to make this determination, even if there is no suitable site, it can still obtain land from the sea by reclamation. You must know that since it was ruled by the British for 40 years, the land obtained by reclamation in Hong Kong has accounted for 65% of the total area.

Including Wanchai, Causeway Bay, the Central area to the north of Des Voeux Road, and a large number of Hong Kong's elite areas such as Tsim Sha Tsui East in Kowloon and Kwun Tong Industrial Zone, all came from land reclamation. The Tai Po Industrial Estate located in the east of Hong Kong Island, completed in 1995, was the first to obtain industrial land by reclamation. Compared with the expensive land prices in Hong Kong, the land development cost of moving mountains and reclamations is completely within the range that the Hong Kong government can afford.

So after figuring out his boss's thoughts, He Guoyuan quickly started a series of operations. Looking at the list of the board of directors and directors of WWF Hong Kong, the dozens of names on it are all well-informed figures in Hong Kong's business, academia, political and legal circles.

As the 1997 deadline is approaching, the Hong Kong government is constantly adjusting the way Hong Kong is governed, and the British forces have begun to gradually withdraw, and instead support a group of pro-British Chinese elites, hoping to continue the future British influence in Hong Kong. So the British who had been colonial rule in Hong Kong for 50 suddenly became the vanguard of promoting democracy.

Since the beginning of the year, Hong Kong Governor David Wilson has been fully implementing the so-called "88 direct elections", hoping to use a fait accompli to determine Hong Kong's future political system. By giving Hong Kong people the right to vote freely, they can also put a layer of public opinion on the agents selected by the Hong Kong government, in the hope that they will be able to represent the United Kingdom and control Hong Kong's politics after the handover.

It's a pity that under the strong opposition from the mainland, His Excellency the Governor's election roadmap was dead. But the purpose of the Hong Kong government to maintain its influence at the end of its rule by wooing the Hong Kong elite has been exposed. However, this is also an opportunity for Li Xuan, because the Oriental Group has continuously taken root in Hong Kong in the past ten years, and a large number of elites in Hong Kong society have already spontaneously gathered around. How capital controls society, the Oriental Group has made a vivid demonstration.

The bosses of small companies and large factories need to rely on the industrial chain of the Oriental Group to undertake orders; experts and scholars need direct or indirect funds provided by the Oriental Group to conduct research; politicians need to have a direct or indirect relationship with the Oriental Group of tens or even hundreds of thousands of votes. Therefore, whoever is the enemy of the Eastern Group, whoever destroys the jobs of these people, will surely suffer the most resolute backlash.

This is also the fundamental reason why Li Xuan has never shown any pro-British inclination over the years, but the Hong Kong government has become more and more polite towards him. At the beginning, he also needed to do one, to maximize his own interests through neutrality in the Sino-British dispute. But now Li Xuan and Dongfang Group have become more and more confident and stand on their own, so that the Hong Kong government does not dare to underestimate them. ;

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