Video Game Empire

Chapter 621: The friendship between the richest man and the president's family (Part 1)

() Marvin Bush is the fourth and youngest son of Bush Sr. His full name should be Marvin Pierce Bush. Those who are familiar with the naming of British and American countries must know that in addition to the Westerners' preference for naming their new-born children after the names of respected elders, middle names generally have special meanings.

For example, Marvin Pierce Bush, Pierce is from his maternal grandfather, also the surname of Bush Jr.'s grandfather. Many people may know Bush Sr.'s wife, now the First Lady of the United States, as Barbara Bush.

But Barbara was originally called Barbara Pierce before she married Bush Sr. Her father's uncle was Franklin Pierce, the fourteenth president of the United States, and he was also a family member.

In the long-term and persistent propaganda of the cents, Chinese people often have such a misunderstanding. Politics is not a popular way out in the United States, and being an official in the United States is a thankless thing.

Because the elected officials in the United States are so miserable, in addition to being easy to see and pleasing to voters, they are often criticized by the media. Even if someone invites you to a meal, more than 10 dollars is considered a bribe, as if the American officials are the reincarnation of Bao Qingtian.

These people's mathematics must be taught by physical education teachers. They don't understand probability and normal distribution! China's history of more than 2,000 years has only produced one Bao Qingtian and only one Yu Qian. There is no reason why there are Bao Qingtians everywhere in the United States! Is American Feng Shui particularly good?

According to the cents, the most popular professions in America are undoubtedly lawyers and doctors. Lawyers in particular, although everyone gritted their teeth about this profession, but everyone wanted to go to law school. Because that means good income, high society life!

But the cents did not analyze the real logic. What is the next career plan after becoming a lawyer? Politics is undoubtedly a very bright choice!

Among the successive U.S. presidents, the occupation with the largest number of backgrounds is undoubtedly a lawyer! And in the previous Congress, the proportion of lawmakers was even higher!

Are American lawyers more dedicated than any other profession in America? Are you more willing to bow your head and be a bully, and be a public servant of the people of the United States without asking for anything in return?

Don't be funny, lawyers in the eyes of Americans are **** and vampires playing with the law!

The really reasonable explanation should be that lawyers are the threshold for entering the American political arena. Most Americans are not keen on being an official, but they are not qualified at all! The political system in the United States is very different from that in China, and the real power of the lower-level government is very small.

What is the difference between the so-called mayor elected at the age of 18 in the newspapers, with only a few thousand or even a few hundred people, and a larger administrative village in China? How much power and influence do you think the village chief can have?

If you want to truly touch the threshold of American politics, you must at least have state-level elections! But this level has already begun to rise to the competition of parties and circles, and it is logical to exclude ordinary people from the outside!

American politics is naked gold-dollar politics. Gold owners provide funds for politicians, and politicians use the money to promote their ideas. And after they have coaxed the voters to get the votes, they will use the rights in their hands to reward the sponsors accordingly!

Of course, the politicians themselves must have made a lot of money, but Westerners have been engaging in democracy for hundreds of years. Stupid enough to reach out to embezzle, a tactic that only became popular in the early twentieth century when the idiot Harding was president.

Today's American politicians are much smarter than their predecessors, and they can fully realize the power in their hands very legitimately!

Take the US presidents as an example. After leaving office, they can publish books and give speeches, and there will always be people who pay high royalties and appearance fees! As for who is willing to spend a lot of money to invite a former president to show his face, it is worth pondering! Anyway, there is an irrefutable fact, that is, with one or two exceptions, most of the US presidents can live a rich and wealthy life after retirement!

If it is said that the president has to be concerned after retirement because he is too eye-catching, the food will not be so ugly! Those former parliamentarians and former ministers obviously did not have this restriction. They organized a lobbying company in groups of three or five, and each year divided up billions of dollars from multinational companies, various trade unions, associations, and even some foreign forces. Tens of billions of dollars in lobbying funds.

Through the contacts they accumulated during their political career, they accelerated the introduction of policies and bills that were in line with the interests of the sponsors, while those that did not conform to the interests of the sponsors were stillborn! The most ironic thing is that their behavior, as well as the protection of the "Lobbying Law", can be carried out in an open and fair manner!

Li Xuan understands the principle that politics and business are not separated. He and the Oriental Group are fighting on the road in the United States, so it is very important to do as the locals do! How could he, a businessman from Hong Kong, gain the friendship of an old political family like the Bush family?

Of course it was a huge dollar check! The money can also be divided into two parts, one part is provided by Li Xuan himself. This part is truly indescribable because under US law, he, a foreigner, cannot interfere in US elections.

But this huge cash check was handed over to Bush Sr or Bush Jr. by Li Xuan himself. As for how the Bush family was whitewashed, he would not ask. Because no third party knows about it, and the Bush family has a high authority, it is actually very safe!

In addition to this humane approach, the Eastern Bloc also deeply intervened in the US election in a legal way. Some of its companies belong to the United States, which can establish a political action committee (pac) according to the rights conferred by the US election law, and legally provide funds to political parties and candidates supported by the company, and the amount is not capped!

What can pac do? In addition to not being able to clearly and directly shout "We support the so-and-so candidate", other things can be done! Can help him do all kinds of positive publicity advertisements, can help him do all kinds of advertisements to smear his competitors!

According to relevant US media statistics, the total amount of various political action committees under the various groups, whether in the 1988 presidential election or in this year's mid-term elections, ranks among the top companies in the United States.

However, unlike Li Xuan, who was clearly marked by the media as a Republican supporter, the Oriental Group invested almost the same amount of money in both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. This is also in line with the practice of most companies in the United States, betting on both sides, no matter which one comes to power, it will not suffer!

"Before I explain the relationship between me and the Bush family, I have to correct a problem! Now some malicious remarks continue to describe the Eastern bloc as robbers who take American jobs away.

The fact that I want to explain is that since the Oriental Group entered the American market, it has provided tens of thousands of jobs for the American people! When we acquired rca, we promised not to lay off staff for a few years, and we actually did exactly that!

Although some of the positions were cancelled due to the adjustment of rca's business in the later period, new positions also appeared constantly at the same time. Generally speaking, we do not have the so-called hostile mergers and acquisitions to reduce the employment opportunities of the American people!

This era is in the period of global economic integration and the third major adjustment of international industrial division of labor. It is normal for some low-end industries to gradually die out in the United States! Some people will only tell the public that the US textile market has been taken away by Asian countries, but they do not explain that everyone's expenditure on clothing has also dropped because of this. It can be said that there are advantages and disadvantages!

Many of the companies under the Oriental Group are listed in the United States, creating a steady stream of benefits for American shareholders and investors. But there are always some people who use the label of "foreign enterprise" to keep attacking us!

How can I say that my relationship with the Bush family is described by them as unscrupulous politicians colluding with foreign businessmen to sell out the interests of American companies! I never deny that I have a friendship with the Bush family, but this friendship is pure and can stand the investigation of the US Congress and the judiciary! "

Li Xuan said righteously. Because of what he did just now, he made everyone listen to his explanation very carefully, and do not want to miss a word.

“The American media described me as a die-hard Republican supporter because I was always reported to be with Republicans! This is actually a big misunderstanding, I am an entrepreneur who runs a huge multinational company and often asks for Deal with various government departments in the United States!

But since 1980, the United States has been governed by the Republican Party. From the original President Reagan to the current President Bush, few Democrats have appointed government officials! This has cost me the opportunity to engage with the Democrats!

In terms of personal friendship The Democrat with whom I am closest is Senator Gore from Tennessee. The reason why we have the opportunity to meet is because of the severe scrutiny of the US Congress when we acquired rca company! Mr. Gore was a member of the House of Representatives at the time, and that's how we met!

Those who are familiar with the development history of the Oriental Group must know that when the Oriental Group entered the American market, it encountered a big crisis! At that time we launched a home game console, yes, the fc-1 game console that went on to sell well in the United States!

As a result, Atari is taking advantage of their monopoly in the US home game console market to forcibly block us. They demanded that game console dealers in the United States are not allowed to sell fc-1 game consoles as agents!

If we did that to American companies, presumably they would have sued the U.S. Department of Justice long ago, and then the anti-monopoly stick would have hit the Eastern Group! But at that time, the Oriental Group, as a fledgling company, had never encountered such despicable means!

Finally, relying on the excellent entertainment experience of the fc-1 game console, we successfully defeated Atari! But I also learned a lesson from this encounter. That is, I should be more proactive in communicating with the US government to safeguard my legitimate rights and interests!

At that time, President Bush was preparing to participate in the 1980 general election Republican primary, and he also hosted a dinner in this city - Austin! And an agent representing arcade business in the Texas area happened to be invited to participate.

So I asked him to take me to a dinner party, and that was the beginning of my friendship with the Bush family! "

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