Video Game Empire

Chapter 626: Li Xuan's trouble (middle)

() Because the Federal Communications Commission ( ) is directly responsible to the U.S. Congress, the relevant members of the Senate and House of Representatives responsible for the communication field have no less influence than the government!

While control of the U.S. Senate has fluctuated between Democrats and Republicans over the past decade, control of the House of Representatives has remained firmly in the hands of Democrats.

And John Dingle, one of the most senior Democrats in the House, has held that position firmly since he was chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee in 1981.

In fact, Li Xuan and this committee have not dealt with before. When Oriental Group acquired rca, and mci acquired the satellite business of Oriental Group, and Oriental Group took advantage of the situation to become the largest shareholder of mci, all matters were reviewed by this committee!

There were no problems in the two previous dealings, but this time mci wanted to promote cdma as the standard for 2g digital mobile technology in the United States, but it got stuck at the FCC.

John Dingle directly told the media in public that the use of cdma technology from foreign companies would pose a threat to the security of US mobile communications, and he even supported the promotion of similar standards developed by US companies themselves!

The similar standards of American companies that Dingle refers to are actually the d-amps standard backed by at&t and the iden standard backed by Motor Laura.

These two standards, like the gsm standard that is being vigorously promoted in Europe, are based on the principle of time division multiple access. From a technical point of view, they are already behind the cdma developed by the Oriental Group.

What's more, the European gsm has at least formulated up to 600 technical standards and specifications, and has begun to enter the stage of commercialization. The d-amps and idens that Americans have made by themselves are still only in the laboratory testing stage.

Take Motorola as an example. He is still making great efforts to promote the soon-to-be-obsolete analog cellular technology, which is often referred to as Big Brother. The reason why Motorola wants to develop a d-amps standard is to track the patent layout of competitors.

This is also the biggest difference between big companies and small companies! If a small company wants to get ahead, it often needs to put its life on the line to fight hard! Large companies have the ability to buy more insurance for themselves. Even if they don’t find the right development direction at the first time, they still have the opportunity to turn around and catch up.

For example, Motorola, although he is not the first company to invest in the research and development of 2g digital mobile technology, but it is not too far behind. Therefore, Motorola in another time and space, although it failed to prevent the rise of emerging rivals such as Nokia, is still one of the most well-known mobile communication manufacturers in the world in the entire 2G era.

However, in this time and space, Motorola obviously woke up earlier, after all, the competitor Dongfang Group has already hit its doorstep! But it's not enough to just find the problem, it needs to be solved, and what Motorola lacks the most is time.

The reason why Dongfang Group's cdma technology can become the world's fastest commercialized 2G digital communication standard is due to Li Xuan's foresighted huge R&D investment. Motorola's investment in this area is not as much as that of the Oriental Group, and it started later than the Oriental Group. It is also reasonable for the two sides to widen the gap in technology.

Whether it is Motorola or AT&T, their own 2g digital mobile communication standards are far from mature, so they can only buy themselves time by dragging their competitors behind in other aspects.

That's the real reason why cdma technology got stuck at the FCC, and why an influential heavyweight like John Dingle came out against it.

Of course, Li Xuan and Dongfang Group are not without countermeasures!

According to the words of Mr. Diao Dajin, a famous Chinese-American, the founders of the United States formulated a wise system for the United States.

So where is the wisdom of this system?

Check and balance!

Take the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as an example. It is directly accountable to Congress, so the federal government's influence on it is relatively small. But the five commissioners with the highest voting rights need to be nominated by the president. This gives the president the opportunity to exert his own influence, since he cannot nominate people who oppose him, after all.

And after the presidential nomination, it still needs to be passed by the parliament! This gives the opposition parties that control the parliament a chance to wrestle, because they can completely veto the presidential nomination!

In order to balance the partisanship, among the five commissioner seats, the same party cannot exceed three seats at most, which means that two seats must be reserved for the opposition parties. And when the president nominates candidates for the opposition, it is not an opportunity to win over and divide the opposition!

Therefore, the system designed by those wise American sages, rather than greatly weakening the possibility of the emergence of dictators, might as well lay the groundwork for all kinds of **** in contemporary American politics!

Of the five current commissioners, Li Xuan has only attracted two supporters. He still needs to win one more vote before he has the chance to vote 3:2 to force through the proposal to make cdma the technical standard of the national mobile communication And now there is precisely one from the Democratic Party The term of the commissioner is about to expire, which gives Li Xuan the opportunity to operate in private.

"I noticed that Mr. Rodino, from South Carolina, is about to expire. I wonder what Mr. President thinks about the successor to this position?" Li Xuan took a sip of coffee and seemed to carelessly agree. Mr. Deputy Chief of Staff, who was sitting across from him, asked.

Card smiled genially at Li Xuan and said, "On the issue of Mr. Rodino's successor, Mr. President still needs to communicate with the Democratic leaders of Congress before deciding. If Mr. Li Xuan has good suggestions, he may speak directly. !"

Both sides tacitly ignored the question of whether Rodino might be extended for another term. This Rodino is one of the three current commissioners who firmly oppose the cdma standard. Li Xuan naturally hopes that he will go as far as he can.

"Whether it is Asia or Europe, the new generation of mobile communication technology has begun to mature, but North America is lagging behind in this field! Whether it is Motorola or AT&T, they are only willing to consider their own interests, ignoring the public's Benefit!

I hope the president can communicate more with old-school congressmen like Xiang Dingle when he nominates new commissioners. Although his starting point for maintaining the security of American communications is a good one, he shouldn't give up eating because of choking!

The Oriental Group has always gotten along well with its American partners, including the federal government, and is willing to accept supervision within the legal framework of the United States! "Li Xuan said politely.

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