Video Game Empire

Chapter 638: bait

Since the official signing of the agreement between China and the UK in 1984, it has been clear to everyone that the British's unique position in Hong Kong will soon be gone forever! Therefore, British-funded companies including Jardine, HSBC, etc., have begun to prepare for retreat!

Among them, the Jardine Group's approach is the most radical. It publicly announced as early as the beginning of 1984 that the company's registered place was changed from Hong Kong to Bermuda. This move of Jardine immediately attracted a large number of companies in Hong Kong to follow suit, and even affected the ongoing Sino-British negotiations at that time.

But even for Jardine, which is extremely pessimistic about the future, it is not so easy to quickly withdraw from Hong Kong. Because the confidence of the entire Hong Kong market at that time suffered a severe setback due to the problem of the future, the Hong Kong stock market fell all the way, and the real estate industry has collapsed!

It was not until 1986 that the Hong Kong market gradually became prosperous again! At that time, the plan of the Jardine Group was to make one last profit from the Hong Kong stock market, and then retreat calmly. Therefore, the Jardine Group first released the mutual control between its two core companies, Jardine and Landmark.

After clarifying the shareholding structure in this way, it is convenient to split up the high-quality assets of Landmark, including the Mandarin Oriental Hotel and the Milk Company, and then go public independently!

But just after the first step of Jardine's plan, Li Xuan seized the flaw and took advantage of it, and forcefully snatched away Landmark from Jardine's hands! Li Xuanhao threw more than 10 billion in cash and directly privatized Hongkong Land. Such a powerful approach shocked the entire Hong Kong capital community at that time!

After Jardine Matheson was slaughtered, the major shareholders of Hong Kong-listed companies were all worried, for fear that when they opened their eyes the next day, their company had already been annexed by others!

When Li Xuan's influence of acquiring Landmark gradually dissipated, Hong Kong ushered in an unprecedented stock market disaster in 1987! The Hong Kong capital market has just recovered a little from the "87 stock disaster", and the turbulent situation last year has once again severely damaged the confidence of many people!

It can be said that in the 1980s, Hong Kong has been in a precarious situation. Even if the British capital wanted to retreat, they would not have the chance to take it too calmly! Now that the deadline for Hong Kong's return to China is getting closer and closer, those capitals who are not optimistic about Hong Kong's future will surely become more and more restless!

In another time and space, since the 1990s in Hong Kong, the asset bubbles in the property market and stock market have been so serious that when the Asian financial crisis burst this balloon, it caused serious harm to the entire Hong Kong society!

Part of the reason for this is that China has accelerated the pace of reform and opening up, and a large number of foreign capital has used Hong Kong as a bridgehead to enter the Chinese market, thus promoting the prosperity of Hong Kong's economy!

But apart from that, Li Xuan would definitely not believe it if the British Hong Kong authorities and the British capital eager to withdraw from Hong Kong did not contribute to the flames!

If the Hong Kong stock market does not maintain its prosperity, how can the Mandarin Oriental Hotel and Dairy International Company under the Landmark Company in another time and space be listed on the Hong Kong stock market calmly and earn a lot of money from Hong Kong investors!

Now, the Jardine Group has lost more than half of its essence after losing the Landmark Company. But Li Xuan is not ready to make other British capital better! This gluttonous feast of hunting is exactly the compensation he gave to other Chinese businessmen who may have suffered losses in the real estate business!

The era when the British ruled Hong Kong has passed. The action of hunting British capital is itself the best blow to the British ruling authority in Hong Kong! When the British Hong Kong authorities cannot even safeguard the interests of their own British people, how can outsiders trust their guarantees!

Of course, this time, Li Xuan is not going to take the lead in the charge as he did when he acquired Landmark! His main job now is to fire the first shot at the British, to dispel the fear of the British that others have unconsciously formed for a long time. With Li, the God of Wealth, in the front row to attract the attention of the British, so that others can let go of their psychological burdens!

As for whether other wealthy Chinese businessmen dare to follow Li Xuan's footsteps and fight against the British Hong Kong authorities, the most important thing is whether the benefits given by Li Xuan are large enough!

"Uncle Cheng, the gap between HK Electric under your name and CLP in the past two years has been widened!" Li Xuan looked at Li Jiacheng who was sitting opposite him, and said with a smile.

Hong Kong implements a franchise system for most public utilities. For example, the Hong Kong Telephone Company controlled by Li Xuan owns the franchise of all local telephone services in Hong Kong! The Hong Kong Electric Company, a subsidiary of the Cheung Kong Group, is also a franchise company responsible for the power business in Hong Kong.

It's just that the Hong Kong government has issued more than one power franchise. In addition to the Hong Kong Electric Company, which is controlled by Li Jiacheng, there is also the China Electric Power Company. Among them, the Hong Kong Electric Company is mainly responsible for the power supply business on Hong Kong Island, while the CLP Company is responsible for the power business on the other side of Victoria Harbour, Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories!

After nearly 150 years of development on Hong Kong Island, almost all its development potential has been tapped to the extreme. This has also led to the subsequent development potential of HK Electric, which has been severely restricted!

On the other hand, CLP is on the contrary. Since the 1950s, benefiting from the continuous development of the Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories, it has gradually overtaken its competitor, Hong Kong Electric, and has become the largest power company in Hong Kong!

"The urban capacity of Hong Kong Island is limited. This is an inherent obstacle that HK Electric cannot overcome. I wonder if Li Sheng has any good suggestions?" Li Jiacheng asked calmly. Li Xuan invited him to have tea with him today, presumably for no reason.

"Since you can't expand yourself, then buy your competitors!" Li Xuan said lightly.

A golden light flashed in Li Jiacheng's eyes, but he was still unmoved: "Li Sheng, you are joking, CLP's market value exceeds 0 billion, and Jiashi's shareholding ratio in this piece of meat has never been lower than 30%! In Hong Kong, except for Apart from you, Li Sheng, others who want to forcibly acquire it are still beyond their means!"

CLP has been in the hands of the Jewish-British Kadoorie family for nearly 80 years! The Kadoorie family has managed CLP for three consecutive generations. This company is their lifeblood, and there is absolutely no possibility of selling it!

"We have an old saying in China that there is no difficulty in the world, only those who are willing! I heard a news recently that the Liang family was willing to fade out of the hotel, and 30% of his shares had been captured by the 'stock sniper' Liu Ruanxiong. We will attack soon!" Li Xuan said a no-brainer.

The big hotel in Li Xuan's mouth refers to the Hong Kong-listed company - Hong Kong Shanghai-Shanghai Hotel Group. The business was founded in 1866 by the Kadoorie family and initially operated in Shanghai-Shanghai before moving to Hong Kong after 1949. One of the most famous hotels in Hong Kong - Peninsula Hotel, this is its famous brand!

Although the Kadoorie family is the founder of the hotel group, due to the large amount of capital invested in the power business later, the Kadoorie family now has only about 10 shares of the hotel group.

It's just that in the mid-1970s, when Liang Zhonghao, the son of Hong Kong's billionaire Liang Chang, became the largest shareholder of the hotel group, he had an agreement with the Kadoorie family that he would not interfere with the other party's control over the hotel business. Therefore, the outside world still regards the hotel group as the property of the Kadoorie family!

Compared with Liang Zhonghao, who had a gentleman's agreement with the Kadoorie family in advance, Liu Ruanxiong, who has only become famous in the Hong Kong stock market in recent years, is by no means a good person!

The way he ran rampant in the Hong Kong stock market was nothing more than to select listed companies whose major shareholders held low shares, and then let out the rumor that he was preparing for a comprehensive acquisition. In order to ensure that their control over the company will not be lost, the major shareholders have to raise funds at a high price to carry out a reverse takeover!

And once Liu Ruanxiong felt that nothing could be done, he would take advantage of the opportunity of repurchase by the major shareholder to quickly sell the shares he had absorbed at a low price in the early stage at a high price, so as to make a big profit!

In every company targeted by Liu Ruanxiong, even if the original major shareholder was not kicked out of the company, he would be slaughtered by Liu Ruanxiong in the battle for control of the company, thus making him a success in the Hong Kong stock market. The illustrious name!

Li Jiacheng naturally knows the origin of Liu Ruanxiong's title of "stock sniper"! Since the other party is eyeing the big hotel, it means that the Kadoorie family will soon encounter big trouble. In order to compete with Liu Ruanxiong for the control of the hotel group, the Kadoorie family will definitely move away from CLP!

If Li Jiacheng wants to acquire CLP, this is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity! But he still couldn't make up his mind immediately, because after all, this was a business involving tens of billions of dollars, and the risks involved made him hesitate!

Li Jiacheng's usual practice is to make money with peace. Before whether it was the acquisition of Hutchison Whampoa or Wharf, he never thought of breaking his face with his opponent! It is precisely because of this that he originally set his sights on the Wharf earlier than the charter king, and finally chose to give the opportunity to the charter king!

"By the way, I have 145 shares of CLP in my hand. If Uncle Cheng is interested in CLP, I don't mind transferring this part of the shares to you!" Li Xuan smiled and threw a bait.

The shares of CLP controlled by the Kadoorie family are only about 0. After Li Jiacheng received the 145 shares transferred by Li Xuan, the gap with the other party was only 15.

And Li Jiacheng still has the opportunity to continue to secretly absorb scattered shares in the secondary market before he finally announces his plan. As long as he operates properly, he has every opportunity to reduce the share gap between himself and the Kadoorie family to less than 10, which greatly increases the possibility of a successful final acquisition! .

Thinking of this, Li Jiacheng, even though he has always claimed to be experienced, can't hold back at this time! Li Xuan took some of the other's subtle actions into his eyes, and the smile on his face couldn't help but brighten a bit!

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